Chapter 271 The request to stop the water

"I know clearly about you, and I also know that the death of Yahiko was caused by Danzo colluding with Sanshoyu Hanzo, but you finally vented your anger on Sanshoyu Hanzo, not even to Danzo. revenge."

"In the end, this organization of yours even cooperated with Danzo to attack Konoha. Putting the cart before the horse is simply ridiculous. In fact, I'm still curious. If Yahiko is still alive and seeing you like this, he will What kind of expression should it be?"

"I think it will be very disappointing. It's ridiculous that you two have completely given up your faith in your hearts after just taking a little blow. You are weak and fragile, and you are loyal to the darkness."

Tian Yu looked at Tian Dao and Xiao Nan and shook his head.

Nagato and Konan are the ones who have witnessed the real darkness.

But so is Yahiko.

And when Yahiko died, he entrusted Konan to Nagato.

It is also the one who entrusted the hope of their Akatsuki organization to Nagato, hoping that Nagato can become a leader and lead everyone to continue.

But what did Nagato do?

He gave the entire organization to Obito, let Obito, and turned this originally bright and splendid organization into a mercenary.

It even recruited rebels from the five major countries to create killing and bloodshed.

It has to be said that Nagato did not fulfill Yahiko's entrustment.

"What do you know, you don't understand at all."

Tiandao Payne was said to be in pain in his heart.

Started to get a little irritable.

"Don't talk about Nagato and Yahiko like that!"

Xiao Nan also became angry.

"Of course I understand that, generally speaking, if a companion who shares the same belief as me dies, or to save me, then I will live with his belief, no matter how hard it is, I will Instead of turning around and joining the darkness with his entrustment, this may be what you think, and this is why your Xiao organization has become what it is now. Talking about it is useless. See you."

"At that time, I will no longer be merciful, and I will really send you to meet your teammates. At that time, I hope you can still ask him well when you are in the Pure Land. What do you do now? Is he satisfied or disappointed with all this?"

Tian Yu smiled mockingly.

Then he took the corpse of the evil ghost and left Yuren Village directly.

After Tian Yu left, the rain in Yu Nin Village became heavier and heavier.

The surrounding fog obscured the street, and the visibility on the street was getting lower and lower.

After the battle, all the villagers of Yuren Village ran out of their homes.

They wanted to see the outcome of the battle and who actually won.

But in the end, what they saw was only a mess, and their angels and gods had long since disappeared.

All that was left to Yuren Village was the devastation and the heavy rain that never saw the light of day.


"Obito, he left. Is it really good to let him say that to Nagato? You also know that Nagato's spirit is very fragile. If you continue to stimulate it like this, it may really collapse."

Black and white looked at Obito and asked.

"Whether it's good or bad, he has already said it, and there is no way to stop it. What's more, what he said may not be true, Nagato is indeed not firm, and Xiaonan is not much better, Hei Jue, give me a good these days. Looking at Nagato, he has to tell me the first time that any changes occur, our plan is about to start, and there must be no mistakes in the middle."

Obito looked at the black end.

"Don't worry, with me looking at Nagato, there won't be any problems."

Black Jue nodded.

For them, Nagato is actually just the container of the reincarnation eye and the tools needed to resurrect Uchiha Madara.

It was like this at the beginning, and it is even more so now. It doesn't matter what the idea of ​​this tool person is.

What matters is the result.


After leaving Rainin Village.

Zhi Shui appeared behind Tian Yu without hesitation.

"Lord Tianyu."

Shishui respectfully saluted.

"Shishui, during the time I entered Yuren Village, can anything else happen here?"

Tian Yu looked at Zhi Shui and asked.

"No, no one came in or out of Yuren Village, but I saw the mysterious man with the yellow mask of **** and the aloe-like figure beside him. They seemed to be conspiring something. But you also know that my crow clone can't get close at all, so I don't know what they are talking about for the time being."

Shishui answered.

"Well, very good, you did a good job, come back to Konoha with me, and then you don't have to monitor Yuren Village anymore."

Tian Yu nodded.

Take the water stopper back.

"Yes, Lord Tianyu, but I have another request. After I go back to the village, I want to find Xiao Itachi alone. If possible, I hope to be able to tell Xiao Itachi, since the truth of the Uchiha clan has been revealed to The world, then Konoha should restore the reputation of the Uchiha family, Xiao Itachi went to the Akatsuki organization as an undercover agent."

"Now that he has left the organization, Konoha should accept him."

Shishui said uncontrollably.

After all, Uchiha Itachi is the younger generation he is optimistic about. Back then, itachi carried too much burden and went to the Akatsuki organization, and he was almost killed by Danzo, but fortunately there was Tianyu, he survived, and The truth of the Uchiha family has also been revealed, so Uchiha Itachi, who is acting as an undercover in this world, should also come back.

"If Uchiha Itachi is willing to come back, then Konoha will always welcome him, but now his whereabouts have become a mystery. Although he has left the Akatsuki organization, he has not completely returned to Konoha. He even told Sasuke before. After monthly reading, the current Uchiha Itachi is no longer the one he once was, and I don't know what kind of thoughts he has now."

"Zhishui, if you want to find him, then you must not be soft-hearted. The original Uchiha Itachi did a lot for Konoha, and even suffered a bad name, but it's not necessarily the case now!"

Tian Yu also doesn't want to think about the worst.

But now the attitude of the Uchiha family in Konoha has already been reversed by him.

If it wasn't for Sasuke being on Orochimaru's side now, Sasuke would definitely be able to receive apologies from many people now that he is walking on the road of Konoha.

And some of Uchiha's property has already been returned by Konoha, go back.

Uchiha's family land has also been preserved, and now it has all been returned to Sasuke's name.

Chapter 272 Bring back the sample of the reincarnation eye

It can be said that no one will object to returning to Konoha now, and no one will look at you with tinted glasses.

But the weasel hasn't come back yet.

It means that he may have already changed.

"I know, but I believe Xiao Itachi is still the same as before, without the slightest change."

Shisui and Itachi have an excellent relationship, and now Itachi has left the Akatsuki organization.

Shishui naturally wanted to bring the ferret back.

"Okay, then you can go."

Tian Yu nodded in agreement.

"Yes, thank you Lord Tianyu."

Shishui was very excited.

Then Zhishui helped to drag the sample of Hungry Ghost Realm among the six realms of Payne.

The two continued to set off.

Wait until the distance is a certain distance away from Yu Nin Village.

Tian Yucai put his hand on Shishui's shoulder.

Then cast the technique of Flying Thunder God and left the place.

After returning to Konoha.

Shisui went to the Hokage office to report to Tsunade and the others.

And Tian Yu came to the laboratory with the body of Hungry Ghost Dao.

In the laboratory, Orochimaru and the second Hokage are studying a corpse.

The source of this corpse is a death row prisoner from Konoha.

Prisoners who were supposed to be executed were used to the best of their ability.

It's also a waste.

On the arm of the corpse, a row of writing wheels was planted.

These writing round eyes are cultivated by Orochimaru with Sasuke's blood.

However, it has been cultivated, but it cannot exert the corresponding power.

It's not even enough to open Gouyu.

This is far from the power of the Shakers on the dead men that Orochimaru researched before.

But the two should not be confused.

One is a one-time item, while the other is a long-term item.

The effect and quality are completely different.

"Orochimaru, perhaps Uchiha nobu's cells will inhibit the formation of the blood-retaining boundary."

Senju Tobirama said after looking at the changes in some of the corpse cells under the microscope.

Uchihashin's cells can make a person who has been transplanted with Mudun cells balance his own strength.

It will not be completely engulfed by the wood escape cells.

But such cells will also inhibit the power of the Shaker.

And obviously not to be confused.

"Then remove the letter's cells and try it with Sasuke's. Oh, by the way, I still have Shisui's here. If you can, you can also try it."

Orochimaru smiled and took out a pile of blood.

Look at the blood in the test tube.

Qianshou Tobirama's eyelids trembled.

He is a scientific madman, and he often develops some ninjutsu called forbidden jutsu.

But people like Orochimaru can take blood samples at any time.

Still the first time.

It really surprised him.

"Ah, don't worry, I have already asked for their consent when I took the blood, so don't worry about what I do will be rejected by Konoha."

Orochimaru looked at Qianshou Tobirama and smiled.

It looked so pure and innocent.

"I'm doing an experiment again. The power of the corpse's writing wheel is very weak."

Tian Yu walked into the laboratory, first looked at the corpse on the stage, and then shook his head.

"Well, it is indeed very weak. Without the support of the power of blood, although this writing wheel has been cultivated, there is no way to use its power, and it can only be viewed as a decoration."

Orochimaru directly admitted that this thing is weak.

"Is there any possibility of improvement?"

Tian Yu asked with arms crossed.

After all, if you want to use a one-time writing wheel eye, you need another person's life as the price.

But if you develop a writing wheel that can really be used.

That is also a good thing for Konoha's strength to improve.

"Not for now, but Tian Yu, have you brought back the sample of the eye of reincarnation that I want?"

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