This time Tiantian didn't ask Hinata to help in the kitchen, but instead pushed Hinata in front of Tianyu and let them both talk.

Hinata was very shy, but still asked about Tianyu's recent mission.

And said something like telling him not to be too tired.

Hearing Hinata's concern, Tianyu smiled.

Looking at Hinata's eyes is even more gentle.

Sure enough, his favorite is Hinata.

After eating and chatting, Tianyu sent Hinata back to the Hyuga clan.

He went back to his room to rest.

Early the next morning.

Just after Tian Yu woke up and finished washing, he planned to go to the training place to see what was going on there.

But Anbu, who was beside Tsunade, came to Tian Yu.

"Master Tianyu, Master Tsunade asked me to take you to the office!"

The Anbu kneeled in front of Tian Yu respectfully.

"Did something happen?"

Tian Yu looked at those Anbu, which were carefully selected from the village, and only selected after the first Hokage and the second Hokage personally checked.

It can be said that Tsunade is loyal and absolutely impossible to make any mistakes.

Now that Tsunade sent this Anbu over to pick him up, this is not an ordinary thing. "

"Lord Tianyu, we don't know about this matter. Lord Tsunade only told you to hurry to the office."

Anbu lowered his head and said to Tian Yu.

"it is good!"

Tian Yu nodded, and then came to the Hokage office as quickly as possible.

Just pushed open the door of Hokage's office.

Tianyu saw a man in a robe and a tall hat standing in front of Tsunade.

The clothes on this man looked very luxurious, and the hat on his head was inlaid with a feather crest.

At a glance, it is obvious that he is a nobleman.

"Tianyu, let me introduce to you, this is..."

"It's a daimyo's retainer!"

Tian Yu guessed the origin of the man in front of him.

"Hello, Your Excellency Tianyu, I am the daimyo's retainer, Fengtori. Because of the losses suffered by Konoha some time ago, the daimyo specially sent me here to take a look at Konoha's situation, and by the way, take Tsunade to meet the daimyo! "

The wind opened his mouth.

"I see!"

Tian Yu nodded, no wonder Tsunade asked him to hurry over early in the morning.

It turned out that the retainer of the big name came over.

It's no wonder that Daimyo is the supreme ruler of the country of fire. Konoha is just a ninja village under the country of fire. It can be regarded as one of the military forces of the country of fire. Now that the village is replaced by Hokage, it is natural to arrive. In the land of fire, the capital reported the news to the daimyo in person.

"Well, I have already discussed with Feng Tou, and I will leave tomorrow. Tian Yu will go to the country of fire this time. I want you to accompany me in person!"

Tsunade opened his mouth.

After all, the senior elders in the country of fire now, except for Koharu and Mito Menyan, who have already been taken over by Tsunade.

As for the two immortals, Xiaochun and Mito Menyan, if they go to the Land of Fire with him and report the news to the daimyo in the capital, maybe these two people will work in secret, which will hinder her.

So Tsunade had to go with Tian Yu, who was also an elder.

Besides, this is also the meaning of the second Hokage.

Tobirama, the second generation Hokage, is familiar with his disciples.

Both Sarutobi Hizen and Shimura Danzo are people with wolf ambitions, the only difference is that Sarutobi Hizen can cover up their ambitions well, while Shimura Danzo will not.

As for Mito Menyan and Koharu.

Mito Menyan is a person with no assertiveness, and he often follows whichever side is strong.

On the other hand, Xiaochun is a strong person, but he has no ability.

When Sarutobi Hidori was there before, he was able to suppress Koharu and Mito Menyan.

Now that Sarutobi Hizan is dead, Koharu's mind is naturally a little more alive when he goes to bed.

Chapter 243 People from the Kingdom of Fire

And Mito Kazuo will naturally act together with Kazuki Koharu!

Tsunade would not give them two such opportunities.

"No problem, but who do you want to hand over to Konoha's task?"

Tian Yu looked at Tsunade and asked.

"Of course it's the second grandpa. As early as when I was very young, the second grandpa was not Hokage at that time, so he started to help with various things. The grandfather does nothing every day, and likes to hold I, go in and out of all kinds of small...cough, let's not talk about that."

Tsunade's face turned red.

Obviously, the few words he just said have exposed the old story of the first Hokage.

As for Tsunade's last small letter, it is nothing more than a small steel ball shop.

The original Hokage, like Tsunade, was an out-and-out gambler, and he was also an out-and-out big fat sheep.

The only difference is that the original Hokage was rich and self-willed, while Tsunade was handsome and self-willed.

"Okay, a moment of silence for the second Hokage."

Tian Yu remembered the dead face of the second Hokage, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

After all, although the second Hokage was turned around by the dirt and brought to the world, on the whole, he was still a dead person.

Letting a dead person return to work in the human world feels like squeezing the undead.

However, this was an order from Tsunade anyway.

Tsunade has no father to pit.

I had no choice but to play **** my grandfather.

"Tian Yu!"

Tsunade glared at Tian Yu.

But because the wind took it here, it's hard to say anything.

"Okay, now that you have decided on the time, I will leave."

Feng Tori had seen the big world by Daimyo's side, and naturally he didn't care about what Tsunade said.

After saying goodbye to them, he left the Hokage office.

"Well, Tian Yu, I asked you to find Kakashi yesterday, have you gone?"

After Fengtori left, Tsunade looked at Tian Yu and asked.

"No, but I don't think anything will happen to Kakashi. Maybe it's because he started to practice swordsmanship, and that person's death anniversary is coming soon!"

The person Tian Yu said was naturally Uchiha Obito. Of course, apart from Tian Yu, no one in Konoha knew that Uchiha Obito was still alive.

And Kakashi regards Obito as his most important partner and best friend.

On the anniversary of Obito's death, Kakashi will naturally not be in a good mood.

"Yes, but if you have time, you still have to persuade him well. That person has been dead for so many years."

Tsunade sighed.

But Tian Yu felt that something was wrong when he heard Tsunade's words.

Tsunade's words were like Kakashi's dead wife, and others were persuading him to open up and find another one.


It must be his delusion, it must be.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the capital of the country of fire, and the news to be reported should be about the situation of Konoha this time, and the suicide of Sarutobi Hizan. After these two are resolved, I will ask the daimyo for more subsidies. You Tianyu, I will recommend you to become an elder when you meet Damei, so you will be registered with Damei, and in the future, if you have the right to act as an elder, you can be more justifiable."

Tsunade looked at Tian Yu and said.

The appointment of Konoha Hokage and the appointment of the elders are all decided by Konoha, and after the name is reported to the daimyo, the daimyo will be appointed.

Therefore, as long as Konoha decides, the candidate will not change, but it is still up to the daimyo to take that form.

This way the procedure is complete.

"Okay, just look at it and deal with it."

Tian Yu nodded and said nothing.

To become the new elder, this is something that Tian Yu and Tsunade have agreed to a long time ago, and there is no need to discuss it.

"Okay, okay, you can go back and clean up as soon as possible."

Tsunade said that and ordered the expulsion.

"it is good!"

Tian Yu nodded and left the Hokage office.

After returning home, Tian Tian learned that Tian Yu was going to the country of fire tomorrow. After seeing the famous name in the capital, the whole person was even more excited.

He kept rummaging through the closet for clothes to change for Tian Yu.

So in Tian Tian's eyes, Tian Yu reluctantly became Miracle Tian Yu, letting Tian Tian treat him like a mannequin to find him clothes to change.

At the end of the change, I know that I have worn all the clothes in the closet, but I am still not satisfied every day.

So I called Hinata again, and forcibly dragged Tianyu to the market to buy clothes.

Tian Yu followed behind the two women.

I finally understand, what is a woman's wardrobe is always missing a piece of clothing.

Because with the help of Tiantian and Hinata, they almost emptied the entire store.

Fortunately, I finally found the right clothes, Tian Tian finally let Tian Yu go, and happily continued shopping with Hinata.

The rest is brought back by Tian Yu.

After moving everything back, Tian Yu was relieved.

Then he made a decision to never go shopping again.

Really, going shopping is more tiring than staying at home and working for ten hours.

But speaking of blacksmithing, it seems that the reward for going to the Snow Country system this time has already been handed out.

Ninja Tool: Gaia's Shield!

Type: Defensive Shield!

Strength: Absolute Defense!

Skill: Every defense can be 100% defense against attacks of any power. When defending, it consumes durability. When the durability is 0, Gaia's shield can cast a sky-supporting shield. After casting, Gaia's shield broken.

Blueprint: Non-disposable, sustainable build.

Tian Yu looked at the introduction on the drawing and was very satisfied with the ninja tools this time.

The rumored shield of the earth possesses the power of absolute defense.

It is the strongest shield, and it can even reflect all the enemy's attacks. It is the strongest shield around Gaia, the goddess of the earth, and has made great achievements for her.

In the last decisive battle, it even protected 30,000 people at one time from being attacked by the supreme god.

It is conceivable how powerful the defense of this shield is.

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