"Well, then I can rest assured, what else do you need me to help you with?"

Tian Yu looked at Orochimaru and said.

And hearing Tian Yu's words, the smile on Orochimaru's face also became a lot more sincere.

"Payne in Xiao's organization, Samsara Eye, I need his Samsara Eye sample. I want to study Samsara Eye, which is a more mysterious power than Sharingyan, the eyes of Six Paths Immortals, if I can study it thoroughly If so, maybe we can also have the power of immortals."

"And to a certain extent, the power of Samsara and Sharinyan seems to have something in common. If I can get some samples, I can find the law between them and strengthen Sharinyan."

Orochimaru spoke without hesitation.

Chapter 266 Departure from Yuren Village

"Oh, do you need this?"

Tian Yu did not refuse when he heard Orochimaru's words.

After all, although Nagato is powerful, it is not impossible to deal with.

What's more, Tian Yu's situation about Nagato is even more familiar.

How to deal with him, I already knew in my heart.

"Strengthening the wheel eye, this research is a bit interesting..." A faint smile appeared at the corner of Tian Yu's mouth.

I have to say that the research results of Orochimaru this time really gave him a lot of surprises.

And the reincarnation eye, which is higher than the writing wheel eye,

That is the existence that even Tian Yu is very curious about.

Tian Yu raised his head, looked at Orochimaru, and asked;

"So, you only need me to get back a body of Payne that you have seen in the Xiao organization before, and it is enough as a sample for your research on the eye of reincarnation?"

This request is not difficult for Tian Yu.

With his current strength, even if he is directly facing Nagato, who is Payne's body, he is fully confident that he can defeat the opponent and get everything he wants.

What's more, what Orochimaru wants now is just one of the six penns.

"Yes, this should be easy for you, Tian Yujun." Orochimaru's golden eyes shone with a strong light, and his eyes were full of confidence.

And the confidence in his eyes is even stronger than Tian Yu,

It's a frenzy that only a scientific maniac can have.

The strong strength that Tianyu has always shown, and the support for his scientific research and technology,

Let Orochimaru always feel fortunate in his heart that he chose to cooperate with him, it was a wise decision!

"Yes, I only need these so far, Tian Yu, I know that the Xiao organization is very powerful, but I know that you are also very powerful. It is up to you to bring me the sample of the eye of reincarnation."

Orochimaru smiled and looked at Tian Yu.

"It's no problem."

Tian Yu nodded.

"I will go to the Land of Rain in a few days."

Tian Yu nodded lightly,

Then he left Orochimaru's laboratory.

"As expected of you, Tian Yujun." Orochimaru's eyes were filled with admiration and yearning, looking at Tian Yu's distant back, he said with emotion.

"It's all up to you."

Orochimaru smiled, then turned and left.


Naruto Office.

"Hey, woman! You've been getting more and more presumptuous recently!"

Tian Yu pushed open the door of Hokage's office,

A smell of alcohol rushed towards his face,

Then he saw that on the desk of Tsunade Hokage's office, there were many shochu jugs, large and small, scattered all over the floor.

Tsunade was wearing a green windbreaker, with two golden ponytails hanging in front of him, an intoxicating blush on his flawless white face, and a bit of laxity in his eyes, full of amorous feelings.

This blurry look...

Obviously, Tsunade was in the middle of the day, and he was drinking high in his office!

As a Hokage in the past two years, Tsunade has become more and more familiar with these positions as Hokage, and she is no longer restricted by the elders and others. She began to gradually let go of herself.

Not only does he often get drunk by himself, but he even has the idea to open a casino in Hokage's office building!

Of course, as soon as she came up with this idea, she was already strangled by Tian Yu in her mind!

At this time, Tsunade was obviously in a very violent state.

"What? You said you were going to Yuren Village, but I didn't agree!"

Tsunade directly refused.

"Why, Tsunade? If you can get a sample of Samsara Eye, Orochimaru can further strengthen the power of Sharinyan, which is a good thing for Konoha, why don't you agree?"

Tian Yu looked at Tsunade.

I don't quite understand why Tsunade didn't agree to his request.

"What are you kidding? Tianyu, Yuren Village, that place is the base of Xiao's organization, don't forget how they treated Konoha before, I'm afraid they are all thinking about how to deal with Konoha now. Ye is strong, and they dare not come. What I don't understand is that you have to take the initiative to go there. Tianyu, you are strong, but your fists are hard to beat with four hands. If they are besieged together, how big are you? Can the confidence come back?"

Tsunade refused to agree to Tian Yu's departure.

She is worried.

"Okay, Tsunade, I know you're worried about me, but trust me, I'll be fine, and there is still Shishui helping me in Yuren Village, you should have already understood the ability of me and Shishui, At that time, even if we are besieged, I can use the Flying Thunder God technique to leave with the water stop, and I know their strength like the back of my hand!"

"There won't be a problem. The more important thing is this matter. Even if I don't go now, there will definitely be other people who will go. The hidden danger is solved, I can guarantee to come back unscathed, but others can't, so Tsunade, trust me."

Tian Yu looked at Tsunade and said.

"Tian Yu!"

Tsunade bit her lip.

She really didn't want to.

What kind of person is Madara Uchiha?

That is the ninja Shura, who is as famous as Qianshouzhuma, and his strength is extremely powerful.

Even though Tsunade has never seen Madara Uchiha.

But when he was young, he also heard a lot of news about Uchiha Madara from the mouths of Senju Tobirama and Chishou Hasuma.

Those news are not fake.


Tian Yu smiled and looked at Tsunade.

But his expression was firm and he had no intention of giving in.

"I see, Tian Yu, then you must come back safely."

Tsunade knew that Tian Yu was very gentle, but behind the gentleness was firmness.

Tian Yu has already made up his mind, so he will definitely do it.

Even if she doesn't agree, it doesn't help.

"Do not worry."

Tian Yu smiled and patted Tsunade's shoulder.

"If you think it's dangerous, why don't I accompany Tian Yu. Naruto's training in the past few days has already seen results for the first time. I think Kakashi can accompany him, so I can accompany Tian. Yu went to Yuren Village."

Jiraiya was also outside the Hokage office, and he had already heard the conversation between Tianyu and Tsunade clearly.

After Tsunade agreed, Jiraiya pushed the door and walked in, looking at the two and said.

"No, you leave me in Konoha!"

Tsunade refused without thinking.

"Jiraiya, after I leave the village, some chores in the village will be left to you to handle, so you are not suitable to leave with me, and I don't think that with my own strength, I don't need so many people. escort."

Tian Yu smiled and looked at Jiraiya and said.

In the original work, Jiraiya also died in the hands of Nagato and the others.

Right in Yuren Village.

Now he died tragically even though he couldn't watch Jiraiya.

But situations like this should be avoided as soon as possible.

Otherwise, who knows if there will be a world suddenly, line correction.

In that case, it would be distressing.


Zilai also hesitated for a moment.

"But they used to be my students too, you know? When I first saw in Konoha that my students had joined such a mercenary group and came to deal with Konoha, my heart was indescribable. From that time onwards, I wanted to ask them carefully, to ask what was going on, and when I left them, they clearly said that they wanted peace."

"It may not be possible to give everything, just hope for peace, but what they are doing now is completely contrary to what they hoped for at the beginning. Nagato, Yahiko, Xiaonan, they are all good children, and someone must have inspired them behind their backs."

When Jirai also said this, he gritted his teeth.

After all, that was the child he had taught for years.

"Because you know it's your student, so you have to avoid suspicion, Jiraiya, a long time has passed, time can change a person, even Naruto is already so old, let alone them Well, when you left them, they were only a little older than Naruto, but now that so many years have passed, everything has already changed, only you have not changed."

"Still immersed in the past years, not everyone is Orochimaru, and not everyone is forced, Jiraiya, Naruto still needs you."

Tian Yu still refused directly.

Ji Lai also looked at Tian Yu's appearance and knew that he could no longer talk about it.

So he just sighed and turned to leave.

"It's the first time I've seen you, and rejected Jiraiya with such a firm tone."

Tsunade looked at Tian Yu in surprise.

"No way, I'll go first, I'm leaving Konoha, don't tell Tiantian and Hinata for now, otherwise I'm afraid they will be worried, and Orochimaru, remember to tell him later, After I come back, he can continue to study, but before I come back, he still stays in Konoha, don't leave, and the second generation of Hokage, I heard Orochimaru say that the second generation of Hokage is developed again A few ninjutsu skills."

"You remember to find someone to identify it. If it can be promoted on a large scale, promote it, but if it doesn't work, remember to list it as a forbidden technique."

Tian Yu smiled.

Chapter 267 The situation in Yuren Village

"Okay, I understand, you can go."

Tsunade patted Tian Yu helplessly.

Now that he has decided to go to Yuren Village, Tianyu will naturally not make any preparations.

After packing up, Tian Yu rushed to Yuren Village.

Only Tian Yu was alone, and the speed of the road was extremely fast.

After half a day's effort, Tian Yu had already arrived at Yuren Village.

"Lord Tianyu!"

When Zhishui knew that Tianyu was coming, he went directly to Tianyu to salute.

The light rain in Yuren Village does not stop all year round, and it is surrounded by thick fog.

Ordinary people can't sneak in at all, as long as they go in, they will be noticed.

Shishui has always been exploring the periphery. Even if he wanted to sneak in and find some clues, he used the crow clone.

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