"Spiral pills!"

Even one of them was found by Naruto and severely injured with a spiral pill.

There are only two left now.

"Damn, Konoha's ninja, I advise you to get out of the way quickly, let us take Xiaoxue Fengjian away, otherwise, when your chakra is exhausted, it will be your death."

The ninja looked at Naruto and said sharply.

After all, this person believes that Naruto can't have so many chakras as support.

These shadow clones at the moment should not consume a large amount of Chakra supply all the time.

Chapter 237 The Root of Everything

So Naruto can't hold on for long, they only need to hold on until these shadow clones disappear.

You can directly take down Naruto.

However, if they know that Naruto is a vortex family, the chakra itself is as vast as the ocean, and Naruto can now get the nine-tailed chakra supplement from time to time.

If using these shadow clones can directly spend a day with them, I don't know how I feel.

"As a ninja, the most important goal is to complete the task given by the employer. My task is to protect Sister Xiaoxue. If you want to come over, you must step on my body!"

Naruto shouted sharply.

Then, instead of hesitating, he rushed forward on his own initiative.

"Ice escape, ice thorn!"

Those ninjas cast Ice Escape, and suddenly, countless ice thorns appeared on the ground, attacking Naruto and the others.

"Bang bang bang!"

As the spikes continued to appear, Naruto's shadow clones also turned into white smoke and disappeared one by one.

However, some shadow clones took advantage of the last opportunity and rushed to the front of those ninjas.

"Next, I'll show you my own Taijutsu, Naruto Uzumaki, 2,000 consecutive bombs!"

Naruto cooperated with the shadow clone without hesitation, and kicked the two ninjas into the air.

Then he learned Biao Lianhua's casting method, and the remaining dozens of shadow clones swarmed up in an instant.

Directly performed physical techniques, hitting their bodies.

"last blow!"

Naruto turned his body without hesitation and landed on the two ninjas.

Only heard a buzzing sound.

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground instantly came from the earth.

The two ninjas lost consciousness for a moment.

Apparently he was seriously injured by Naruto.

After finishing these two ninjas, Naruto's remaining shadow clones all disappeared.

Then Naruto leaned against the mountain wall and panted heavily.

After all, his current strength is only stamina, and Spiral Maru has not been able to fully cultivate successfully.

The attacks just launched have consumed too much of Naruto's power.

Now if an enemy appears in front of Naruto again, maybe both Naruto and Kazama Koyuki will be in danger at the same time.

"Naruto, are you alright?"

Kazama Xiaoxue came out of the cave without hesitation, walked in front of Naruto, and asked anxiously.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired. Just let me take it easy. Sister Xiaoxue, hurry in and rest, don't come out."

Naruto showed a bright smile to Xiaoxue Kazama, and then asked Xiaoxue Kazama to continue to return to the cave.

After all, Tian Yu hasn't come back yet, it's too dangerous outside.

"This, I..."

Before Kazama Koyuki could speak, a large number of ninjas appeared around them again.

"Sister Xiaoxue, go to the cave."

After Naruto saw these ninjas, he did not hesitate to hold Kunai in front of Kazama Koyuki, fully alert.

It's just that these ninjas this time seem to be a little different.

The one in the lead looked at Xiaoxue Kazama with some doubts, and then looked at Naruto again.

"Are you Little Snow Princess?"

The leading ninja asked impatiently.

"I am, you, you are Uncle Beizong!"

Kazama Koyuki also clearly recognized the leading ninja.

That was the captain of the **** team that his father Hayate Kazama used to be.

She still remembered that when she was very young, this Uncle Beizong took her to play around in Snow Wind City.

At that time, she was still happily riding on Beizong's neck.

But I didn't expect that so many years had passed in the blink of an eye.

She has grown up, and Beizong is old.

"Sure enough, it's Princess Snow. That's great. It turns out that the ninja didn't lie to us. Princess Snow is really coming back to take over the Snow Country, which is great."

After Beizong heard Xiaoxue Fengjian's answer, he was immediately excited.

These rebels were formed to resist the raging waves of the wind.

Now Xiaoxue Fengjian has returned to the Snow Country again, so one day, the Snow Country will be able to restore its former glory.


The others cheered again when they heard this.

And Naruto was relieved when he saw these ninjas, who turned out to be friendly troops.

It's good now, with so many people protecting Sister Xiaoxue, she can rest assured.

After gathering with this group of rebels.

Tian Yu also returned to the cave with the angry waves in the wind.

"Big Brother Tianyu, you're back!"

Naruto greeted Tian Yu as soon as he saw Tian Yu coming back.

"Well, I brought back the raging waves in the wind. As for what to do with it, you have the final say."

Tian Yu smiled and rubbed Naruto's head, then looked at Xiaoxue Kazama.

Xiaoxue Fengjian stood up as early as the moment Tianyu entered the cave.

Her eyes fell on Fengjian Nutao, but she still looked at Tian Yu more.

"Thank you!"

Xiaoxue Fengjian knew that it would take a lot of effort to catch the raging waves of the wind.

It wasn't as easy as Tian Yu showed.

"You're welcome, you only need to pay the rest of the commission fee. After all, your uncle gave me 800 million commission fees, but I refused. I still think it's still 400 million yuan. Don't be sorry."

Tian Yu smiled and joked.

"Don't worry, the commission fee will never be owed."

Xiaoxue Fengjian also smiled.

"Princess Xiaoxue, what should I do with the angry waves?"

Bei Zong came forward and asked.

These rebels hated the raging waves in the wind.

Because they have a lot of brothers who are folded in the hands of the wind and waves.

Right now, the raging waves in the wind have just fallen into their hands, so of course they will kill him.

In this way, it became a heroic soul to pay homage to the dead brothers.

"Tianyu, please remove his illusion, I still have a few words to ask him."

Xiaoxue Fengjian looked at the angry waves in the wind, she was trying hard to restrain the thought of killing the angry waves in the wind.

Because she still has a few questions to ask.

Tian Yu didn't speak, just unlocked the illusion of the Eye of Sangouyu.

"What's the matter? What is this place?"

When the illusion was unraveled, the wind raged. He looked around in surprise.

But when he saw those rebels and Xiaoxue in the wind.

The raging waves in the wind understood everything.

Now this is no longer his fortress, but the cave outside.

"The wind is raging, why did you attack your father in the first place? I still can't understand, although you are not the ruler of this country, but your father is not rude to you, he gave you the position of prince, and let you be clothed in fine clothes and jade food. , but you, you killed your father, why is that?"

Xiaoxue Fengjian wanted to ask what was going on.

Chapter 238 Rainbow Ice Wall

"Your father is too weak. When faced with the ore requested by the five major countries, he did not dare to refuse. He would only talk about peace pitifully. Our country of snow is too weak and has no absolute strength. Why talk to people about peace!"

The anger in the wind answered without hesitation.

"This, this is not the reason why you killed my father, we are weak, but we can gradually become stronger, instead of hiring these ninjas, now the country of snow under your rule has already festered, and no one really accepts it. Your rule, everyone is looking forward to overthrowing you, is that what you seek to become stronger?"

"What's more important is that I didn't see the Snow Country becoming stronger at all. On the contrary, I think he is even weaker, because the people here can't even beat a child of Konoha. I don't think it is too much. Is it funny?"

Xiaoxue roared in the wind.

She really couldn't understand that the wind in the wind was such a person.

She had even been afraid of him before.

Now that I think about it, she was completely dizzy at that time.

"That's because, because you took away the hexagonal ice crystals, I couldn't open the rainbow ice wall at all to get the power inside, and I couldn't even mine rainbow ore and build weapons, which made my plan fall short!"

"Otherwise, I am afraid that I would have already obtained the power to defeat the five major countries and unify the whole world."

Fengjian Nutao looked at Fengjian Xiaoxue and roared.

From Fengjian Nutao's point of view, it was Xiaoxue Fengjian that hindered his great cause of unification.

But listening to the words of the angry waves in the wind, Tian Yu only thought it was ridiculous.

surpassing the power of the five great powers.

If it is the other four Ninja villages, it may still be possible.

But beyond Konoha, what are you thinking?

Don't talk about the battles that will happen later, just talk about the previous battles, which one is not Konoha's final victory.

The first generation of Naruto Senju is also known as the **** of ninjas, and Uchiha Madara is also known as Ninja Shura.

The tailed beast is incomparably powerful, but it was distributed directly by Senju Zhuma as a commodity that balances the strength of various countries.

No other country has this power at all.

It can be said that the ninjas of Konoha are basically the ones who cause turmoil in the ninja world every time.

This raging wave in the wind is actually too embarrassed to say that it can gain power beyond the five major countries.

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