Tian Yu folded his arms and smiled.

"Well, I know, I just, I just think it's really good to have you by my side. Every time no matter what happens, it makes me feel very at ease."

Tsunade smiled.

To be honest, Tsunade didn't know why she had such thoughts on Tianyu.

After all, Tian Yu is only a thirteen-year-old boy.

But every time Tian Yu said and did things, Tsunade ignored it.

Instead, treat Tian Yu as a peer.

Naturally, some other emotions also arise.

It's just that Tsunade didn't dare to express this emotion. After all, Tianyu now has a fiancée. Hinata is a very good woman, the heir of the Hinata clan, and more importantly.

Tenyu likes Hinata.

"Don't worry, I will always stay by your side to help you."

Tian Yu smiled.

After saying this, Tian Yu smiled and turned to leave.


Day two.

Early in the morning, Tianyu and Tsunade received ninjas from the four major Ninja villages in the living room.

"Lord Hokage, I hope you can give us an answer. What happened to the things that Beiruhu said? Does Konoha really want to be enemies with the Four Great Nations?"

Black soil was the first to speak.

"Yeah, Mizuying-sama. I also really want to know what's going on with the Beiluhu situation!"

Nagjuro spoke the same way.

"And here with us, Raikage-sama also wants to know, whether what Beiluhu said is the truth, and whether Konoha is really ready to attack the four major countries?"

Samui also asked directly.

"Also, here we are, Chiyo's mother-in-law also wants to know this!"

Temari's age and status are the weakest among these messengers.

But these are the best ambassadors that Sand Ninja Village can send.

"Here I can tell you clearly that Beluhu is no longer a Konoha ninja. He left Konoha during the third ninja war, and now he is just a betrayal. He has nothing to do with Konoha at all, the reason why he said that in front of you is actually just because he wants everyone to target Konoha."

"In order to achieve his ulterior ambitions, he has already collected the blood-bound ninjas from your Ninja villages, and wants to use the technique of ghosts to absorb their blood-bound boundaries, and add Konoha's Write the wheel eye, so that he can be born with the five elements and become the perfect ninja of immortality, but he needs time before that."

"So I can only send someone to hold Konoha, so that Konoha can't take care of him. I believe that you must have encountered ninjas who were sent to attack by Liuhu on the way."

Tian Yu looked at them and said.

"Yes, I did encounter it, but I was repelled long ago."

Black Earth nodded without hesitation.

Nagajuro nodded as well.

Samui and Temari also nodded.

"But I couldn't beat that person. In the end, it was someone else who came to save me. I think that person should be Konoha's ninja."

Samui said slowly, holding his arms.

Because of her action, the big ball in front of her chest became even more magnificent.

Seeing the women around, all except Tsunade looked bad.

"Cough cough!"

Tian Yu glanced at it and quickly retracted his gaze.

"And me, I was also attacked by ninjas on the road. They claimed to be Konoha's ninjas, but I could tell that they were not, and it seemed that the ones who came to save me were not Konoha's psychic beasts. , but he protected me!"

Temari recalled the giant snake with lingering fears.

Chapter 260 The Threat of Yun Nin Village

After all, that giant snake was so powerful that it didn't do anything, just crushed it and killed all its opponents.

"They were sent by me to protect you. I know that Beluhu will definitely send ninjas. Ninjas disguised as Konoha will intercept you on your way to Konoha. In this way, if you die, then the people of the four great kingdoms will die. They will think that this is Konoha's plan, and they will attack Konoha together, so only if you are alive can you prove it, this is just a trick of Beluhu."

"And what's more important now is that Beiluhu is dead and killed by the ninjas we sent. You don't have to worry about what kind of war is happening in Beiluhu. I hope you can explain to the filmmakers after you go back. The truth, don't fall for the enemy's tricks."

Tian Yu looked at the crowd and said.

"Oh, is Beluhu really dead?"

When Changjurou heard this, he couldn't wait to ask.

"That's right, his body has now been brought back to Konoha. If you don't believe it, you can see it with your own eyes later, and all his subordinates have been slaughtered. Destroyed, it is impossible to reappear in the future, and the ninjas we also brought back to your village."

"Their bodies have been completely preserved by us. You can take them back when you go back and bury them properly."

Tian Yu said.

"In this case, no problem, as long as this matter has nothing to do with Konoha, then I believe that Mizuying-sama will be able to figure it out."

Chojuro nodded.

After all, everything in Mist Ninja Village is in the midst of a lot of waste. It would be best if there was no war.

"Well, thank you Lord Tianyu."

When Temari heard this, he couldn't help nodding his head.

"Since Beiliuhu is dead, then we will not pursue this matter, but Konoha still wants to apologize to us for this matter. After all, it is you who caused this matter after all."

Black soil hugged his arms and said.

The black earth figure in a cheongsam is quite good, especially the legs are slender.

How do you say that?

I can play with this leg for a year.

"There's nothing wrong with this. I'll write a letter later and ask you to take it back to Tuying."

Tsunade also said.


Black Earth nodded.

"Since Beiluhu is dead, in order to appease the villagers of Yunren Village, I think we should bring Beiluhu's body back, so that not only the villagers can be appeased, but also Konoha and Beiluhu can be comforted. Draw boundaries."

Samui directly asked for the body to be beliuhu.

After all, Samui doesn't believe that the technique of ghosts will be destroyed by Konoha just like this.

This is a very good ban.

If used properly, it is very likely to greatly increase a person's combat power.

This is a good thing for the entire Yun Nin Village.

However, Konoha will definitely not agree to directly ask for the technique of ghosts and teeth, so the only option is to ask for the body of Beiliuhu.

Hearing this, Tian Yu frowned.

Even Tsunade was a little unhappy.

Back then, Yun Ren Village was trying to win the eyes of the Hyuga clan.

Fortunately, it failed, but it also forced the younger brother of Hyuga Hizu to die.

From this point of view, Yun Nin Village and Hyuga Hizu have hatred, and in several battles, Yun Nin Village has become an enemy of Konoha and slaughtered many Konoha ninjas.

After all, Yun Ren Village and Konoha had a feud.

Besides, Samui, Tianyu and the others knew what they wanted to do with the corpse of Beluhu.

It's just that he wants to study the body of Beluhu and excavate the technique of Gui Luoya for his own use.

Needless to say, it is so tall.

"Sorry, this can't be done. Although Beluhu has left Konoha, it is still Konoha's rebellion. We have already dealt with his body and are about to be buried, so Konoha can't agree to your request. ."

Tsunade directly refused.

"Oh, since that's the case, then Konoha's sincerity is somewhat lacking. Now that Beiluhu is dead, no one can prove Konoha's innocence. You can talk to yourself."

"So I think our Yunnin Village should also have the most basic right to question, so if I can't bring back the body of Beluhu, Raikage-sama will send more people next time, just next time. People may not be as good as me to talk to.”

Samui looked at Tian Yu and Tsunade with a cold face.

Samui still treats the present Konoha as the past Konoha as always.

He didn't hesitate to speak, and the first thing he said was a threat.

Hearing Samui's words, several people around were stunned.

Especially Temari, she didn't expect Samui to dare to talk to Tianyu and Tsunade of Konoha like this.

After all, Tsunade is Hokage, and Tianyu, although not Hokage, is not inferior to Tsunade in Konoha's position at all.

Sometimes even Tsunade can't change the decisions made by Tianyu.

Has absolute status and strength in Konoha.

No matter how the messengers sent from other villages had the most basic respect for Hokage from another village, as well as his assistants.

And what Samui said was indeed a bit too much.

It's like rubbing Konoha's face on the ground.

Neither Changjuro nor Kuroto said a word.

The two of them are not fools. Yun Ren Village must have their backing when they say this. The purpose of the two of them at the beginning was to find out whether it was Konoha who did it. Now that he has known it It was simply that Beluhu carried out a conspiracy in order to provoke the Four Great Powers to target Konoha.

Then, of course, they won't do what Beluhu intended.

So now it's all about watching a good show.

Just look at the difference between the current Konoha and the Konoha when the three generations of Hokage were in power.


After Tian Yu heard this, his face immediately became ugly.

Tsunade especially darkened his face.

"Is this a threat to Yun Nin Village?"

Tian Yu sneered.

"We didn't threaten anyone, we just told the truth. Moreover, Yun Nin Village has already made comprehensive preparations. Whether it is in terms of strength or ninja, we have the capital to do this, and Konoha has just experienced a fight."

"I'm afraid this will also have a discount on your combat power, so the request I made just now, requesting to bring the body of Beiliuhu back to Yunren Village, is a very good suggestion, so I hope you will think about it carefully. I will stay in Konoha for three days, and I hope I can get a satisfactory answer within three days."

Samui looked at Tianyu and Tsunade and smiled.

Chapter 261 The Deterrence of Nuclear Bombs

"No need!"

Tian Yu sneered when he heard this.

"I can answer you now, this is impossible, you are dreaming, let alone three days, it is thirty days, three hundred days, our answer is still the same, now Konoha everything is still in ruins While waiting, you are not welcome to live here for the time being, so please leave after today."

"Oh, by the way, I don't know what you think, but today's Konoha is no longer the Konoha when Sarutobi Hidden was in power, if you still keep the current Konoha and the previous Konoha If you mix things up, then Konoha's actions will probably disappoint you!"

"And, we all remember the previous blood debt, and we never forget it, so please remember, don't anger Konoha!"

Tian Yu looked at Sam Yi and said.


Samui wanted to say something more.

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