With a sneer, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, as if something she loved was being missed.

"Mr. Tianyu, can you..."

Kazama Xiaoxue just wanted to say something.

It was interrupted by Tsunade.

"Miss Kazama, in view of the change in the entrusted tasks, your economic team can no longer follow you to the country of snow. The resumption of the entrustment will involve fighting. If you bring so many civilians, then we will be very happy. It's hard to keep you safe."

Tsunade said with a smile, stood up from the seat, and walked between Tian Yu and Kazama Koyuki.

Cut off Xiaoxue Fengjian's gaze towards Tian Yu.

"Yes, I don't want to involve the agent when I return to China."

Xiaoxue Fengjian nodded and agreed.

However, Koyuki Kazama seemed to sense Tsunade's faint hostility towards him.

She didn't say much.

"If that's the case, then leave early, and you can solve the problem of the Snow Country and come back early."

Tian Yu nodded and walked out of the office.

Kazama Koyuki nodded at Tsunade and left together.

Konoha Village.

Naruto is waiting for Tian Yu here.

It seemed that the waiting was a little boring, and Naruto was squatting on the ground, drawing pictures on the ground with stones.

Tian Yu walked over quietly and saw Naruto drew two little people on the ground.

The two villains seemed to be fighting, with one hand rubbing a ball, while the other hand released lightning.

At a glance, it is clear that Naruto painted him and Sasuke.


Unexpectedly, Naruto is also a soul painter.

So quickly captured the essence of painting.

"Naruto, what are you doing?"

Tian Yu looked at Naruto with a smile and asked.

"Ah. Big Brother Tianyu, nothing!"

Naruto waved his hands hastily, while hiding the painting on the ground with his body.

Tian Yu saw this scene and did not break it.

"Let's go, it will take three days to go to the Snow Country, and we have to hurry."


Naruto nodded vigorously, then followed Tian Yu.

After walking a few steps, Tian Yu glanced at Naruto, and then pretended to be indifferent: "I went to Orochimaru before and gave Orochimaru a sample of Garrel's Stone, and I can see Orochimaru. Maru takes Sasuke very seriously and treats him well, so you don't have to worry about it."

Hear this.

Naruto's face suddenly flushed red.

"Big Brother Tianyu, I didn't care about Sasuke, that guy, that guy..."

Naruto spoke for a long time, but he was always unable to speak.

"Okay, don't say it, Sasuke is fine, and Orochimaru also said that after Sasuke returns from school, he wants to compete with you to see which of the two of you is stronger, so ah, when the time comes You don't want to lose to Sasuke."

Tian Yu smiled.

"I don't know, I'm good, Sexianren taught me Spiral Pill, and Big Brother Tianyu, you help me make a training plan, I won't lose to Sasuke."

When Naruto heard this, he said seriously as if he was inspired.

"Well, I believe you!"

Naruto smiled.

Several people walk through the forest.

After walking for a day, I finally came to the border of the Fire Nation.

Going north from here, you can reach a port for a while, and from there, you can reach the country of snow in two days by boat.

Speechless all the way.

"have a rest."

The day passed quickly, and after the sun went down, Tian Yu found a clearing in the forest.

After arranging for everyone to rest, Tian Yu took out the rice ball and handed it to Naruto and Kazama Xiaoxue.

This rice ball is made for him by Tian Tian and Hinata, and it tastes very good.

"Hey, I know that every time I go out with Big Brother Tianyu, I can't be hungry. Unlike other times when I go out with Kakashi-sensei and Sakura, they always go out to eat ration pills. I'm not hungry, but it tastes really bad."

Naruto couldn't help complaining.

"Okay, what are you complaining about? Bingliangwan's function itself is to quickly eliminate hunger, and of course it won't be delicious, but that thing is very convenient, and it is easier to carry than rice **** and the like. many."

Tian Yu couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, I know this, it's because I know this, that's why I say it's best to go out with Big Brother Tianyu, because you can eat delicious rice **** every time, right, Princess Fengyun, Snow Country is What's it like?"

Naruto asked while looking at Xiaoxue Kazama while eating the ball.

Naruto had never been to the Snow Country, and was very curious about it.

"There, the country of snow, my hometown has accumulated ice and snow all year round, and there are huge glaciers there. According to rumors, when the sun shines on the glaciers in spring, colorful lights will appear. At that time The colorful ore can be mined, and this ore can help the country of snow forge the strongest weapons, and it can also bring hope to the country of snow.”

Kazama Koyuki recalls the events of the Snow Country.

It has only been three years since she left the country of snow to become Fuji Kaze-e.

But in the past three years, the name of Xiaoxue in the middle of the stroke seems to have happened in a previous life.

Now let her recall the matter of the Snow Country, it still makes her feel like a lifetime.

"Colorful ore? Isn't it beautiful? Can it be used to make the strongest weapon, stronger than those ninja tools forged by Big Brother Tianyu?"

When Naruto heard this, his eyes sparkled.

After all, the effects of those ninja tools forged by Tianyu are not generally good, and they can often play miraculous effects on the battlefield.

Konoha's ninjas used these ninja tools, and I don't know how many problems they have gone through.

So when Naruto thinks of ore, he thinks of Tianyu's ninja tools.

"I have no idea?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Kazama Koyuki shook his head.

"I don't know how strong the weapons forged with colorful ore are, because no one can mine the colorful ore, the snow country is snowed all year round, and the moment the snow never melts, the ice never disappears. There is no spring in the Snow Country, and naturally there is no way to see the colorful ice walls!"

Xiaoxue in the wind smiled bitterly.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you believe, you will see it sooner or later, and I believe this day will come soon."

Naruto smiled and said, he was still so optimistic.

It's just that Naruto still doesn't understand, if the Snow Country is still in such a state of misery.

The colorful ice wall will never appear, and the spring of the Snow Country will never come.

Chapter 230 Attack on the Ship


Kazama Xiaoxue glanced at Naruto.

Then she lowered her head. In her memory, the Snow Country had some snow that never melted all year round.

The white snow piled up in her heart like a heavy burden.

When my father died later, the pressure exploded directly.

She finally couldn't bear it anymore and fled from here passively.

But now it seems that her escape is useless at all.

After all, she still has to go back to the Snow Country to face her uncle.

Tian Yu looked at Xiaoxue in the wind.

did not speak.

After eating the rice balls, everyone prepares to rest.

Tian Yu glanced behind him and said nothing.

They finally reached the ferry at noon the next day.

There is exactly one boat here, and there is basically only one boat going to the Snow Country a week. Fortunately, they caught up in time.

After getting on the boat, the boatman did not talk to them, but just drove the boat away.

She didn't sleep well last night, Xiaoxue went to the cabin first to make up for her sleep, and Naruto followed her to protect her safety.

As for Tian Yu, he stood on the deck and looked into the distance.

The distance from the shore was getting farther and farther, and mist gradually appeared on the endless sea.

The line of sight is blocked, making it difficult to see the distance.

"Boatman, how long do we have to go to the Snow Country now?"

Tian Yu stood on the deck and asked the boatman who was rowing silently.

"If there is no wind and waves at the smooth sea, we can arrive at this time tomorrow, but if there are wind and waves at night, we need to borrow a small island above it, and we can't catch the night road at night, so how can we go to the country of snow. It's the morning of the third day."

The boatman answered.

"Although the Snow Country is a beautiful place, it is too cold to travel in the past, and the three of you are ninjas, right? Is there any mission to go to the Snow Country?"

The boatman looked at Tian Yu and asked.

"I don't think it's a good thing for a boatman to know what our mission will be. Just do your thing with peace of mind."

Tian Yu glanced at the boatman and said lightly.

"Okay, guest!"

The boatman lowered his head and smiled when he heard this.

Then he stopped talking and continued rowing.

The fog on the sea was getting thicker and thicker, and the front could not be seen all around. The boatman lit a lamp and hung it on the bow to illuminate the surrounding roads.

At this moment, the sky was completely dark.

The fog around it seemed even more invisible.

Tian Yu stood on the deck for a day, and the tails behind them were still following and never disappeared.

At night, Tian Yu turned around to enter the cabin.

The next moment, the accident happened suddenly.

The boatman started directly, and Kunai and Shuriken attacked Tian Yu as if they didn't want money.

"Water escape, water dragon bomb!"

"Water escape, water whip!"

At the same time, the two ninjutsus also attacked directly in the direction of Tian Yu.

A huge water dragon rose from the sea and rushed towards Tianyu, while the other side of the water flowed into a long whip, which also swept towards Tianyu.

The two attacks blocked all the roads that Tian Yu avoided.

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