Orochimaru turned to look at Tian Yu.

With anticipation in his eyes.

Reincarnation Eye, this is the ultimate power in this world.

Eyes of the Six Paths Immortals.

I really don't know how powerful it is.

If they can get this power, maybe they can also get that power of creation.

Become a real god.

"The eye of reincarnation, you actually asked for a sample of the eye of reincarnation, what exactly are you thinking about, Orochimaru?"

Qianshou Tobirama held his arms and stared at Orochimaru with some bad eyes.

Orochimaru is indeed a good partner in scientific research.

Also a good helper.

But the research on writing wheel eyes is a bit overdone, let alone the eyes of reincarnation.

"What else can I think of, I just want to study it thoroughly. Those are the eyes of the leader of the Akatsuki organization. In a sense, he is our enemy."

Orochimaru continued to smile, not at all frightened by Senju Tobirama's attitude.

"Orochimaru, don't use the guise of scientific research to study any forbidden techniques, manipulate life and death, and your soul without authorization. In the end, it can only be swallowed up by the **** of death. This is my teaching to you."

Thousands of hands frowned slightly.

Orochimaru's reason is very good.

But for Senju Tobirama, the ninja is still upright.

Doing random tricks will only make people despised.

"Don't worry, I won't do that. If I really do that, I'm afraid Tianyu will not let me go."

Orochimaru looked at Tian Yu and then at Qianshou Tobirama and smiled.

"You two talk, don't get involved with me, Orochimaru, this is the sample of the eye of reincarnation you want, the corpse of Hungry Ghost Dao, you didn't bring back the Dao of Heaven, you can make do with it."

After Tian Yu said this, he took out the scroll.

After unsealing.

Immediately, the body of Hungry Ghost Dao appeared in front of everyone.

When Orochimaru saw the body of Hungry Ghost Road, his breathing became rapid.

When he was still in the Xiao organization, he had seen Penn Liudao with his own eyes.

Six people shot together, the strength is extremely powerful.

And he was also shooting at Tiandao, and after he was completely defeated, he left the Xiao organization directly.

Until now, every time Orochimaru recalled the power of the Samsara Eye, he would feel a shudder.

And now, the body of Hungry Ghost Dao is in front of him.

This is enough to show that Tian Yu's strength is above Payne.

This is the strength of a thirteen-year-old boy, it is really unfathomable.

"Oh, Tianyu, you are really amazing."

Orochimaru's eyes are shining.

He stuck out his tongue and kept licking, licking around his lips.

That frenzied look made people shudder a little.

"Stop saying these misleading words. I have brought back what you asked for. I hope your research can satisfy me. Otherwise, Orochimaru, I will not provide you with these resources for nothing."

Tian Yu smiled and looked at Orochimaru and said.

Some words can be regarded as knocking.

After all, Tian Yu really understands the power of the eye of reincarnation.

But if you want to use it, you still need Orochimaru.

Chapter 273 Future Trends

This also means that if Orochimaru is doing things during the experiment.

He's hard to find.

Of course, he still believes in Orochimaru.

After all, although Orochimaru had defected, he was forced.

Everything is now revealed.

I believe that Orochimaru will not do anything to betray Konoha again.

"Of course, of course, after I have this sample, I can study the eye of reincarnation well. Believe me, I will definitely make good use of this sample."

Orochimaru naturally agreed.

Now he can't wait to start researching.

"The old man will also take a good look at him."

After noticing Tian Yu's expression, Senju Tobirama nodded to him.

"Okay, then there's work."

Tian Yu smiled and nodded.

Although this guy Chishou Tobirama is an old-fashioned man, he will never do anything to threaten Konoha. He is by Orochimaru's side.

Tian Yu was still very relieved.

After talking to Orochimaru and the others, Tian Yu left the laboratory.

After returning to the Hokage office.

Shisui has already reported the news to Tsunade.

Seeing Tian Yu coming, he stopped the water and saluted.

"Tianyu, you are back."

Tsunade saw Tian Yu coming back, and the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

The Yuren Village is the base camp of the Akatsuki organization.

The fact that Tian Yu was able to pass and come back unscathed can already demonstrate the strength of Tian Yu.

"Well, I'm back, I've already given him the sample that Orochimaru asked for, Tsunade, are you all right?"

Tian Yu said with a smile.

"You also said that I not only look at so many documents every day, but also worry about it. I don't know if something will happen to you, really..."

Tsunade said and slapped Tian Yu's chest.

Tsunade naturally did not exert any force in this blow.

But even if there is no force, Tsunade's strange power is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Tian Yu was beaten and took a step back, coughing.

"Tianyu, are you alright?"

Tsunade hurriedly asked when he saw Tian Yu was uncomfortable.

"Zhishui, you should leave first, don't leave in a hurry, go see Sasuke, you are the last of the Uchiha clan, and you must love each other."

Tian Yu looked at the water stop.

"Yes, Lord Tianyu."

When Shishui heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

Then bowed his head and left the Hokage office.

"Cough, Tsunade, I'm fine, but if you continue to beat me, I won't be able to be sure if I have anything to do with myself."

Tian Yu patted his chest and smiled.


Tsunade seems to have heard Tian Yu's implication.

He snorted directly.

But didn't say much.

"Xiao Organization won't just let it go. He will definitely make big moves in the future. We have to be prepared. If necessary, we can call back all the ninjas in the village, but this is the worst plan."

Tian Yu looked at Tsunade and started talking about business.

"Well, I will, but there are too many ninjas going on missions. If they are recalled, Konoha will suffer economic losses. I suggest that it is better to pay more attention to their movements."

Tsunade said after thinking for a while.

"There's nothing wrong with this. It's something we need to pay attention to, but in the situation at Yuren Village, Uchiha Shisui is no longer suitable. It's better to send someone else over there."

Tianyu looked at Tsunade.

"What happened to the water stop?"

Tsunade asked with some doubts when he heard this.

The strength of the water is still very strong.

At least among Konoha's Joinin, there are very few people who can surpass Uchiha Shisui.

"He is too gentle, and his eyes are very important. If it falls into the hands of the enemy, the consequences will be disastrous, so it is better to send another person to monitor."

Tian Yu replied.

The effect of other gods is powerful.

In the original work, it is simply a bug-like illusion.

It is possible to change a person's mind quietly, the key is that the recruiter is still unknowingly.

Such eyes, if they fall into the hands of the enemy, then at the start of the battle, they will be alert to the enemy's use of other gods at any time.

and unable to exert its full strength.

In this way, it will be them who suffer on the battlefield.

"Well, I will send new people there, and you should go home as soon as possible. When you go out to perform tasks these days, you often come to my office to complain to me, what to say, a few days. She lost weight without seeing you."

Tsunade said uncontrollably.

"That girl!"

When Tian Yu heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Then I'll go back first. If anything happens, just send someone over and call me."

Tian Yu turned around and left.

"Tianyu, what happened to Yahiko and the others?"

However, before Tian Yu left the Hokage office, Jirai came directly to Tian Yu and asked eagerly.

Obviously, Jirai is also very worried about the current situation of the three of them.

And because of the master's instructions, he couldn't go to Yuren Village to meet Xiaonan and the others in person.

This made him even more anxious.

After all, the three disciples were raised by him for three years, so how can we say that they already have feelings for each other.

And there is a master-disciple relationship between them.

If the apprentice is on the road of no return, the master will be very heartbroken after all.

"They are not good. Nagato and Konan have become members of Akatsuki's organization, and Yahiko has already died."

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