And when this phantom appeared, Anbu, who was left behind by Konoha, was also on guard.

If there is any danger around, they will rush to the Hokage office as soon as possible to protect the second Hokage and them.

It's just that, compared to their protection of the second-generation Hokage, more should be the first-generation Hokage and the second-generation Hokage to protect them.

The rest of the Shangnin in the village began to gather, and they were guarding various critical gates in the village.

In defense of the enemy's attack.

At the same time, the phantom in the sky also spoke slowly.

"I am Konoha Ninja Beiliuhu. Through the technique of Guiya Luo, I have already acquired the blood-limited ninjutsu of the four major ninja villages. When I get the fifth blood-based limit, I will be invincible. In the world, become a perfect ninja with immortality, I will use this power to trigger the fourth ninja war, and then dominate everything."

The phantom in the sky spoke slowly and stated his purpose.

When Beluhu finished speaking his words, the phantom also dissipated.

Konoha also restored the clear sky once again.

"Beiliuhu, I seem to have heard of this name!"

The second Hokage stood in front of the window, frowning.

Beluga, Konoha did once have such a ninja, but it was absolutely impossible to be a teenager, because that ninja was the same age as Tsunade and the others.

If he's still alive now, he's at least as old as Jiraiya.

And Jiraiya was originally teaching Naruto to practice. After all, the ninjutsu of Spiral Pill is not the end. After adding other attributes to Spiral Pill, the power of Spiral Pill can become more powerful.

It's just that the creation of this art, even Namikaze Minato was unable to complete, so Jirai didn't know how to do it.

He was groping slowly with Naruto.

But when Jiraiya saw the phantom that appeared in the sky, his pupils shrank.

Because he actually saw his childhood playmate.

"Okay, Se Xianren, what's wrong with you?"

Naruto looked at Jiraiya and asked with some doubts, and then Naruto also noticed the phantom in the sky.

"That should be a teenager, right? He looks so young, but I haven't seen him in Konoha. Well, Sexianren, do you know him?"

Naruto asked curiously.

At the same time, he looked at Jiraiya, and at this time, Naruto noticed that Jiraiya's hands were shaking.

Like something big happened.

"Naruto, you first cultivate yourself, I'm going to the Hokage office."

After Jiraiya finished saying this, he ran straight to the Hokage office.

"Master Hokage II, did you see the phantom just now?"

Jiraiya ran out of breath, he kept coming to Hokage's office for a moment, pushed the door open, and said directly without salute.

"That phantom in the sky, I'm afraid there is no one in Konoha who can't see it. You are too embarrassed to run, so hurry up and organize yourself."

Qianshou Tobirama glanced at Jiraiya and said with some disgust.

"it is good!"

Jiraiya also gasped and breathed, and after he finally took a breath, he looked at Qianshou Tobirama and continued.

"The phantom that appeared just now was me and Tsunade, and Orochimaru's playmate Beiruhu, but as early as the third ninja war, Beiruhu was already dead, even if he was still alive. , it can't be the appearance of a teenager, so this phantom that appears in front of you, claiming to be Bei Liuhu, must not be believed."

Jiraiya is also a good person.

When Orochimaru left Konoha, Zilai also persevered in chasing Orochimaru to leave.

He wanted to ask the reason why Orochimaru left, he never believed that Orochimaru would defect to Konoha.

And then, as he thought, Orochimaru left Konoha with hidden feelings.

So now he doesn't want to doubt his childhood playmate, Bei Liuhu. Now he has turned into a despicable and shameless villain.

"I will naturally ask Anbu to investigate this matter, you don't have to worry, just go about your own business with peace of mind."

Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, after hearing Jiraiya's words, gave him a meaningful look and said.


"No but, don't forget your own identity, and he disappeared in the third ninja war, and the body has not been recovered, which means that he may still be alive, you heard it just now He used the technique of ghosts and teeth to devour the blood of the other ninjas of the four kingdoms, so even using this technique to make himself younger is not a bad idea."

The second Hokage looked at Jiraiya and said.

After all, the reincarnation of the dirty earth was invented by Senju Tobirama.

As the inventor of this forbidden technique, Tobirama Senju, of course, knows that there are many powers in this world that can make a person younger.

The same can also give that person more power.

But these ninjutsu, if you want to perform, you have to pay a huge price.

And sometimes this price is a living life.

So Senju Tobirama sealed most of the ninjutsu he invented.

Because he knew the dangers of this technique.

"Yes, I understand!"

Jirai also heard this, and could only follow orders.

After Jiraiya finished saying those words, he saluted and left the Hokage office.

"Lord Hokage, what should we do now?"

Nara Shikahisa looked at Senju Tobirama respectfully.

In the era of Senju Tobima, Nara Shikaku was not born yet, but this did not prevent Nara Shikisa from growing up listening to the legend of Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobima.

Chapter 246

The most powerful Hokage of the two Konoha, even standing in front of them, can feel the majestic chakra in these two bodies.

It was a crushing of strength.

Let him stand in front of Qianshou Tobirama, and no other thoughts can arise.

"Send Anbu to track down the whereabouts of Beiruhu. Since he dares to leave his own phantom here in Konoha, he will definitely leave a mark. After searching carefully, then follow up, and be sure to find the location of his real body. come out."

Second Hokage Senju Tobirama Road.

"Yes, I will send Anbu here!"

Nara Shikaku nodded.

"Wait, send Anbu to the country of fire, and the capital will tell Tianyu and Tsunade about this."

The second Hokage thought for a while.


Nara Shikahisa nodded and left quickly.

After Nara Shikahisa left, the second Hokage let the other jōnin who were still in the village start to be on guard.

Strict prevention and control of other villages to attack them.

After all, what Beluhu said was to start the Fourth Ninja World War, which was really not good for Konoha.

And more importantly, he returned and called himself Konoha Ninja.

If other countries and villages use this excuse to attack them, it will be a little troublesome.

At the same time, the five countries.

Sand Ninja Village.

Granny Chiyo, Maki and the others also saw the phantom of Beluhu.

Apparently, what Belukona claimed to be a Konoha ninja really surprised them a bit.

Especially to start the Fourth Ninja World War.

This is no joke.

Once the battle begins, I am afraid that none of the five major countries can stand by and watch.

Whether active or passive, you have to be involved.

And once the war begins, then each village, whether it is the winner or the loser, will probably suffer heavy casualties.

"Mother Chiyo, is this really Konoha's declaration of war?"

Maki couldn't help asking.

To be honest, Maki is very flustered now, he is really scared.

Konoha has people like Tianyu, and the first Hokage and the second Hokage are still in Konoha.

Even though all Konoha's Joinin are dead, only the first Hokage remains.

No matter which Ninja village you want to attack, it is probably an easy task.

And in front of the first Hokage, they didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"No, what kind of Beiliuhu, I have never heard his name, and if Konoha declares war, it will definitely be Tsunade or Tianyu, but now it is Beiliuhu, I guess this It's just that person's plan, wanting to focus all of our attention on Konoha, let us fight Konoha, and he will sit behind and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

Chiyo grandmother suddenly expressed the thoughts of Beluga.

"Then if it's really Konoha, what about starting a war?"

Markey continued to ask.

Because they had to plan for the worst, if Konoha really wanted to start a war, the current Sand Ninja Village would definitely not be Konoha's opponent.

Then they have to do, there are only two choices.

One lost the power of the whole village to fight with Konoha, and then Konoha knocked down the village, while the other surrendered.

Declare allegiance to Konoha.

These two choices they do not want to do either.

"Then let all the ninjas get ready, even if we die, we have to do the last one, but before that, send someone to ask Konoha about the specific situation, then send Temari, she is Luo Sha Daughter, identity is enough."

Granny Chiyo said sharply.

Although the mother-in-law Chiyo will make compromises for the village, and even pay some price, she will save the village.

But if it really came to a last resort, then the mother-in-law Chiyo would rather die than let the village surrender.


Maki nodded, and then went down to tell the ninjas to prepare for battle, and at the same time to prepare for Temari to leave Konoha.

After Maki left, Gaara appeared in front of Chiyo's mother-in-law.

"Fake, this is not what Konoha meant!"

Gaara looked at Chiyo's mother-in-law and said.

Gaara only lived in Konoha for a few days, but it was these few days that he knew that the current Konoha is not the Konoha of the past.

Even if Tian Yu is very domineering, likes to bully people, and prefers lions to open their mouths, but he will not do such a thing, and more importantly, if Konoha wants to start a war.

It is estimated that at the moment of the announcement, the war is over.

They won't have time to react.

"Why don't I know, but we have to prepare for the worst, Gaara, you are the last hope of Sand Ninja Village, if this is true, I hope you can lead some people out of Sand Ninja Village. , with you succeeding the fifth generation of Fengying, as long as you are here, there is still hope for our village."

Granny Chiyo grabbed Gaara's hand and said.

Since Gaara returned to Sand Ninja Village, his character has changed a lot.

No longer as violent as before, but become gentle and kind.

Even though the village still had a lot of complaints against Gaara, Gaara endured it.

Repay the villagers with their kindness.

In addition, Chiyo’s mother-in-law also told the villagers about Gaara’s past, and everyone’s acceptance of Gaara is getting higher and higher.

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