And now Tianyu has obtained the blueprint of Gaia's shield.

As long as you find the right materials, you can get the shield of Gaia.

This means that Tian Yu now has the strongest defense in the Naruto world.

This is really good.

Open the drawing.

The construction of Gaia's shield is not complicated, but the corresponding materials required are very precious.

The first to bear the brunt is the rainbow ice crystal, which he has already obtained from the rainbow ice wall.

The second is Xuanhuang rock and Zhenwu turtle shell. These two things are the most important, and the rest are some high-quality black iron ore.

These can be found in Naruto World.

But as for Xuanhuang Stone and Zhenwu Tortoise Shell, these two will probably have to wait for the rewards of the system.

Chapter 244 The Capital of the Fire Kingdom

But Tian Yu believes that the next task will be completed soon.

At that time, he can also create this shield of Gaia.

Putting away the rainbow ice crystals at will, Tian Yu continued to strike iron and train himself.

Early the next morning.

Tian Yu came to the front of the Hokage Building.

Futori had already prepared the sedan chair, Tsunade, Tenyu, and Futori got into the sedan chair, and set off for the capital of the country on fire together.

Beside the sedan chair, Mute hugged the dolphin and followed him.

"Speaking of which, we should walk faster than sitting in a sedan chair."

Tian Yu looked at the sedan chairmen around him and said helplessly.

After all, this sedan chair just looks better.

But in reality the speed was slower than they were on their way.

At this rate, the capital of the Land of Fire, which could have been reached in one day, would probably take at least three days.

"Haha, Lord Tianyu is joking, this is a kind of etiquette, we have to implement it, and we also hope that Lord Tianyu Haihan."

Feng Tori is very talkative.

Logically speaking, as a retainer beside the daimyo, Fengtori does not need to be respectful to Konoha's ninjas.

But when Kazutori arrived at Konoha, he didn't show the slightest arrogance to them.

Even between words, he was in awe of Tian Yu and Tsunade.

Apparently Feng Tori is a person who can be human.

"Okay, just in time for me to take a nap!"

After Tian Yu said this, he closed his eyes and started to sleep.

Just stop and go along the way.

Occasionally, Tian Yu also opened his mouth to exchange some information with Tsunade, and had a conversation with Fengtori.

But more Tianyu sat in the sedan chair and closed their eyes to rest.

Two days later.

Everyone came to the capital of the Fire Nation.

This is a very imposing city. In the huge city surrounded by red bricks and green tiles, there is also an inner city.

That inner city was the palace of the Fire Country, where the daimyo lived.

Other places are inhabited by the inhabitants of the Land of Fire.

Anyone who can live here is a dignitary.

A lot of money.

It can be said that walking in this city, I am afraid that I am afraid that I am afraid that I am afraid that it is a person who is rich and powerful.

"Master Tsunade, Master Tianyu, your accommodation has been arranged. Next, I will go to the palace to report your situation to the daimyo, and then arrange a meeting tomorrow. Someone will take you to live in the inn tonight, I hope Rest well!"

After entering the capital, Fengtori smiled and said to Tianyu and Tsunade.

"You're welcome!"

Tsunade nodded.

Immediately, a guard led them to the inn in the city.

Said to be a post station, in fact, this place usually receives the surrounding guests.

The decoration inside is extraordinarily luxurious.

No matter which room you walk into, it is extremely luxurious, fully demonstrating the wealth of the country of fire.

"Ah, comfortable!"

After everyone left and there were no outsiders, just went to work and couldn't wait to run to the big bed in the room, then lay down on the bed, and let out a long sigh very comfortably.

To be honest, Tsunade is also not used to the sedan chair, and she couldn't stretch her legs in the sedan chair these two days.

But fortunately, she has come out now, and she can still live in such a luxurious place. The bed is not bad. It seems that she can have a good night's rest tonight.

Seeing Tsunade like this, Tian Yu couldn't help but smile.

"Are you hungry? I'm going to find someone to bring you something to eat."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Ah, Lord Tianyu, I should take care of this matter, you should have a good rest."

Mute didn't react until he heard Tian Yu's words, then walked out and told the boss here to bring some food.

However, when Silent walked away, he did not take Dolphin with him.

So the pink dolphin slowly climbed onto the big bed, then climbed to Tsunade's side, licked Tsunade's face, and slept peacefully beside Tsunade.

"Dolphin, so cute."

Tsunade, on the other hand, smiled, and then directly hugged the dolphin in his arms. The devastation began.

While playing, Tsunade's chest showed a touch of white, like a big steamed bun.

This made Tian Yu cough and feel a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, Tian Yu's face is red!"

Tsunade looked at Tian Yu like this and couldn't help but smile.

"Tsunade, let's stop."

Tian Yu was said to be on his mind, and he was a little embarrassed and angry.

"Hmph, I won't, I finally got out of Konoha once, and finally I can get rid of those files that are giving me headaches. Of course I have to stay here for a few days and give myself a vacation. When traveling in various countries, I often come to the capital of the country of fire. I still remember that there is a casino here, which is very interesting. By the way, Tianyu, you should have brought enough money this time, right?"

Tsunade hugged the dolphin and looked at Tianyu maliciously.

Hearing this, Tian Yu suddenly felt a little dangerous.

There's something dangerous about his wallet.

"Yes, I brought a little, what's wrong?"

"Since you have brought it, then it will be easy to handle. After the matter is settled, let's go to the casino to play. I will teach you personally and keep your wins."

Tsunade patted his chest and made a guarantee.

Draw a startling arc.

"No, no, let's forget it, this time, it's important to come to the country of fire!"

Tian Yu hurriedly shook his head when he heard this.

Let Tsunade teach him how to gamble, man, what's the difference between throwing money in the water?

Tsunade is notoriously fat goat.

Every time, I only win when the people around me are in serious danger, and I lose completely on weekdays.

Before he became Hokage, he owed a lot of debts, and giving money to Tsunade to bet was faster than burning money with a lighter.


"Ah, I really miss the wine in the tavern. Since I became Hokage, I haven't had a drink for a long time, Tian Yu, why don't you stay with me tonight... Forget it, I forgot that you are only thirteen years old, It's not the age to drink."

Tsunade couldn't help laughing.

Hearing this, Tian Yu felt a little helpless.

But he didn't refute it, although he seemed to make people ignore his age and treat him as a peer.

But his real age is indeed only thirteen years old.

So it's better not to drink alcohol or something.

"The dinner is here!"

Push the door silently.

Immediately, a waiter brought a table of delicious food.

These foods are all the special delicacies of the capital of the country of fire. If you want to know the delicacies of this table on weekdays, you need to spend at least 10,000 taels.

But maybe it was Feng Tou's advice.

So the owner of this inn didn't even mention collecting money.

Instead, he took out the best food with a smile.

Chapter 245 Emergencies

"Okay, it's time to eat."

Tsunade smiled, got off the bed, hugged the dolphin and started eating.

Tian Yu also sat aside.

Start enjoying your meal.

Don't tell me, the food here tastes really good.

Especially this chestnut yokan is very delicious.

Even someone like Tian Yu, who doesn't like sweets very much, couldn't help but eat several.

Tsunade and Mute naturally don't need to say more.

Even Mute secretly asked the boss how to make chestnut yokan.

It seems that I want to recreate this dessert when I go back.

I don't know if it's possible to mute it or not.

But Tian Yu can look forward to it.

Because the next day to report to the big name.

That night, Tsunade could only rest quietly in his room.


It just happened that day in Konoha.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds, and then a huge figure appeared directly in front of everyone.

For a while, everyone in Konoha looked at the huge phantom that appeared in the sky.

When this phantom appeared, everyone in Konoha was a little stunned.

Because they don't know what this phantom is for.

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