"Don't hurry up and find people back."

The angry waves in the wind scolded.


Fubuki was about to leave.

But the door to the next room was pushed open.

"Don't look for it, I brought it to the door myself."

Tian Yu looked at the angry waves in the wind and sneered.

However, after seeing the real raging waves in the wind that day, Yu was stunned for a moment.

To be honest, Xiaoxue in the wind is really beautiful, and she can be said to be a big beauty.

And in the family portrait that Xiaoxue Fengjian showed him, his mother was also a beauty, and his father was equally good-looking.

Such a family is enough to give birth to a beauty like Xiaoxue Fengjian.

But the raging waves in the wind are a bit long and sorry.

It was so nondescript, it was disgusting.

It seems that this raging wave in the wind should not be his own.

It was picked up.

"Blizzard, take it for me!"

Seeing this scene, Fengjian Nutao frowned, and suddenly said angrily.


Fubuki hurriedly stood in front of the raging waves in the wind.

"Oh, you are quite brave. After seeing me kill three of your companions, you dare to stand in front of me."

Tian Yu smiled when he saw Fubuki's actions.

"As long as I'm here, I'll never let you hurt Lord Kazama."

After Fubuki said these words firmly, he no longer hesitated.

Holding the ninja tool in his hand, he charged directly towards Tian Yu.

"Bing Dun, Yan Feixue!"

A large pile of ice and snow was ejected from the ninja gear in Fubuki's hand.

Immediately, the ice and snow turned into ice and snow swallows one after another in midair.

The feathers of these icy swallows are very sharp.

It's like one shuriken after another.

If you are caught up by this ice and snow swallow.

Then that person will be instantly cut into pieces by these ice and snow swallows.

Looking at these swallows, Tian Yu dodged the attack.

Chapter 236 The villains like to talk big

"Bing Dun, Four Pillars Prison!"

Fubuki made a seal with both hands again, and then performed the four-pillar prison technique.

Immediately, one after another icicles appeared on the ground, chasing the place where Tian Yu had settled.

The speed of these icicles is extremely fast.

If caught, Tian Yu will be locked in ice cubes as soon as possible.

However, these ninjutsu are useless to Tian Yu.

It can even be said that Tian Yu's dodging now is just playing with blowing snow.

He seemed to be walking around so leisurely, as if he was not in the enemy's fortress, but in his own back garden.

"Ice escape, ice spikes!"

Fubuki's two consecutive ninjutsu techniques have completely failed.

She looked a little anxious.

Then, as if he had made up his mind, he sealed his hands again.

Immediately, countless ice thorns appeared on the ground again.

As soon as this ice thorn appeared, it spread all over the house. Except for the place where Lu Tao and Chuixue stood, there were ice thorns everywhere.

Unless Tian Yu can fly.

Otherwise, you will definitely be pierced by ice piercings and die.

"Hmph, unless you can fly, otherwise I want to see how you are doing this time... It's impossible!"

Fubuki looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but said.

Because in front of her, behind Tian Yu was growing a pair of huge cyan wings.

These huge wings made Tian Yu fly in mid-air.

Just like a god.

This scene just seemed to be the best answer to her previous sentence.

Hey, dumbfounded, Lord can fly!

"Nothing is impossible, but you chose to resist, then you should know your fate."

Tian Yu no longer hesitated.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

At that moment, Kunai slid across Fubuki's body.

The chakra armor on her body was cut directly like tofu.

A large amount of blood was scattered.

She finally fell to the ground, and she lost her breath.

After solving the blowing snow.

Tian Yu looked at the raging waves in the wind again.

"Are you going with me, or will you come with me after I beat you to death?"

Tian Yu looked at the angry waves in the wind and said without hesitation.

Fengjian Nutao took a few steps back when he heard Tian Yu's words.

Then look at Tian Yu.

"You should be Konoha's ninja, hired by Kazama Xiaoxue to help her, but I don't think she has enough money to pay you, if you come to help me, no matter how much Kazama Xiaoxue promises to give you in the end , I can give you double."

The angry waves in the wind said uncontrollably.

Now there are only two people left in this room, he and Tian Yu.

He has already seen Tian Yu's ability, Chuixue is not an opponent, and it is no wonder that Wolf Fang Avalanche and Dongxiong Frozen Rain will die in his hands.

So even if he makes a move, it is estimated that it will not help.

Might as well try to convince him.

In this way, maybe he can gain a more powerful helper than those ninjas.

In this way, he can successfully obtain the power in the rainbow ice wall.

After he gets the power, he will be able to overthrow the rule of the five major countries in one fell swoop.

Let the whole world surrender to his feet.


When Tian Yu heard this, he couldn't help but smacked his tongue.

His move made Fengjian Nutao think that he had successfully persuaded Tianyu.

"Yes, it's double, even if you want more, I can give it to you, as long as you bring Xiaoxue Fengjian to me and give me the hexagonal ice crystal, then I will not only be able to Give you the money, and I can give you a lot of ore, which should be what Konoha needs, the ore for forging weapons, I can provide you with it!"

The angry waves in the wind continued.

He wanted to convince Tian Yu to help him.

Hearing his words, Tian Yu smiled.

"What you said really moved my heart. Xiaoxue Fengjian wanted to give me 400 million yuan. You said double is 800 million yuan. This amount of money is enough, but unfortunately, I refuse. To be a ninja requires integrity. , since I have accepted the task, then it must be completed, Xiaoxue Kazama's task is to help become a daimyo, catch you by the way, and let her handle it, then I will naturally complete this task."

"It's still what I said before, do you want to come with me, or let me beat you to half-death before taking you away."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Hmph, since it doesn't make sense, then there is only one battle, but don't underestimate me, the chakra armor on my body can enhance my own strength, and the ninjas in Xue Nin Village are also very powerful, I will Let you know the secrets of Xuelin Village."

"Bing Dun, Shuanglong strangling!"

The angry waves in the wind formed seals with both hands, and in an instant, two huge black dragons flew out from behind him. The two black dragons entwined each other and attacked Tianyu directly.

This kind of prestige is not weak at all.

Even when the two black dragons appeared, the walls in the room collapsed because they could not bear the power of the two black dragons.

Obviously, this blow is much stronger than the previous blows.

But all of this is in vain, in front of Tian Yu, the raging waves in the wind will not have any chance.

"The Eye of Three Gouyu!"

Tian Yu used the ninja tool, the eye of three hooks.

The next moment, the two black double dragons fell to the ground because they lost their strength.

And the raging waves in the wind also fell into the illusion and stopped moving.

His eyes also became dull.

Obviously, his consciousness is still in the illusion space.

"Let's go!"

Tian Yu ordered to the angry waves in the wind.


Because the wind in the wind was hit by Tian Yu's illusion, he is now obedient to Tian Yu.

Tian Yu walked out of the fortress with the raging waves of the wind.

! ...

And at the same time outside the fort.

Naruto is guarding the entrance of a cave.

Xiaoxue in the wind is hiding in the cave.

She also held a kunai in her hand.

Whenever an enemy breaks through Naruto's blockade and breaks in, she will use this Kunai to commit suicide.

Never let yourself fall into the hands of the enemy.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Naruto has already cast the shadow clone technique outside.

Hundreds of shadow clones swarmed up and instantly began to deal with the ninja army that broke into the cave.

Although Naruto is stubborn, his strength is not weak at all.

Right now, although these three people are Chunin, they can't do anything to Naruto for a while.

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