Afterwards, Beiluhu felt a blackness in front of his eyes, as if his heart was caught by something, and suddenly the pain was incomparable.

"Ah, what's going on!"

Beluhu fell to the ground, and dark blood lines began to appear on his skin.

It's a one-hit kill with Murasame's poison at work.

As long as it is slashed by Muurae, which is a one-hit kill, no matter how small the wound, the toxin will enter the human body through the wound.

And there is no cure for this toxin.

In other words, Belyuhu is now only waiting to die.

"You are poisoned!"

Tian Yu walked slowly to Bei Liuhu and looked at him.

"What, no, it's impossible!"

When Beiluhu heard Tianyu's words, he wanted to refute.

But before his words were finished, blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth.

Flowing out of his seven orifices, there is no way to stop it.

"There's nothing impossible, Beluhu, you want to be the perfect ninja and make yourself the strongest, there's nothing wrong with that, but you've gone the wrong way, by devouring other people's bloodline boundaries to make yourself stronger To be stronger is in itself an act of putting the cart before the horse.”

"You can only be reduced to a tragedy in the end."

After Tian Yu said this, he stopped talking nonsense with Bei Liu.

He walked directly to Kakashi and patted him on the shoulder.

In an instant, the confusion in Kakashi's eyes disappeared, and the puppet technique was lifted.

"Lord Tianyu, how's it going?"

After Kakashi woke up, he was going to be in a state of humiliation for the first time.

"already solved."

Tian Yu pointed at Bei Liu, who was lying on the ground in pain.

Kakashi looked in the direction of Tianyu's finger.

When he saw Beluhu's miserable appearance, Kakashi could only sigh helplessly.

Belyuhu could have lived a good life in Konoha, even if his own strength was not strong, he would not be able to become a Jōnin in the end.

But if he didn't study the magic trick, he would be able to live well now.

Not to die.

"Kakashi, no..."

To the last moment of his life, Beluhu still did not repent. He stretched out his hand and tried to catch Kakashi.

It seems that he still wants to have a final capture with Kakashi, so that he can become a perfect ninja with five elements.

But until the end, when his power died and his life came to an end, he still couldn't touch Kakashi's shirt.

Beluhuluo ended up in the present situation, and all this was caused by himself.

But his ending is also very sad.

After all, Beiruhu was also a member of Konoha back then.

"Tianyu, how is it..."

When Beluhu died, the sea of ​​thunder outside disappeared.

Jiraiya and Naruto rushed directly to the palace.

Therefore, Jiraiya immediately saw the appearance of Jiuhu's death.

For some reason, Jiraiya felt a little sad in his heart.

In any case, Beiyuhu was also his original friend.

Like Tsunade and the others, they were once best friends.

But in the end, he betrayed Konoha by Beiruhu, and I have to say, this is a kind of sadness.

"Biliuhu, I hope you can rest in peace. If there is reincarnation, in the next life, you will still be an ordinary person, and stop being a ninja."

Zilai also looked at Bei Liuhu and muttered to himself.

After saying this, Jiraiya wrapped Beiluhu's body in white cloth and put a seal on it.

The corpses of ninjas also contain information, especially Beiluhu himself, who has practiced the technique of ghosts.

His corpse contains four kinds of blood contingent boundaries, so his corpse must not be leaked out.

"Big Brother Tianyu!"

Naruto didn't know why, but when he looked at Beiruhu's body, his heart suddenly felt a little sad.

"Well, everything is settled, Naruto!"

Tian Yu looked at Naruto.

Speaking of which, Konoha's ability to happen to Kiryu, has nothing to do with Sarutobi Hiizan's policy.

Since Beluhu was able to develop such a secret technique as the technique of Gui Luo Ya, it was enough to show that he, like Orochimaru, had a high talent for scientific research.

If Hiruzen Sarutobi could have helped Beiruhu well, then Beiruhu would not have become what he is now.

But it's useless to talk too much, things have already happened, they can't be changed.

What Tian Yu and the others can do is to make this thing never happen again.

That's all.


Naruto nodded.

"Let's go, go back."

Tian Yu turned around and left.

Jiraiya carried Beiluhu's body behind him and left with Tianyu.

Pig Deer Butterfly and Neji also followed behind Tian Yu.

Kakashi also left with Tian Yu.

But when he was about to leave, Kakashi turned around as if he had sensed something.

But there was nothing behind him.

Kakashi no longer hesitated and left directly.

And after everyone left, there was a sudden fold in the void.

After the folds disappeared, a man wearing a yellow mask of **** stood silently at the top of the palace, watching the back of their group leaving.

Beside the man, a man with a shape like aloe vera emerged from the ground.

"Obito, you're still here. In fact, it was a good opportunity just now. You can bring the writing wheel over here."

Hei Jue smiled.

Obito didn't speak, and waited until the back of the group turned into a black spot and could not be seen.

Just leave with soil.

He didn't answer Black Jue's words the whole time.

Tian Yu and the others returned to Konoha with the fastest speed.

After letting Naruto and the pig deer butterfly Neji go back, Tian Yu brought Kakashi and Jiraiya to the Hokage office.

"Fortunately not humiliated, solved!"

Jiraiya put Peiyuhu's body on the ground.

"Is this Beiliuhu? It doesn't look very good. I thought how powerful his magic trick could be, but I didn't expect it to be like that."

Jiraiya, of course they were the first to come to the Hokage office when they came back to Orochimaru.

He is also interested in the trick of the ghost.

"Don't talk nonsense, there are still merits in the ghost, but he used the wrong point."

The second generation Hokage Qianshou Tobirama also immediately walked into the Hokage office, just in time to pick up what Orochimaru said.

"Yes, I think all kinds of ninjutsu applications have their advantages. When we wait to study the magic of ghosts, we should also study it carefully, this is right."

Orochimaru changed his tone after hearing Chishou Tobirama's words.

Chapter 259 Meeting with the envoys of the Four Great Powers


The performance of this double standard made Jiraiya unable to stop laughing.

After all, Orochimaru has always acted like he didn't care about anyone since he was an adult.

It is really rare to eat turtles here in Qianshou Tobirama.

Orochimaru glared fiercely, Jiraiya, did not speak.

"Since Beiluhu's body has been found, Konoha's intelligence department will also conduct intelligence extraction on this body. After the intelligence extraction is completed, it will be available for you to study. However, Tianyu, the four major countries have already dispatched The messengers are here, they are still in Konoha, maybe you will meet them later."

Tsunade looked at Beiruhu's body in a trance for a while.

After all, Bei Liuhu and her are also friends.

But after the trance, Tsunade said it was serious.

The Ninja Village of the Five Great Powers sent messengers to come and ask Konoha to explain the matter of Beiruhu.

Then Konoha will have to deal with it.

Now that the matter of Beluhu has been settled, it is time to deal with the messengers.

"Well, don't worry, I will see them later, the messenger will handle it well, then I will ask Orochimaru and the second Hokage for the body of Beiluhu, but if you want to study it, everything must be done in secret. , and Beiluhu's corpse can't leak a single cell, otherwise, I'm afraid it will have some impact on Konoha!"

Tian Yu looked at Orochimaru and Qianshou Tobirama and said seriously.

"You can rest assured about this, I understand, but don't worry too much. The ninjutsu of reincarnation from the dirty earth requires many restrictions, but it cannot be performed by individuals!"

Orochimaru said proudly.

"Cough cough!"

Hearing this, Tobirama couldn't help coughing.

"You said what I said was right, Second Hokage-sama."

Orochimaru heard the cough, so he hurriedly added another sentence.

This sentence made everyone laugh for a while.

"If you have anything else, just leave it to me, Tian Yu, thank you this time, I'll go first!"

Jirai also knew that he had nothing to do here, and after thanking Tianyu, he left the Hokage office.

Orochimaru and Qianshou Tobima also left with Keiryu's corpse.

As for Kakashi, when he returned to Konoha, Tianyu threw Kakashi to Konoha Hospital and asked him to have a good physical examination.

After all, puppet art is not a good thing. Although Beiluhu is dead, it is better to eliminate it as soon as possible.

Only Tian Yu and Tsunade were left at the scene.

"That, Tian Yu, thank you this time."

Tsunade bit her lip, looked at Tian Yu, and seemed a little shy for a while.

After all, if there is no Tianyu this time, the problem of Beiluhu will not be solved, and maybe the whole Konoha will suffer.

It is also difficult to explain the name of the name.

"Is there any need to say thank you between you and me? What's more, the current Konoha is caused by me. Naturally, I can't watch Konoha decline, and that guy from Beluhu is also what he deserves."

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