After all, the current boat is not an electrical system, but needs to rely on people to slide.

"That's it!"

Tian Yu smiled.

Immediately, Naruto felt as if something bad was staring at him.


Noon on the second day.

The three disembarked together, but at this time, Naruto fell asleep on Tian Yu's back.

After all, dozens of shadow clones rowing together or something is indeed too exhausting.

"How long will it take to reach the capital of the Snow Country?"

Tian Yu frowned as he looked at the snow that never melted all the year round.

"Going further, you will be able to reach the capital of the Snow Country in about a day. Although I have not returned to the Snow Country in recent years, I also know that the Snow Country has built a building under the leadership of the raging waves in the wind. The fort, there are many ninjas stationed in the fort, and there are a lot of defensive weapons, if we must go in, the fort will stop us."

Xiaoxue Fengjian looked at Tian Yu and replied.

"Fortress, that's not a problem, let's go."

Tian Yu didn't take that fort in his eyes, after all, no matter what the fort was, there were weaknesses.


At the same time, the capital of the Snow Country, the fortress.

Fubuki was kneeling in front of the raging waves in the wind.

Fubuki is really the only female ninja who escaped from Tianyu's hands.

"Did you mean Wolf Fang Avalanche and Winter Bear Frozen Rain all died?"

The angry waves in the wind looked at the blowing snow road.

"Yes, they are all dead, at the hands of the Konoha ninja, and their subordinates managed to escape back." Fubuki didn't want to recall what happened before.

It seemed that in an instant, her companion died in the cruelest way.

Thinking about it now is enough to be the nightmare of her life.

"Useless things, I asked you to bring Xiaoxue Fengjian back to me. Not only can you not do it, but you also killed three companions, which is ridiculous!"

When Fengjian Nutao heard this, he laughed angrily.

"But my lord, that Konoha's ninja is really powerful, his strength has already surpassed the shadow level, we can't deal with it, and even the chakra armor has no effect on him at all, we I've tried my best."

Fubuki couldn't help but defend.

After all, it's not that they don't work hard, but the opponent is too strong.

They are not on the same level at all, so how can they fight?

That Konoha ninja, Tianyu, they don't need to use their full strength at all.

Just one move killed the three of them.

But if the three of them want to deal with Tian Yu, they have to use all their power.

And if you are a little careless, Tian Yu will catch the opportunity to fight back.

The difference is simply the difference between clouds and mud.

"Do your best, you are just making excuses for your own failures. I don't want to listen to your excuses. What I want to see is the result. Anyway, I will give you another chance. This time I want you to go to Xiaoxue Fengjian. Bring me the hexagonal ice crystal on your chest, if you fail this time, don't blame me for being rude to you."

The angry waves in the wind said sharply.

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing this, Fubuki felt a pain in his heart.

Letting her deal with Konoha's people alone is to let her die.

But if she doesn't agree, the raging wind in front of her will kill her in the next moment.

So we can only take one step at a time.


"The hexagonal ice crystal on your chest should be the relic left by your father."

Tian Yu suddenly remembered that in the original book, this hexagonal ice crystal can open the rainbow ice wall.

The rainbow ice wall not only has very good ore, but also can restore the snow country to spring.

For the Snow Country, it can be said to be very important.

"Well, this is the last thing my father left me, and I have always kept it well."

Kazama Xiaoxue held the hexagonal ice crystal in her hand and couldn't help recalling how happy she was when she was with her father.

"Then keep it well, maybe it will play a big role later."

Tian Yu said casually.

The three continued on their way.

When they approached the capital of the Snow Country, the sky was completely dark.

The three of them had to camp and rest on the spot.

After the tents and tents were tied up, Naruto went straight to sleep.

Even after resting for a day, his physical strength still did not recover.

But fortunately, in Naruto's body, there are nine-tailed chakras, so Naruto is just tired.

Outside, the cold wind was howling.

Tianyu is eating hot ramen.

This ramen was bought by Tian Yu at the Yile Ramen shop before he left, and he threw it in the space after buying it.

It still looks like it's just done now.

In the icy environment, being able to eat such a bowl of warm ramen is really a kind of ultimate enjoyment.

But Xiaoxue Fengjian looked at Tian Yu and smiled.

"What's wrong?"


Xiaoxue Fengjian hurriedly waved her hand.

"I just think it's surprising that you can take out these things at any time."

Xiaoxue Fengjian smiled.

After all, the rice **** in the past can still be said to be packed in a ninja bag, but the current ramen is not clear.

"Oh, this, this is the ninja tool I forged. It contains an independent small space that can be used to store items. When you go out, you can carry such a thing on your back, and you can pack lightly!"

Tian Yu explained with a smile.

"Oh, if that's the case, then this thing is really useful, but you just said this thing is a ninja tool, which means I can buy it at Konoha, right?"

Kazama Xiaoxue asked in surprise.

After all, time and space ninjutsu has always been the top secret in the ninja world.

Except for a few big guys who can learn, others don't even have the qualifications to know.

Not to mention the use of time-space ninjutsu on ninja tools.

"more or less."

Tian Yu didn't want to explain to Kazama Xiaoxue what an independent small space was. Anyway, it was similar to time-space ninjutsu, both connected to an independent space.

She can understand how she wants to understand.

Chapter 234 Reaching the Fortress

This is a place close to the capital of the Snow Country, so it should be a prosperous town.

But because the current daimyo of the Snow Country, Raging Waves Kazama hired ninjas to build a fortress.

No villager dared to live here.

They were all afraid of being wounded by the weapons in the fort.

So they all moved to places far from the capital.

Those places are very desolate, which also leads to the low income of the people in Snow Country.

Once Kazama Xiaoxue's father, when Kazama Zaoxue was still there, the country of snow attracted a lot of tourists because of the rainbow ice wall.

But now the rainbow ice wall has disappeared, and some places have become desolate places.

If no one takes care of it, naturally there will be no tourists coming.

The income of the people here has also plummeted.

Coupled with the various policies implemented by the wind and the raging waves.

It also made these people in the Snow Country dare not speak out!

They are all looking forward to Xiaoxue Fengjian to return to the country of snow and take control of this country.

In this way, they can also live a good life.

Otherwise, the country of snow will become a country of blood sooner or later.

Silent all night.

The next morning they packed up their tents and tents, and then headed for the capital again.

Only this time, they encountered the reconnaissance troop sent by the wind.

On the vast expanse of snow, only Tian Yu and the three of them wore black robes.

Naturally became the object of investigation by others.

It was only because of Fubuki's words earlier.

These people did not dare to take action against Tian Yu.

After all, even the wolf tooth avalanche and the winter bear freezing rain were dead.

Then they faced Tian Yu, and they were just delivering food.

So these people want to investigate Tianyu's actions, and then make the next report.

It's just a pity that these people may have been staying in the country of snow and never went outside to see it.

He became a little arrogant, or, in other words, thought that there were five major countries outside. The current strength is similar to that of the Snow Country.

They seriously underestimated the strength of the Konoha Ninja.

"Big Brother Tianyu, are those ninjas who came to investigate for real?"

Naruto asked impatiently.

When asked, Naruto's expression was a little strange.

After all, the actions of these people are really too strange.

Naruto rested for a night, and once again became full of energy.

"Of course, didn't you see that they all wear forehead guards on their heads, they are indeed the capital guard ninjas of the Snow Country!"

Tian Yu said with a smile.

"If that's the case, then their reconnaissance is really bad. When they got close to us, I was already aware of it. To be honest, if it was placed in Konoha, this level would be caught by Iruka. The teacher judged it to be a failure."

Naruto couldn't help complaining.

"Who knows, maybe failing is their normal state, don't think about it, let's go."

Tian Yu smiled.

To be honest, the strength of this exploration force is pitifully weak.

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