The door to the reception room was suddenly pushed open.

"Granddaughter, when are you going back for dinner? I've already made mushroom mixed rice for you, and Tobirama is waiting for you there. No matter how important work is, you can't forget to eat."

Qianshou Hashirama pushed open the door of the reception room, and gave Tsunade a simple and honest smile.

It doesn't look like the **** of ninjas in rumors at all, but like a very ordinary ninja.

However, it was the appearance of the Senju Hashirama, which made the reception room suddenly become silent.

Samui opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, so he could only close it in the end.

Even Kuroto, Chojuro, and Temari were stunned by the appearance of Senju Hashirama.

Of course, they all knew Senju Hakuma, and were taught the power of Senju Hakuma since childhood.

In particular, the status of the **** of ninjas is unshakable.

Like him, Madara Uchiha also has the nickname Shura of the Ninja World.

These are all powerful definitions of them.

"Oh, grandpa, I will go back after the discussion on these matters, and tell the second grandpa, let him stay in the laboratory less, and stop studying those messy ninjutsu, otherwise, maybe in a few days Konoha I have to add a lot of S-rank ninjutsu, and every day, Konoha creates so many ninjutsu, how can so many people be able to practice it."

"Obviously it's a limited edition ninjutsu, but in the end, S-rank ninjutsu is like a rotten street. It's everywhere in Konoha. Second grandpa, don't you want to lose face!"

Tsunade heard this and said helplessly.

I have to say, Tsunade's words are indeed a bit advanced Versailles.

Hearing this, everyone vomited blood.

What is S-rank ninjutsu, like Chinese cabbage, Konoha is everywhere.

Can S-rank ninjutsu be created as soon as it can be created?

and many more!

You say a thousand hands.

Well, it's really possible.

After all, on Konoha's forbidden technique scroll, at least half of the ninjutsu was created by Senju Tobirama.

In addition to being the second-generation Hokage, this guy is also a science madman, such as reincarnation of the dirty earth, flying thunder gods, multiplication detonating talismans, etc., these are all made by the second-generation Hokage.

And these ninjutsu are all S-rank.

Therefore, in the scientific research of the ninja world, the second-generation Hokage and the Senju Tobirama are always yy, ds.

"Okay, I'll talk to him later, then I'll go first, and Tian Yu, don't forget to eat even if things are busy, come back with Tsunade later, I'll do it this time It's a lot, enough for you to eat."

After Qianshou Hasuma said these words, he turned and left.

No regrets.

After leaving the Senju Hashirama, Tian Yu put his hands together on his thighs.

Then smiled at Samui.

"What, do you have anything else to say to us? If there is, I don't mind listening to it, if not, then you can go back after a while."

Samui was stunned by the existence of Senju Hashirama for a long time.

To be honest, Samui has never experienced the era when Senju Hakuma existed.

So, of course, I never felt the pain of being dominated.

However, the power of the Ninja God was engraved into the annals of history, and this is absolutely unforgettable.

"there is none left!"

Samui shook his head, completely lost.

Not to mention that Yunren Village sent some teams, I am afraid that if the entire Yunren Village were to come, it is estimated that it is not the opponent of the **** of ninjas and Qianshouzhuma.

So, what else can she do, it's better to go back quickly and obediently.

In case Konoha was really angry and detained her in a fit of anger, this was the most uncomfortable thing.

"Very well, if not, then Anbu, let this Samui leave, remember to **** her out of Konoha's border in person."

Tian Yu ordered.


Anbu descended from the sky and nodded directly.

Samui was quickly taken away.

"Wow, will Konoha also treat us like this?"

Hei Tu smiled and looked at Tian Yu.

Changjuro and Temari also swallowed.

"Of course not, you are friends of Konoha, and Konoha has always been courteous and considerate, but Konoha is now in a state of waste and is really not suitable for sightseeing, so I can only aggrieve you temporarily. We will definitely invite you to visit when Konoha is established."

Tian Yu said this comfortably.

It not only takes care of their face, but also gives them a strong contrast with Samui.

"Haha, Lord Tianyu and Lord Naruto are indeed well-deserved, well, then we will leave first, and we will come to visit after Konoha is established in the future!"

Hei Tu smiled and was very satisfied.

Changjurou did the same, got up and left with a smile.

But both of them were afraid in their hearts.

Obviously, Yun Ren Village has been marked by Konoha.

If the two of them were just as aggressive as Samui.

I'm afraid it's not just Samui who has been thrown out at this moment.

And maybe it will be written down by Konoha. Now Konoha has the **** of ninjas, and Senju is there.

Not to be provoked.

If you want to deal with Konoha, unless you have Uchiha Madara reincarnated in your ninja village.

Otherwise, don't even think about it.

I haven't seen the tailed beast known as the pinnacle of the ninja world.

Are you obedient like a pet in Senju Hakuma's hands?

The nine-tailed beasts are divided.

This is what someone with absolute power would say.

You have to listen to me, if you don't, you can be obedient for the rest of your life.

People are going to leave.

Temari is no exception.

As long as Konoha has no intention of attacking Sand Ninja Village, then Temari is not counted this time, and there is no gain.

"Temari, is Gaara okay?"

Tianyu stopped Temari and asked.

Chapter 262 The Dust Settles

"Gaara, he is okay, with the help of Chiyo's mother-in-law and some people in the village, Gaara's mood has changed very quickly, and he has been able to attend many tasks recently, and the attitude of the villagers towards Gaara is also It's slowly changing, although it can't be done overnight, but I think it will be able to reverse the impression of Gaara in everyone's hearts over time."

Temari answered.

"Well, since this is the case, then I can rest assured that the construction of Sand Ninja Village needs to be improved as soon as possible, so that your Sand Ninja Village can get rid of the previous haze as soon as possible, if there is any need, Konoha Help will be provided to you here."

Tian Yu smiled.

"If that's the case, that would be great, thank you sir."

Hearing this, Temari was even more grateful.

"It's okay, this can be regarded as the crystallization of the friendship between the two countries. As long as Sand Ninja Village can be friendly with Konoha, then we don't mind showing our kindness!"

Tian Yu nodded.

"Well, thank you Lord Tianyu."

Temari hurriedly smiled.

When she came this time, Konoha not only brought news of peace, but also brought Tianyu's assurance, I believe that even Chiyo's mother-in-law will be happy.

"Well, let's go!"

Tian Yu nodded.


Temari nodded, and left the Hokage office under the **** of Anbu.

"You are really good to Sand Ninja Village. You don't look like the profiteers who cheated them before."

After seeing Temari leaving, Tsunade walked to Tianyu's side and couldn't help saying.

"In the past, Sand Ninja Village and us were hostile, and we haven't signed any alliance agreement. Of course, we can do it. Now we have signed an alliance relationship. If you can help, you must help. Of course, this help is limited to other than money."

Tian Yu's mouth twitched.

After all, in terms of resources, it can be obtained from various channels, but money is not necessarily.

"Well, it's all up to you anyway. I trust you 100%. If you think Sand Ninja Village is credible, then I will trust you."

Tsunade nodded.

"Well, okay, then I'll go down and deal with things first. I want to go to the Orochimaru side to see how he and the second-generation Hokage researched the magic of ghosts and teeth. How is the research, and Sasuke's place, to be honest. It's been a few days, and I'm a little uneasy."

Tian Yu smiled and said to Tsunade.

"Well, let's go!"

Tsunade nodded.


After leaving Hokage's office, Tian Yu went directly to Konoha's laboratory.

After Qianshou Tobirama appeared in Konoha, he personally set up the current laboratory, and all the equipment in it is of the highest level.

There are even some laboratory equipment laboratories, which the second-generation Hokage himself set up, and which cannot be bought anywhere else.

There are many cells in the column alone, and there are also many scrolls for studying the boundaries of blood and various esoteric scrolls.

It can be said that if you want to attack Konoha, you don't have to go to find Konoha's book of seals. If you can get those forbidden techniques, as long as you can successfully pass through the blockade of Anbu and come to this laboratory, you can actually get Lots of arcane scrolls.

But before that, you not only have to break through the blockade of Anbu, even if you get lucky, you will have to face the joint attack of the second generation Hokage and Orochimaru, the two shadow-level powerhouses.

It is conceivable how miserable the people who dare to break into this laboratory will end up.

"Orochimaru, the activity of Gui Luoya's art is not high enough,

If you use him to transfer other ninjutsu, it is likely to cause the effect of collapse,

There are extremely strict requirements for the strength of the flesh and body, and I am afraid it is not suitable for the development and utilization of general ninjutsu. "

Qianshou Tobirama looked at the cells in the petri dish,

And a biological sample that was researched, said seriously.

"That's right, the phagocytosis of this cell is too strong,

Even if it can be temporarily fused, once the phagocytosis of the cells has passed that critical point, it will swallow everything and even itself.

It's like a time bomb, it's really not suitable for ordinary ninjutsu, so it's better to cross it out. "

After Orochimaru glanced at the data, he also agreed with Senju Tobirama's words, and he directly changed the technique of ghosts from the application of ordinary ninjutsu.

"Second-generation Hokage, then look at this again. If it is used to cultivate kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, it can be combined with the cells of Uchiha letter, so that the repulsion of the cells between the columns can be weakened, and ordinary people can also bear it. The power of the intercolumnar cells and the kaleidoscope writing wheel has been exhausted."

Orochimaru made a basic assumption and showed it to Qianshou Tobirama.

"Your assumption has some truth, but you have to master the measurement in it, and Uchihashin's cells, so far, there are not many mother cells left, the rest are cloned, and the activity may be different from the original body. There are some differences, and this one has to be prepared for.”

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