Thousands of hands nodded.

"no problem."

Orochimaru also nodded.

Then the two said a lot of scientific terms and the like.

It looks like a science madman.

Tian Yu looked around for ten minutes, and couldn't take it anymore.

It's no wonder that Senju Hashima, the **** of ninjas, the most annoying thing on weekdays is to read official documents. With such a younger brother, I am afraid that even the official documents that Senju Hashima has handled, Senju Tobirama will still have to read it again.

Rather than that, it's better to leave it to Chishou Tobirama to see him and fish for himself, isn't it delicious?

Shaking his head, Tian Yu stepped forward and interrupted the conversation between Orochimaru and Qianshou Tobirama.

"The two of you don't discuss the issue of Nobu Uchiha's cells, let me tell you how the research on the art of ghosts and teeth is going?"

Tian Yu held his arms and said.

"It's okay, the technique of ghost teeth does have its merits compared to ordinary techniques, but the phagocytosis of cells is indeed a bit strong, and it needs to be improved."

Orochimaru turned to look at Tian Yu and replied with a smile.

"Well, then that's it, where's Sasuke? Is he still in the Land of Tian, ​​Yinin Village?"

Tian Yu asked.

"Well, yes, if you want to see him, just use the Flying Thunder God to go there, oh, by the way, bring this scroll to him by the way!"

Orochimaru said, he took out a scroll and handed it to Tian Yu.

This scroll is sealed with the technique of reincarnation of dirty soil, Tian Yue sensed the breath above, and instantly understood what it was.

"You really care about Sasuke, but I didn't expect it to come out directly!"

Tian Yu threw the scroll in his hand, looked at Orochimaru and said with a smile.

Chapter 263 Reappearance of Uchiha Fuyake

"He is also my disciple after all. Although I said that I was trying to write a wheel eye, I wanted to make myself stronger, but now that there is a substitute, I naturally don't need to dig Sasuke's eyes, and I don't need to use his body as a Container, and this disciple is quite respectable to me. In addition, I was killed by Sarutobi, and Shimura Danzo threatened me with the two dogs, and indeed took the corpses of the Uchiha clan and them. His eyes have done many evil things."

"Now that you can make up 100 million points, let's make up a little bit. Oh, yes, it turned out to be Zhan Huitu's reincarnation, a death row prisoner I found from the prison. You don't have to worry about me killing people or something."

Orochimaru said.

"I still trust you with this."

Tian Yu smiled and nodded.

Then took a final look at the scene in the laboratory.

Then he directly used the technique of Flying Thunder God to come to Yinin Village, where he appeared last time.

Orochimaru is not as loud as Yin Nin Village now, and the one who decides in the Nin Village is the pharmacist pocket.

"Lord Tianyu, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are still so graceful and beautiful, which makes me yearn for it."

Yao Shidou was not surprised when he saw Tian Yu's appearance, instead he pushed his glasses and saluted to Tian Yu with a smile.

"Okay, you don't have to do this, what about Sasuke?"

Tian Yu doesn't like Yaoshidou, this guy is a fanatical version of Orochimaru No. 2.

Now Orochimaru and Konoha are no longer enemies.

But there is no guarantee that the pharmacist will not continue to collude with Obito and the others.

"Sasuke has just finished training and is resting now. I'll take you there."

Yao Shidou didn't care about Tian Yu's attitude, turned around with a smile and continued to lead the way for Tian Yu.

The village of Sound Ninja is very small, and there are not many ninjas in the first place. After losing some of them, now these ninjas only have a few genin.

In addition, Tian Zhiguo has nothing to do with it, and all they do is maintain the most basic life in the village.

So they all seem very relaxed.

But these people are only the superficial strength of Tian Zhikuni Ninja.

The real elites of Yinin Village are Guideng Shuiyue, Libra Chonggo, Junmalu and Xiangling.

In addition to this, there are the five people of Yinin.

But they can't compare with Junmalu and the others.

When Yu came to Sasuke that day, Sasuke and Junmarou had just finished a discussion.

The outcome of this competition is of course a draw.

This made Sasuke somewhat unconvinced in his heart.

However, Junmalu's strength itself is strong enough, even if Sasuke is not convinced, he can only continue to study hard.

Hope to defeat Junmarou.


"Lord Tianyu."

Sasuke turned around to see Tian Yu, got up without hesitation, came to Tian Yu, and saluted respectfully.

"It doesn't have to be this way. It's already a great comfort to me to see the improvement in your strength. It seems that you have a good time here in Orochimaru, which means that I did not send you wrong when I sent you here."

Tian Yu looked at Sasuke, a little dazed.

The current Sasuke still looks like a boy. Although he also has a gloomy aura, it seems that the truth about the Uchiha clan has been revealed.

There was a little less hostility in his body, but more youthful spirit.

From this point of view, it is also a good thing for Sasuke.

"I would also like to thank Lord Tianyu for being able to fulfill me. Next, as long as I work hard, I can make my father come back to me. I still have a lot of things to ask him about the situation of the family, the real truth at that time, and the truth. There... Uchiha Itachi!"

When Sasuke talked about Uchiha Itachi, he still couldn't hold back his excitement.

After all, it was when he was a teenager, and he looked up to his brother all the time. Later, his brother said the cruelest words to him.

The family perished, and in the blink of an eye, he had a young man who didn't know anything and became the one who carried the family's blood feud.

But now, and all of this has become the expression of Uchiha Itachi's love for him.

To be honest, he was indeed a little confused.

"I know, this is the scroll that Orochimaru asked me to give you. This is what you want. If you want, you can open it here. If you have any questions, just ask here. I can also tell you everything I know. ."

Tian Yu handed the scroll over.

Sasuke was stunned when he heard Tian Yu's words, and then took the scroll.

His hand holding the scroll even trembled.

Then Sasuke opened the scroll without hesitation.

When the white smoke dissipated.

Uchiha Fugaku and again appeared in front of the two of them.

The pupils of both eyes are black, and there are cracks unique to the turn of the dirt on his face.


When Sasuke saw Uchiha Fuyake, he couldn't hold back his excitement any longer, and stepped forward.

He wanted to hug Uchiha Fugaku, but stopped again.

"My child Sasuke, after all, you called me back from the Pure Land again. In this case, in order for you to live in Konoha with peace of mind and carry forward the Uchiha clan, I will answer any questions you have. "

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Sasuke deeply, why didn't he want to hold Sasuke tightly in his heart.

But he was very guilty.

Because Sasuke has been burdened with so much over the years, there is certainly a Konoha factor in it.

But more because of the Uchiha family.

"Father, Itachi, why did he do that? The truth about the Uchiha clan has already been announced before, but why didn't he admit it, and he still gave me a monthly reading, so that I could revisit the moment when the clan died tragically? ?"

What Sasuke wants to ask is not the Uchiha family, the truth of the past.

Because those truths had been seen from the record as early as the very first time.

Tian Yu has already opened these top-secret documents to the people of Konoha, and is innocent of the Uchiha family.

At that time, Sasuke sat on the hospital bed and read all the documents word by word.

Sasuke still remembers what was written above.

Coupled with the fact that the Uchiha family has now become a question about those Chen sesame and rotten millet, it is not appropriate to tell the truth.

Konoha has returned their innocence and compensated him.

Even Tsunade once said that if Sasuke wants to become Hokage when he grows up, he can even support him in the position of Hokage.

It's ridiculous.

The Uchiha family can one day become the Hokage of Konoha!

This used to be something that was never imagined.

"Perhaps Itachi, Itachi wants to make you stronger. With resentment towards him, you will become stronger little by little, and you will be able to defeat him in the end."

Uchiha Fuyue didn't know what Itachi was thinking.

Chapter 264 Time Flies

But he knew that he was biased since he was a child, and decided that if he wanted to protect the village, he would rather destroy the clan and protect the village.

So maybe he decided that Sasuke was the only way to get stronger.

Then he will always have to bear this grievance by himself.

"What kind of **** reason is this? This is not an excuse for him to use the monthly reading on me again. I will become stronger, and with the help of Lord Tianyu, I will become incomparably stronger, even stronger than him. , and then I will personally take action and take him back to Konoha, and I will tell him that without a goal like his revenge, I will become stronger."

Sasuke sneered when he heard this.

Itachi is always like this, in the name of being good for him, he hurts him again and again.

Obviously the truth has already been revealed.

Those who once attacked the Uchiha family and forced Uchiha Itachi to kill the family in the name of being good for the village have long since died in the dust of history. Sins were completely reckoned with.

But it's still the same.

Really confusing.

"Sasuke, you have grown up, so you should have your own judgment, I won't say anything more, but Sasuke, I want you to know that you will always be my pride, always mine and your mother's. pride."

"My child, not being able to grow up with you will always be the most regrettable thing for me and your mother, but I believe that in Konoha in the future, you will be able to live well and live as we want you to be. !"

After hearing Sasuke's words, Uchiha Fuyue smiled gratified.

Seeing Fuyue's smile, Sasuke was also stunned.

In his memory, his father was always unsmiling, and his mother was the gentle and kind one.

For the sake of the family, his father never showed him the slightest smile, and never even praised him like he praised Itachi.

But at this time, Sasuke can feel the kind of love Uchiha Fuyue has for him.

It is indeed possible to do as much as possible a father's love for his children.

"Father! Thank you, I got it!"

Sasuke nodded, his wish has been understood.

In the future, I will no longer be attached to the Uchiha people who have gone to the Pure Land.

And since then he will make himself stronger and protect Konoha in his own way.

"Sasuke, bye!"

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Sasuke with relief, and finally, with a smile, a layer of white light appeared on his body.

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