Uchiha Fuyue's wish has also come to an end, and he has no plans to stay in this world anymore, so he was purified and returned to the Pure Land.

Sasuke watched Uchiha Fuyake leave, feeling a little lost.

But soon, he adjusted his mood.

"Lord Tianyu, thank you very much this time."

Sasuke saluted Tian Yu.

"It doesn't matter, you are from Konoha, and you are one of the only descendants of the Uchiha clan. Konoha is sorry for the Uchiha clan for making you suffer so much. Now if you can make some compensation, it can be considered as Make up for the loss you suffered before, it's nothing."

Tian Yu shook his head.

"Sasuke, train hard, Naruto is also training hard in Konoha. He also mentioned you to me that day, saying that you are the biggest motivator on his growth path, and the two of you are best friends, so, I also hope that you can continue to support each other in this way.”

"Keep your friendship and go on like this."

Tian Yu looked at Sasuke with a smile.

In fact, without all those bad things.

Sasuke is only a child now.

Twelve years old is not young enough to take responsibility.

Even if Indra is reincarnated, if there is no hate stimulation.

I believe that Chakra of Indra and Chakra of Shura will be able to reconcile in this area.

"The tail of the crane!"

Hearing Tian Yu's words, Sasuke couldn't help laughing, a sentence at the end of the crane was enough to explain everything.

"I'm leaving first. If you have anything, you can go back to Konoha to find me directly."

Tian Yu nodded, then turned to leave.


Time flies and half a year has passed.

In the past six months, there have been no waves in the ninja world.

Konoha's ninjas perform their respective tasks step by step.

Konoha has also been rebuilt long ago, and even the ruined places are more prosperous than before.

Some sinners have also been tried and purged.

The Shimura family's clan land was confiscated, and now this cup of Konoha is going to be used to build an orphanage.

This orphanage Konoha intends to take in those homeless orphan ninjas and bring them the most appropriate education.

Don't let them be used by people with a heart like Danzo.

And because of the Sarutobi Hiizan, the status of the Sarutobi clan in Konoha also declined rapidly.

Some Sarutobi clan members, if they are insiders, have been put in prison.

But if they don't know it, they will be sent to the border of the village.

As for Sarutobi Asma, his status has also become a little embarrassing.

However, given that Sarutobi Asma had been at odds with Sarutobi Hiizan in the early days, when he was a teenager, he even served as the guard of Hokage Daimyo and left Konoha.

He was not held accountable.

It's just that there is no way to become a class teacher anymore, so she can only wear a mask and join Anbu.

As for Shikamaru Ino Koji's side, the three of them have long since become chunin.

People who attend the general class don't have to act with Shinobu with the class.

Nothing happened.

Nothing major happened in the past six months.

Everything seemed peaceful.

But in fact, the undercurrent has long been surging.

For the past six months, the Xiao organization has been dormant, waiting for an opportunity.

Continue with their Eye of the Moon project.

After all, this is what they consider peace.


"Lord Tianyu!"

Anbu knelt down in front of Tian Yu on one knee and respectfully saluted Tian Yu.

"What's the matter, what happened again?"

Tian Yu had just finished forging at this time, looking at Anbu in front of him and asked.

"Lord Tianyu, there is some situation in the laboratory, the second generation Hokage and Orochimaru want to ask you to take a look."

The Anbu said respectfully to Tian Yu.

"Oh, the lab!"

When Tian Yu heard this, he put down what was in his hand and followed Anbu to the laboratory.

In the past half a year, Orochimaru and they should have researched some results.

Then he also wanted to see what happened to Orochimaru and their research results.

After many guards, I came to the laboratory.

Orochimaru and Senju Tobirama were not in the laboratory.

"Lord Tianyu, let's go this way."

The Anbu continued to lead the way for Tian Yu.

Chapter 265 The Achievements of Orochimaru

Together they went deeper into the laboratory.

Konoha's funds are sufficient, and the laboratory here is no longer like a cave in the past, but has been trimmed and brightened everywhere.

Even if it is tens of meters away from the ground, it is like daytime here.

Just came to the basement floor, Tian Yu had not had time to observe the situation here, his pupils tightened.

Because in Tian Yu's view, this basement floor was actually full of people standing.

And these people's eyes are red three-gou jade writing wheel eyes.

Three hook jade writing wheel eye, the power may not be comparable to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

But there are so many Sangou jade writing wheel eyes.

The power that can be exerted is also extremely powerful.

"It seems that you are quite satisfied with the results of my experiment."

Orochimaru walked out of the crowd and couldn't help laughing at Tian Yu's performance.

"You made these?"

Tian Yu asked in surprise.

"No, of course I did it together with the second Hokage, and he gave me a lot of help. The second Hokage is indeed a man who regards the Uchiha family as his mortal enemy, even if he couldn't get the Shaker at that time. Samples, but I still have a very good understanding of Sharinyan, with his help, I was able to create this batch of dead men with Sangou jade and Sharinyan."

Orochimaru was clearly satisfied with his experiment.

After all, these dead men all have shackles.

When necessary, it can often work wonders on the battlefield.

"Is there any difference between their swivel eyes and normal swivel eyes?"

After the initial shock, Tian Yu quickly calmed down.

Orochimaru's experiment is indeed very good. With so many writing round eyes, the improvement of Konoha's combat effectiveness is not too big.

Especially when the war is going on, when such a group of dead soldiers go out, it is very likely that they will directly launch beheading attacks on people in a village.

Just imagine, if your commander, or even the leader of the village, died suddenly when the war broke out, it would deal a blow to the will of the village to fight.

But these writing wheel eyes are all spread from the laboratory, not the blood of the real Uchiha family.

Even if the power of Sharinyan can be exerted, I am afraid it cannot be compared with the power of the Uchiha family.

After all, it's like Senju Hakuma and Yamato.

The Senju Hashirama is the **** of ninjas, and it is an existence that can wipe out all the five kingdoms with the raise of a hand.

But Yamato, well, it can only be said that Yamato is indeed quite powerful in building a house for Konoha.

And what does Yamato say, he can integrate Mu Dun, it can only be said that the blind cat hit the dead mouse.

Li Kui and Li Gui are completely incompatible.

"Well, you also know that the writing wheel eyes cultivated in the laboratory are indeed incomparable to those of the Uchiha clan, and the time they can be used is greatly shortened, and even blindness will soon be caused, but please I believe that these Sharinyans like me can completely perform a complete Izanagi technique, but if you want to use Izanagi, you must use your life as the price, and of course these people are dead men."

"If you order it, they will do it without hesitation, and they will not care about their own life or death at all."

Orochimaru continued to laugh.

Tian Yu held his arms and looked at Orochimaru.

Originally, when Orochimaru said the previous words, Tian Yu was a little bit unconcerned. After all, a inferior product that can't be compared with the Uchiha family, Tian Yu doesn't need to care at all.

But hearing those words behind Orochimaru, Tian Yu's heart was also a little different.


Anyone who has read the original Naruto novels will not be unaware of this ninjutsu.

This is a ninjutsu that can change reality and turn everything into an illusion.

Even in the casting stage of the spell, life and death can be blurred for a short time.

Once Shimura Danzo's power allowed him to use Izanagi for another minute.

The strength of these dead soldiers is far inferior to Danzo, and their displays are activated at the cost of their lives.

So it is very likely that it is only ten seconds.

But that's enough for a fast-changing battlefield.

For at least ten seconds, if he had used the Flying Thunder God technique, he would have been able to kill that person dozens of times.

"Orochimaru, you really will surprise me, but I think you called me here today, not just to say this?"

Tian Yu smiled.

"That's right, Tian Yu, you should also want to make the secret art of Sharinyan more perfect. If you can achieve the power of the Uchiha clan, then yes, Konoha's improvement will be even greater!"

Orochimaru said with a smile.

"Well, of course I think about it, but Orochimaru, since their eyes can activate the Izanagi of the Uchiha clan, what if someone wants to take their eyes away on the battlefield?"

Tian Yu had to ask this question.

After all, no one wants their own things to make wedding dresses for others.

Especially for a family with a special bloodline boundary, what other people are Bing Dun, Lan Dun is nothing more than that.

These are all in the blood, unless you have a child with someone in the past, you can't take it away.

But things like the eyes are completely different.

Both the Hyuga and Uchiha clan value their eyes very highly. If they were taken away by outsiders, it would be equivalent to the loss of the power of the family.

This is not a happy ending.

"You can rest assured. I have also added Beluhu's Gui Luo Ya technique as a base for them, so you don't have to worry about their eyes being taken away. Once someone wants to take away their eyes, If they just took their eyes back and stored them as specimens, it would be better to say that the eyes would only gradually shrink and eventually lose all their strength."

"But if someone wants to put those eyes all the way into their own body, then the magic of ghost teeth will explode directly and devour his body, so their eyes are foolproof."

Orochimaru continued to smile.

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