He quickly slapped Xiao Nan on the body.

Then everyone saw it.

Tian Yu has used the technique of flying thunder **** to come to the place where Xiao Nan appeared before.

At the same time, ice flowers bloomed directly on the ice wheel pill.

The surrounding temperature instantly turned to zero degrees, and the ground began to snow.

And whenever these flying snow fell on the three hellhounds, the three hellhounds would turn into clones again.

Even those rhinos and bulls, after the snow fell on them, their footsteps froze directly.

It didn't take long for them to turn into ice sculptures in situ.

And the big crab that was channeled out was even more miserable.

The corrosive bubbles on the surrounding earth that were originally used to attack Tian Yu, but at that moment directly turned into the life-threatening charm of the big crab.

These bubbles were stained with ice flowers and fell directly to the ground, bursting instantly with a bang.

All the power inside fell on the crab's carapace.

Also, in an instant, the crab was turned into an ice sculpture.

At the same time, snowflakes are still falling.

Little by little, it floated on Xiao Nan's body.

Xiao Nan's body turned into paper again.

But it was of no use.

These flying snow did not seem to be water droplets, but contaminated like condensed ice blades and turned into a white frost.

No matter how to dodge, as long as the moment when the snow falls.

Everything is doomed.


At this time, Payne from the Hungry Ghost Realm stepped forward.

Attraction kept appearing in his hands.

In an instant, the flying snow in the sky was absorbed into his body by him.

Tian Yu did not stop Hungry Ghost Dao's actions.

Evil ghosts can absorb and devour other people's Chakra for their own use, and release them at the same time to deal with the existence of the enemy.

But the Bingtian Hundred Flowers Burial he released at the moment was not a ninjutsu.

It is a kind of extreme ice power.

This ice power can completely freeze even Chakra.

The evil ghost wants to absorb these powers into his body, so his final result is destined to be turned into an ice sculpture.

Sure enough, the body of the hungry ghost began to gradually attach layers of ice flowers.

And in the surrounding world, the snow still exists.

Xiao Nan's body is well protected by the Tao of Heaven.

There was no snowfall after that.

But if he persists, Tian Dao's body will be covered by flying snow sooner or later, and at that time, Xiao Nan will be completely targeted.


A series of seals appeared in Tian Yun's hand.

These seals are constantly being cast towards the evil spirits.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Hearing another shot, these seals were completely torn apart, and some flying snow in the air was also smashed.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Payne Tiandao shot, the huge attraction, constantly pulling Tianyu.

Two diametrically opposed forces seemed to tear apart Tian Yu's body.

This power is indeed very strong, and even the technique of Flying Thunder God cannot escape such an attack.

However, Tian Yu did not hesitate, and the ice wheel pill flashed with a very strong light.

"Millennium Ice Prison!"

As Tian Yu approached, the endless power of ice on the Bing Lun Pill instantly condensed around it, forming dozens of icicles, directly wrapping Tian Dao and Xiao Nan.

At the same time, the endless power of ice emanated, and more of the flying snow fell on Xiao Nan's body.

"It's already the sixty-third flower. If the flower becomes the hundredth, Xiaonan will die."

Chapter 270 Get the sample

Just when he heard that he wanted to launch the Shen Luo Tianzheng to completely smash these icicles, Tian Yu suddenly said this to him.

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, Payne Tiandao's attack really stopped.

"When I invaded Konoha, I used this trick for the Chunin exam, Bingtian Hundred Flowers Burial, when the flying snow turned into frost flowers and fell on your body, and the number reached 100. When the fire of that person's life was completely extinguished, there were already seventy-two flowers."

"Tian Dao, you are a corpse, this blow may not have any effect on you, but for Xiao Nan, when the ice flower reaches the hundredth, she will die, and she will be forever removed from this world. disappeared."

No matter it is **** or what, there is no way to save Xiaonan's life.

Hearing this, Tiandao hesitated.

"No, Payne, kill him."

Xiao Nan didn't care about his own life or death.

What Konan cares about is whether Nagato will be threatened.

as it is now.

"Pin Tiandao, I'll remind you here again, if you are still hesitating, then Xiao Nan may die, and don't forget, it's difficult to tell the winner of our battle in a short period of time, but the ice flower has arrived. It's seventy-six, Xiao Nan's life is now in your hands, if you are willing to sacrifice Xiao Nan, then I have nothing to say, and I can't bring back the sample of Samsara Eye today."

"But if you don't want to sacrifice Xiao Nan, remove all your ninjutsu now and let me bring back the corpse sample of the evil ghost. I can promise here that I will not hurt anyone again. The same Xiao Nan also can survive."

Tian Yu looked at Tian Dao and smiled.

"Is what you said true?"

Tiandao is still hesitating.

"The eighty-second slice."

Tian Yu did not answer, but said the number instead.

"I promise, I promise your request, as long as you can keep Xiaonan safe, I promise your request."

Payne Tiandao nodded directly, no, it should be Nagato nodded directly in agreement.

The moment he heard the nod, Tian Yu saw that Penn Liudao and the others had already restrained all chakra.

Likewise, they will no longer resist. At this time, Tian Yu only needs to perform ninjutsu on them.

I am afraid that they will be solved in an instant.

But since Nagato has already spoken and put down the weapon in his hand, Tian Yu naturally can't be that despicable villain.

He no longer hesitated, and as soon as the seal talisman came out, he immediately sealed the body of the evil ghost.

This corpse is the sample he will bring back next.

At this moment, Xiao Nan's body was covered with ice flowers.

The number of ice flowers has accumulated to ninety-two.

As long as there are eight more pieces of Xiaonan, he will surely die.

At this moment, Tian Yu has stopped this technique, and the sky is no longer snowflakes.

Tian Yu walked in front of Xiao Nan and smashed the frost on Xiao Nan's body easily with his hands.


Tian Yu just finished speaking.

Xiao Nan's body turned into a piece of paper, wanting to attack Tian Yu again.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

However, in the next moment, Tian Yu's body passed through Xiao Nan's pieces of paper.

A cold glow flashed in his hand, and Xiao Nan's body instantly fell to the ground.

A large amount of blood fell to the ground.

Under this blow, Xiao Nan was obviously seriously injured.

"Xiao Nan!"

Tiandao came to Xiaonan's side to check her situation.

With so much blood shed, Xiaonan is likely to die.

But after Tiandao checked Xiaonan's body, he found that the blow just seemed to be heavy, but in fact it only caused Xiaonan to shed some blood.

And Fei Lei Shen Slash is to avoid the key points.

In other words, the injuries that Xiao Nan is suffering from now, as long as he goes back to recuperate for half a month, he will be fine.

"I've said it before, since you're serious about what you say, then I won't kill anyone. The method just now is a lesson for you, don't try to kill me, you don't know my power, Heavenly Dao, you It's a corpse, maybe you can't be afraid of some of my methods, but Xiao Nan is a living person, and she can't deal with me."

Tian Yu looked at Tian Dao and said.

No, he was more like speaking to Nagato behind the Heavenly Dao.

"Tianyu, no matter how strong you are, the Konoha has decayed to the root. Unless the roots are dug up and a Konoha is rebuilt on top of the ruins, there will never be true peace in this world, and now With these methods, you want to study the secret of Samsara Eye, and you don’t hesitate to attack an innocent person, what is the difference between you and the original Danzo.”

Tian Dao looked at Tian Yu and shouted.

"There will be real peace, and I believe that real peace will come, and if we start working hard from now, maybe we can see the day when real peace will come, but if we do nothing, then Peace can only be found in false dreams."

"Also, don't compare Danzo with me, that guy is not worthy, and the power of Samsara Eye is a necessary force on the road to peace, I want to control the power of Samsara Eye, the purpose is to protect the weak, and When you get the power of the eye of reincarnation, you wield the knife at the weak, we are fundamentally different, you can't compare with me."

"What's more, a man who only hides behind the corpse of his friend came to talk to me about peace again. Did you hesitate just now? You were hesitating whether to sacrifice Xiao Nan to kill me, but if it is the real Yahiko, he There will be no hesitation at all, just like what he did at the beginning, in order to save his companion, he will not hesitate to bump into your misery and use his own life to save his companion."

Tian Yu looked at Tian Dao and said.

To be honest, Nagato is indeed a very tragic character in the original Naruto world.

He has been used all his life, and he may have seen the light for a short time.

But the light is too short-lived.

Even Nagato thought it was just an illusion, and Akatsuki's name.

The actual meaning is to break the dawn, an organization that wants to bring true peace and hope to everyone.

But now they have become synonymous with mercenaries in their hands.

Became a symbol of terror, a dark organization.

It was completely different from what Yahiko had thought.

This is their grief at all.

"what do you know?"

Tiandao was stunned when he heard this.

What Tian Yu said should be confidential, after all, these things have already happened for more than ten years.

Everyone who knew it was dead.

But why Tian Yu can still say it.

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