In Tian Yu's eyes, they were no different from ordinary people. If they really wanted to kill them, it would be a bit of a bargain.

only. They can't be allowed to follow behind.

Otherwise, if the news spreads out and he can't even solve it with a few followers, that's not good.

The three continued on their way, with a short distance of a few hundred meters, and completely threw away the investigators.

And the few scout ninjas were stunned when they saw that they were thrown away.

"It seems that they have discovered us, and quickly returned to the fortress to report to the big name."

These ninjas are not entangled, and after the failure of tracking, they all returned to the fortress.

Tian Yu and the others finally came to a wood near the capital.

Look at that huge fortress.

Above the snow field, this black steel giant is extremely obvious.

Located in the most visible place.

Behind this fort is the real capital of the Snow Country, Snow City.

It seems that if you want to go to Snow Wind City, you can only break through the fortress in front of you.

There are two ways to deal with this fortress.

The first is to use strength to crush the past in an open and honest way. It can be said that Tianyu definitely has this power now.

This is the country of snow, and these people are no opponents when Hingrenwan comes out.

But the only fear is that the enemy will detonate Snowstorm in a desperate situation.

In this way, even if they can destroy the enemy, the Snow Country will suffer huge economic losses.

Maybe it is impossible to pay the commission fee this time.

So this option passes directly.

Then only the second option remains.

It is to sneak directly into this steel fortress and kill all the defenders inside.

Then, the anger in the wind was taken back, and Xiaoxue Fengjian was left to deal with it.

In this way, not only can Snow Wind City be preserved, but the steel fortress can also be preserved intact.

It is the most economical plan.

It's just that the only point is to carry out this plan, and he must go alone.

Then Kazama Koyuki is bound to be protected by Naruto.

This is where Tian Yu is a little worried.

After all, Naruto is just a ninja, and if something happens to Kazama Koyuki, it will affect Konoha's reputation.

"Brother Tianyu, you can go in peace. Believe me, I will be able to protect Sister Xiaoxue. Don't forget that I am a hero's child, and Brother Tianyu has instructed me to practice before."

Naruto seemed to see Tian Yu's concerns and spoke directly.

Naruto put his fist on his heart, as if to assure Tianyu that he would be able to protect Xiaoxue Kazama.

"Okay, I believe in you, then Princess Kazama, you can stay with Naruto for the next period of time, please remember to obey Naruto's words, don't run around, be careful, and wait for me to come back. "

Tian Yu glanced at Xiaoxue in the wind.

After experiencing a series of events on the ship, Tian Yu's attitude towards Xiaoxue Fengjian has also improved a lot.

At least it's not like treating a stranger, and it's starting to have a little gentleness.

"Well, I will follow Naruto well, and I hope you can come back safely."

Kazama Xiaoxuebei bit her lip and said.


Tian Yu nodded.

Then he didn't say more, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place after a few jumps.

Xiaoxue Fengjian looked at the direction where Tian Yu was leaving, and couldn't return to her senses for a long time.

"Sister Xiaoxue, let's get out of here quickly and find a safe place to stay. It's too exposed here and they will find out."

Naruto looked around.

There are no traces of ninjas found here, but they will definitely be found if they are too close to the fortress.

"it is good!"

Xiaoxue Fengjian reluctantly retracted her gaze.

Then he and Naruto left here.

Chapter 235 Release the Rebel Army

Tianyu turned in from the vent of the fortress.

The interior of the fort is built like a real fortress.

There are levels everywhere.

It looks very strict, but these are not difficult to Tianyu.

A few turns over to avoid these patrolling ninjas.

Tian Yu first came to the bottom of this fortress.

This is the bottom layer of the fortress.

It is also the prison of the Snow Country.

If he remembered correctly, there should be many guards from the Snow Country detained here.

These guards belong to the early snow in the wind.

After the raging waves in the wind usurped the throne, he always wanted to restore the country of snow.

It's just a pity that their strength is not as strong as the ninjas of the Snow Country.

So the final outcome is to be caught one by one in prison.

And the first thing Tian Yu has to do is to release them all.

After all, in this way, he and Kazama Xiaoxue can charge more commission fees.

Security in the prison is very tight.

There are guards in front of almost every cell door.

It's just that when these people face Tian Yu, none of them are enough to watch.


With a small voice sounded.

The guard seemed to have heard some unusual voices, and he wanted to turn his head in confusion to see what his voice was.

But the next moment he saw the picture of his head and body being separated.


The guard opened his mouth to shout.

But he couldn't say a word and fell directly to the ground.

The blood that should have burst out was completely frozen under the power of Hing Lun Maru.

The guard just fell in front of the prison.

"what happened?"

The rebels, who were originally detained in the prison, watched this scene and did not understand what happened, and the prison door was opened.

"Come out, go quickly, don't stay!"

Tian Yu only faced the people inside, and after saying such a sentence, he ran to the next prison door.

After all the guards were dealt with, the imprisoned rebels came out one by one.

Then they saw that except the first guard was beheaded.

The other guards were frozen into ice sculptures.

Such attacks all happen silently, when people are just reacting.

It's all over.

"This... what's going on here?"

A leader who seemed to be the rebel army looked at Tian Yu with some doubts.

"The princess of the Snow Country, Xiaoxue Kazama, has returned. She entrusted the ninja of Konoha to help her with the task of restoring the country. I am the ninja who helped her to complete the great cause of restoring the country. Since you were once the famous name of the country of Snow, Kazama is early. Xue's subordinates, I rescue you, and you can work together to defeat the raging waves in the wind and regain the country of snow."

Tian Yu will explain the origin of the future.

And this also made the rebels in the prison extremely excited.

"That's great, Princess Snow is back."

"Yeah, I knew that Little Snow Princess would definitely come back."

"The country of snow has been saved, and the country of snow has been saved."

These rebels were all excited after hearing Tian Yu's words.

After all, the behavior of the raging waves in the wind is really a resentment.

Everyone wanted to kill him.

Now that Xiaoxue Fengjian is back, they believe that Xiaoxue Fengjian will definitely bring the long-lost spring to the Snow Country.

"You guys leave here first, I'll go to the anger in the wind, goodbye!"

After Tian Yu said this, he left immediately.

After Tian Yu left, these people in the resistance army once again took up the weapons left by the guards.

Start killing the others in the fort.

Soon the screams of killing filled the entire fortress.

The guards in the fort began to gather below the prison, trying to suppress the rebel army again.

This also made the guards in the upper part of the fort much more empty.

And this also allowed Tian Yu to successfully come to the interior of the fortress.

After solving a lot of enemies blocking the way, Tianyu successfully came to the room outside the wind and the raging waves.


The angry waves in the wind slapped Chuixue fiercely.

"You are all trash, everyone has been touched in the fortress, but no trace of anyone has been found. Since you are all trash, what's the use of me raising you?"

The anger in the wind was a little flustered in his heart.

After all, a ninja who can kill the wolf tooth avalanche is not easy to deal with.

If you let him come up, it is very likely that he will be silently attacked.

But fortunately, the interior of the fortress is now in chaos.

Then the possibility of him sneaking over has disappeared.

"Yes, we really didn't notice his actions by sight. This is indeed our mistake. Next, I will use my actions to make up for it. Please rest assured."

Fubuki didn't dare to say anything after being beaten.

After all, Raging Waves are nobles, and these ninjas are employed by these nobles.

Then the wind in the wind is her master.

She will never betray her master.

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