Simply ridiculous.

"Ding, the system releases the task to get rainbow ice crystals, system rewards, and Gaia's shield blueprint."

At this moment, the system that had not had news for a long time also issued a task again.

The moment he heard the mission description, Tian Yu understood that rainbow ice crystals should be obtained from the rainbow ice wall.

But don't worry, according to the development of the plot, the rainbow ice wall will definitely be opened.

At that time, he will find a chance to get the rainbow ice crystal.

"What are you kidding? You have no idea how powerful the ninjas outside are. Your so-called power that can surpass the ninjas of the five countries is just a joke."

Xiaoxue Fengjian scolded Fengjian Nutao without hesitation.

Kazama Koyuki once thought that ninjas from other countries were nothing more than that.

But when she went out and saw Konoha's ninja seeing other ninjas, she realized that before she was simply watching the sky.

Konoha's ninjas are powerful, and they are simply not comparable to them.

There are other villages, and those ninjas have all kinds of powers.

More powerful than these ninjas in the Snow Country, even the chakra armor they are proud of is nothing more than that in the eyes of others.

"You are talking nonsense!"

Fengjian Nutao still doesn't believe Fengjian Xiaoxue's words.

In his opinion, Xiaoxue Fengjian is a loser.

"Okay, since you are really so determined, then I'll take you to see if the power behind the Rainbow Ice Wall is as powerful as you describe it, and take him to the Rainbow Ice Wall."

Kazama Koyuki ordered the rebels to take the people away.


The leader of the resistance army found two people to take away the raging waves in the wind. Xiaoxue in the wind took the initiative to walk towards the direction of the rainbow ice wall, and Tianyu and Naruto followed behind them.

"Brother Tianyu, is there really such a powerful force behind the rainbow ice wall?"

Naruto was still a little suspicious at this time.

Naruto is no longer the stupid white sweet he used to be. After a month of teaching from Tian Yu and Minato Namikaze, Naruto has become more and more powerful.

The way of thinking is no longer, can only see the appearance in front of you.

Instead, he began to dig deeper into it.

If the rainbow ice wall really has such a powerful force, it will definitely cause competition among the five major countries.


Tian Yu directly shook his head.

Tian Yu still remembered this paragraph. When the rainbow ice wall was opened, in addition to the high-quality ores inside, there was also a geothermal device inside.

Hexagonal ice crystals could turn on that geothermal device, transforming the Snow Country from the freezing cold of winter to the warmth of spring.

It can be regarded as a weather converter.

But there is absolutely no power inside that can surpass the five great powers.

Even if there is, that thing must be in Konoha.

and not anywhere else.

"I can rest assured that."

Naruto smiled and patted his chest.

"Relax what?"

Tian Yu looked at Naruto in surprise and asked.

"Don't worry, Konoha won't be attacked. I still have fresh memories of the previous attacks. The people were all injured, and everyone was frightened. They were afraid that if they didn't pay attention, they would die."

When Naruto talked about the last battle, he was a little helpless.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I won't put the village in danger."

Tian Yu looked at Naruto's promise.

Tian Yu has grown up in Konoha since he was a child. He has been very affectionate with Konoha for thirteen years.

No matter what happens in the future, he will take good care of Konoha.

And more importantly, let Konoha thrive.

Stop being eroded by those dirty things.


With that said, everyone has come to the Rainbow Ice Wall.

This was originally a land of snow, a place to attract tourists. When the sun shines on the six ice walls around it, the ice and ice will reflect the sun's rays.

Exudes colorful colors.

At that time, if you take pictures here or hold any ceremony, you will have a beautiful scenery.

Therefore, there used to be a lot of buildings here, all of which are the traces left by the people of the Snow Country who opened shops and built houses here.

Only later, the rainbow ice wall no longer appeared, and the country of snow was also ruled by the raging waves of the wind.

Gradually, no one will come to Snow Country anymore.

Chapter 239 System Tasks

Everything here is discarded.

And now they are standing on the ruins of what they once were.

Xiaoxue Fengjian walked slowly to the center of the square.

In the center of this square, there is a small altar.

Kazama Xiaoxue took off the hexagonal ice crystal on his neck, and then inserted the hexagonal ice crystal into the hollow of the altar without hesitation.

In an instant, a blue light flashed across.

The light was spreading all around like a spider web.

The speed of diffusion is very fast, but in an instant, this speed has spread on the six ice walls around.

And with the appearance of light, the six ice walls also began to flash with colorful light.

It looks like a rainbow ice wall.

And in that instant, the surrounding earth was transformed from snow and ice into the warm sun of spring.

Flowers that only grow in spring appeared on the ground.

The surrounding area also changed from the bitter cold wind to the warm spring wind.

All this change happened in an instant.

But once again it surprised everyone.

"This, this is impossible!"

Looking at this scene, Fengjian Nutao's eyes widened.

He didn't believe at all that the power of the Rainbow Ice Wall was the only one.

In his imagination, once the power of the rainbow ice wall is opened, then he will merge with these powers.

His strength will surpass the shadow level in an instant.

He will also become a super master so that he can lead the army of the Snow Nation and conquer all parts of the world.

Turn all those places into the territory of the Snow Country.

But what he didn't expect was that the power of this rainbow ice wall only turned the snow and ice of the Snow Country into spring.

That's all.

"Nothing is impossible. My father was thinking of such a thing with me at the time. My father said that there are geothermal springs under the rainbow ice wall. If the power of geothermal can be used, the country of snow can be turned into spring. At that time, my father was already secretly building these devices, but it is a pity that you think that the rainbow ice wall contains the power that can surpass the five countries."

"The rebellion killed my father, as you can see now, there is no power here at all."

Xiaoxue Fengjian looked at the angry waves in the wind and said with gritted teeth.

"No, it's impossible. There, the rainbow ice wall has been opened. There must be the power I need there."

As he said, the wind broke away from the two rebels who were holding him, and then ran directly into the cave of the rainbow ice wall.

"catch him."

The order of light snow in the wind.


The rebels also reacted, chasing the angry waves in the wind directly into the cave.

"Naruto, Little Snow Princess Kazama, you two stay here, I'll go in and have a look."

After Tian Yu said this, he also entered the cave.

The cave on the rainbow ice wall is just a very ordinary Zhongru stone cave, or because the geothermal device is activated, it is very warm inside, and even the warm spring breeze is constantly blowing.

Shortly after entering the cave, Tian Yu could see that there were many ores of very good quality on the surrounding walls.

These ores can be refined into excellent materials, and the ninja tools created are strong and durable, and very sharp.

Absolutely excellent material.

And the further you go, the better the quality of the ore, and some even have various colors on them.

These ores are ores with attributes of the Five Elements.

It can be used to forge the Five Elements Ninja Tool, which can strengthen the power of the Ninja Tool.

This is undoubtedly an excellent raw material for Tianyu.

"Don't run!"

The voices of the rebels ahead grew louder and louder.

The footsteps of the angry waves in the wind also stopped.

Because they have come to the deepest part of the rainbow ice wall.

In a huge ice crystal here, there is a small piece of spar exuding colorful colors.

The spar exudes a very powerful light in the dark,

Tian Yu saw the spar at a glance.

It seems that it should be the rainbow ice crystal mentioned in the system task.

"Haha, I really found it. This is something that can rival the power of the five major countries."

After seeing the rainbow spar, the wind in the wind burst into laughter.

Then he started attacking the ice wall without hesitation, trying to take out the rainbow spar.


The power of the chakra armor on his body is exerted to the extreme.

One punch hit the ice wall.

Suddenly a deafening sound came out.

Even the surrounding earth trembled.

"No, stop him quickly. This ice wall is a support in the cave. If it is broken, we will all be buried alive."

The faces of the rebels changed greatly after seeing this scene.

He hurriedly stepped forward, trying to stop the raging waves in the wind.


"Bing Yun, Shuanglong kills each other!"

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