Tian Yu didn't like such an unruly princess.

More importantly, what he likes is Hinata.

"Oh, don't be like this, Brother Tianyu actually asked me to say, Sister Xiaoxue is not bad, she is good-looking and has a good family background, Brother Tianyu can really think about it, not to mention the good 丨 Seixianren But tell me, beautiful women like heroes, and Big Brother Tianyu is such a hero."

Naruto continued.

"Okay, don't talk about this issue again. After you go back, you only need to report the situation of the mission here. As for what happened just now, don't tell Tsunade and Hinata."

Tian Yu had a bad feeling in his heart.

If this matter is known by Hinata, it would be better to say, but if it is known by Tsunade.

I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult for him.


Three days later, Tian Yu and the others returned to Konoha.

Naruto Office!

"Okay, I already know what you said. Naruto Jirai has also returned. He asked me to inform you. If you come back, go back as soon as possible. He is waiting for you in the room. He has prepared the next one for you. Stages of practice!"

Tsunade looked at Naruto and said.

"Okay, Tsunade-sama... Hokage-sama!"

Naruto just wanted to call Tsunade Granny, but when he saw Tsunade's look in his eyes, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately changed his tune.

Then he ran out of Konoha's office without hesitation.

"Ah, so women are really scary."

Naruto thought and ran.

"You don't have to scare Naruto like that."

Tian Yu looked at Naruto's back and smiled helplessly.

Because of Naruto's appearance, he really has the stance of running away.


And Tsunade just snorted coldly after hearing Tian Yu's words.

"I've read the task form you submitted, and it's well done, and the commission fee has been received, and I will also give you your share. However, it seems that Kakashi has been out in the past two days. Some things, if you have time, please take a look at it, but the most important thing is that when you went to the country of snow this time, did that Xiaoxue in the wind say anything to you?"

Tsunade folded his hands together and looked up at Tian Yu with a bright smile.

But Tian Yu felt a dangerous aura from Tsunade's smile.

"What else can there be? But it's all about tasks, and I've already solved those."

Tian Yu replied with a smile.

"oh, I see!"

Tsunade nodded.

The tone was elongated, obviously not quite believing.

"Yeah, what else could it be like? Well, I haven't been back for nearly half a month. I'll go home and see Tian Tian and Hina Tian, ​​and I'll leave first."

Tian Yu couldn't resist Tsunade's question, turned around and ran out of Hokage's office.

That speed is almost catching up with Fei Lei Shen.


Tsunade snorted coldly and sat on the chair.

"Okay, Tsunade-sama, since Tianyu-sama's mission report didn't say anything about Kazama Xiaoxue, it didn't happen, and Kazama Xiaoxue has now become the famous name of the Snow Country, even if she If you want to come, you will have to report in advance, so don’t worry Tsunade-sama.”

Mute hugged the dolphin and comforted.

As a disciple of Tsunade, Mute certainly knew what Tsunade was thinking.

So it can only be comforted.

"Oh, I see, batch files."

Tsunade shook his head when he heard this, and once again began to review the documents in front of him.


on the street.

Tian Yu originally wanted to go home directly, but thinking about not seeing her for a long time, she still brought some gifts back to Tian Tian and the others.

By the way, I bought the ingredients for dinner at night.

Tian Yu took a detour and walked to Main Street.

But unexpectedly, Tian Yu saw Matekai and Xiao Li here.


To be precise, it was Matekai and Xiao Li and the group behind them.

The group of people in green jumpsuits.

I have to say that a group of people in green jumpsuits walked upside down on the street, that scene was really shocking.

"Mr. Metkay, what are you doing?"

Tian Yu reluctantly walked to Matekai's side and asked.

"Ah, it's Tian Yu, it's been a long time since I haven't seen you. Of course I'm cultivating. As for the people behind me, they're my new disciples, and they're practicing with me and Xiao Li now!"

After Matekai said this, he turned on his head and shouted loudly to the group of people behind him.

"Hey, you guys, if you want to be my disciple, you have to walk around Konoha upside down for fifty laps. You have to finish it before dinner tonight, otherwise I won't accept you as disciples, youth, that is. If you want to bleed and sweat, everyone should work hard."

After Matekai said this, he showed a standard smile with eight teeth.

When they heard this, the group of people behind them wailed.

Obviously, for such a request, they are really unable to complete it.

"Ms. Maitkay, in fact, sometimes training is done step by step. Of course you and Xiao Li are very good now, but they are newbies after all. If you directly follow your training intensity, it may be counterproductive. "

Tian Yu said helplessly.

That's what Matekai does.

I still remember when he was a student of Matekai, when his strength was not as strong as it is now.

Although it is not like Xiao Li, who has to walk Konoha upside down with him every day, but the training intensity is really too strong.

"That can't be done. These people want to come and learn Bamen Dunjia with me, but their physical strength is not up to the standard. If they want to learn Bamen Dunjia step by step, it will take at least two years. And now we don't have that long for them to learn, so if we don't keep up with my training, we're going to be eliminated."

"Besides, youth is all about sweating. If you can't work hard to be the best, then you don't have to waste time."

Metkay said something serious after a long absence.

"Well, okay, let's continue, but this scale must be well controlled."

Tian Yu replied.

"Well, I know, but Tian Yu, if you have time, go see Kakashi, this guy has always been a little restless recently, like something is going to happen, I'm always a little worried about him !"

Matt Kay frowned.

"Okay, I'll go see Kakashi."

Tian Yu frowned when he heard this.

Tsunade had said this to him when he was in the Hokage office before, and now Matekai has also said the same thing to him.

Chapter 242 Back to the village, Kakashi's situation

This shows that Kakashi has indeed encountered some problems, and this problem is not small.

what on earth is it?

Could it be that Obito harassed Kakashi in his dreams again?

This guy, there should be a limit to ntk.

Tian Yu frowned.

He always felt that something was wrong this time.

According to Shishui's news, the current Xiao organization has been lurking.

Waiting for a one-hit kill opportunity.

So Obito should not be monitoring Kakashi at will.

As for Kakashi's writing wheel.

If Obito wanted to take it back, I'm afraid he would have taken it back, but if he hasn't done it yet, it means that he doesn't want to take action against Kakashi.

But it does not rule out the possibility of Obito changing his mind.

After all, in Xiao's organization, several people have been lost at once.

"Well, I see, I'll definitely go see Kakashi when I'm free!"

Tian Yu nodded.

Soon, Matekai took Xiao Li and the people behind him to continue the practice of walking around Konoha upside down.

And Tian Yu also returned home.

"Brother, I miss you so much."

I haven't seen him for a long time, and when Tian Tian saw Tian Yu's appearance, he jumped into his arms directly.

"Long time no see, by the way, this is my gift to you, please accept it."

Tian Yu smiled and handed the gift to Tian Tian.


Tian Tian smiled and accepted the gift, and then put the ingredients bought by Tian Yu into the kitchen.

Finally, he walked in front of Tian Yu with a face full of gossip.

"Brother, I heard that Fuji Kazuyuki is super beautiful, isn't it?"

Tian Tian asked with a face of gossip.

"Why are you asking this?"

Tian Yu looked at Tian Tian a little curiously.

"Of course I want to know if she looks good or not!"

Tian Tian said loudly, and then slowly lowered his head under Tian Yu's gaze.

Then he looked at Tian Yu with some embarrassment.

"Actually, I'm asking for my sister-in-law, but Tsunade-sama said about the Fuji Fengxue-e, but he has some other ideas for you, so of course I have to ask you carefully, but I can't do anything. Something bad is coming!"

Said anxiously.

After all, she recognizes the sister-in-law Hinata very much. Not only is she from a famous family, but she is even more beautiful and charming, and her personality is also very gentle.

She is simply the best person to be a wife.

More importantly, Hinata is the kind of person who won't change his mind once he identifies with a person.

Such a person, Tian Tian thinks it is a hundred times as good as the Fuji Kaze-e he tried.

"What are you thinking about, he is the name of the Snow Country, and there is nothing between you and me, don't worry."

Tian Yu smiled directly.

Rubbing Tiantian's head, he said.

"Well, if that's the case, then it's better."

Hearing this every day, he smiled with satisfaction.

Soon after Tianyu returned, Hinata also returned.

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