Luo Sha was originally Gaara's father, so Gaara took over Luo Sha's position and became the fifth generation of Kaze.

This is also the right thing to do.

"it is good!"

Gaara nodded.


The Land of Earth, Iwa Ninja Village!

"I knew that Konoha's tail couldn't be hidden. I didn't expect them to start the Fourth Ninja World War so soon. It really surprised me."

Two days, Onogi said without hesitation.

"But, father, there may be some misunderstandings, Konoha has never been a warlike village!"

Huang Tu couldn't help but said.

"Hmph, from time to time, there were no outstanding ninjas in Konoha before, and even if you wanted to start a war with the outside world, there was no talent at all, but now it's different, not only has a Tianyu, but even Even the first Hokage Senju Hasuma and the second Hokage Senju Tobirama were brought back from the Pure Land by them."

"I'm afraid Konoha's ambition has expanded to an unimaginable level at this time, and it is not impossible to rely on the first Hokage to dominate the ninja world."

Two days scale Oh Yemu sneered.

But there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Two days of weighing Onogi, he will never forget the powerlessness he felt when he faced Madara Uchiha.

It was a feeling as if being targeted by an evil spirit.

In front of Madara Uchiha, he didn't even have the strength to fight back. He stared at the ground with just one look, and he couldn't even move his body.

Chapter 247

That kind of life-threatening sense of death was something he would never forget in his life.

Only Madara Uchiha has made him feel that kind of terror and oppression in this life, and there is no one else.

Even now, his strength has reached the shadow level, becoming the third generation of soil shadows.

But he knew that if he were to face Uchiha Madara now, he would still not be Uchiha Madara's opponent.

Madara Uchiha is still so powerful, not to mention the Senju Hashirama who can defeat Madara Uchiha.

In addition, the water escape and various secret techniques of the second-generation Hokage Thousand Hand Tobirama, as well as the assistance of Tian Yu from the side.

The whole world would crawl at the feet of the three of them.

"Father, since this is the case, we have to prepare even more, but before that, let's send messengers to Konoha to inquire. After all, if this matter is just for outsiders to sow discord, we will attack Konoha. Did you fall into someone else's trick?"

Loess thought for a moment and then said.

"Alright, let's send someone to Konoha, just tell me to go on, and the preparations must be done well. If there is any change in Konoha, I will take the lead and catch them by surprise."

Onogi said in two days.

"Yes, Father!"

Loess nodded.


The country of water, the village of fog ninja.

"How, Mizuying-sama, are we going to send troops to Konoha?"

Nagajurou stood beside Terumi Mei and asked.

"No need, the village is surrounded by the sea, even if they want to attack the village, they have to pass through the sea, which is our natural barrier. If we abandon the natural barrier and send people to attack Konoha on land, this will be very bad for us. The words are putting the cart before the horse. I ordered that the whole village be under martial law. Once a ninja from Konoha arrives, they will be arrested immediately. At the same time, Changjurou, I hope you can go to Konoha for me and ask what is going on. What's the matter, Konoha doesn't seem to be able to do things like a war."

Terumi Mei also had doubts in her eyes.

If this kind of thing is said by Yunnin Village, or Yannin Village.

That's forgivable.

After all, these two villages have always been ambitious, wanting to completely conquer the whole world.

Let the whole world surrender at their feet.

But Konoha, ever since the first Hokage came to power, has always been a country longing for peace.

It will not launch any war of aggression, and every war is a passive challenge.

So this time, something must have happened that Konoha couldn't handle.

They can't take action without authorization, otherwise, if that Bei Liuhu's remarks are just trying to provoke the relationship between them and the five major countries, then they will really be tricked.

After all, once the battle begins, it cannot be stopped easily.

There are bound to be countless casualties.

And the comprehensive national strength of these countries will also be weakened.

If she was attacked at that time, that was the last thing she wanted to see.

"Yes, Shuiying-sama, I understand."

Chojuro nodded.

The Land of Thunder Cloud Ninja Village.


The fourth Raikage smashed the table in front of him with one punch.

The thorns splashed everywhere.

"This Konoha, who doesn't know how high the sky is, wants to start the fourth ninja war, okay, then I'll do it. Come on, start attacking Konoha immediately."

The fourth-generation Raikage Ai, after being provoked by the phantom of Kiryuhu, ordered the attack on Konoha without hesitation.

"Lord Raikage, please be patient and don't be impatient. This order cannot be easily given. Once the war starts, it cannot be easily stopped. In the current Konoha Ninja Village, Senju Hasuma, and Senju Tobirama can be Neither left."

"Not to mention, if the two of them make a move, the ninjas of Yunren Village will not be able to resist at all, and it is very likely that the entire line will be defeated at the moment of contact."

Azabuyi, as Raikage's secretary, persuaded him immediately.

"That's right, Raikage-sama, this matter is a bit strange, and now Konoha is talking about the fifth-generation Hokage Tsunade, and the one called Tianyu, even if there is a war, it should be the two of them to announce ."

"Otherwise, it should be Jiraiya, or those high-level figures in Konoha that we know, and this Beiliuhu, we have never heard his name, so the more casual a person says he is Konoha. Ninja, want to start the fourth ninja war, and if we just believe it without research."

"It is very likely that there will be extremely serious consequences in the end."

Darui, one of Ai's assistants, persuaded him.

Things got a little serious, and Darui no longer had a lollipop in his mouth.

"That's right, that's the man's plan, the idiot was fooled!"

Kirabi also watched the fourth-generation Raikage Ai dance and rap.

This made Ai's face even darker.

But this kind of advice made the fourth generation Raikage listen.

"Then postpone the arrangement, but let the ninjas continue to stand by. If it is clear that Konoha really wants to start the fourth ninja war, then we will fight them to the end. I also want to see the power of the first Hokage. How powerful."

Ai said sharply.


"Hehe, this is a good big brother!"


On the tower of Yuren Village.

It rains heavily here all year round.

Gloomy, is the color here.

The village seemed to have lost its vitality, and all the people lived as the walking dead.

Above the tower.

Uchiha Obito wore a feces-yellow mask, dressed in a red cloud robe, and stood on the top of the tower.

The rain kept falling on him, but Obito didn't seem to be able to feel it.

Always look down and never leave.

It could be seen that Obito was in a bad mood, as if he was suppressing something.

The next moment, the ground squirmed, and a white figure appeared directly in front of Obito.

"Obito, you've seen it too, the phantom that appeared in Konoha, Beiliu, he's going to start the fourth ninja war, that's robbing you of your job."

Bai Jue smiled.

"It's just an ants who are overly self-sufficient, don't worry about him, Konoha will deal with him naturally, and don't call me with soil again, I don't have a name."

Obito replied.

"Ah, I forgot, I found out the news that the fifth kind of blood succession limit that Peiliuhu wants to get seems to be Sharonyan!"

Bai Jue said with a smile.

His words made Obito successfully open his eyes.

The only eye exposed under the mask suddenly became extremely scarlet.

And Obito's reaction was very satisfying to Bai Jue.

He continued to speak, and the news came out.

Chapter 248 Kakashi as Bait

"And Konoha now has a shackle eye, only Uchiha Sasuke's shackle eye and Hatake Kakashi's eye, I heard that Uchiha Sasuke was sent to Orochimaru's side, that guy can't It's easy to deal with, so the choice of Belyuu may only be left, Kakashi Hatake."

After Bai Jue's voice fell.


A building around Obito collapsed directly and turned into ruins.

Afterwards, Uchiha Obito didn't say a word, just turned and left.

And Bai Jue stood there, looking at the direction Obito left.

After a while, he suddenly laughed.

"Well, things are getting more and more interesting."


The capital of the country of fire.

Tianyu originally accompanied Tsunade to the country of fire, and the capital saw the daimyo reporting Konoha's situation and then asked the country of fire to give Konoha assistance.

But unexpectedly, the incident of Beluhu happened.

"Tsunade, Konoha must come up with a solution before the five major countries are held accountable, otherwise, I have to think carefully about Konoha's future assistance."

Daimyo looked at Tsunade and frowned.

Although this sentence was not harsh, it made Tsunade and the others know that the daimyo should be angry.

After all, what Bei Liuhu said before was indeed a bit too much.

Claiming to be a ninja of Konoha, and about to start the fourth ninja war.

Simply insane.

"Yes, we understand."

Tsunade nodded.

"Go back."

The daimyo waved his hand and let Tsunade and Tianyu leave.

"Please, Tsunade-sama, Tianyu-sama."

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