Tian Yu looked at Jirai and replied.

"Why is this? That child Yahiko is a very good child, and he is used to taking care of Xiaonan and Nagato in daily life. Among the three of them, Yahiko has always been the main one. I was sure at that time that the three of them were In the future, they will definitely change Yuren Village and fulfill their dreams, but why did it end like this in the end?"

Zilai is also somewhat confused.

But this may be the fate of the ninja.

Death is basically the norm.

There is a good chance that in your next mission, you will be on this path.

And you don't know what your death will bring to your companions.

"Speaking of which, Yahiko will have such an ending and it has something to do with Shimura Danzo. If he hadn't colluded with Sanshoyu Hanzo, Yahiko would not have died. Speaking of which, Danzo is acting for the benefit of Konoha in Yuren Village. If you go to the root to look up the information now, I believe you will be able to find the truth of the year,"

"It's just a pity, Yahiko."

Tian Yu shook his head.

He really felt a little pity in his heart, Yahiko was indeed a very good person.

If he was still alive, Akatsuki would never have become what it is now.

It will take a long time for Obito and the others to control this organization.

Chapter 274 This Is Destiny

But things are not if.

And things have already happened, so it's useless, the next thing to do is to change as soon as possible.

Hearing this, Zi Lai also shook his head helplessly.

Yahiko is the backbone of Nagato and Konan.

This was discovered when he taught Nagato and Konan.

It's just that at that time he didn't know that Yahiko's lifespan would be so short.

Otherwise, perhaps Jiraiya will bring Nagato and the others back to Konoha.

But speaking of it, Jiraiya didn't bring Nagato and the others back to Konoha, maybe it was a kind of luck.

Otherwise, it is very likely that Danzo will be staring at Nagato's Samsara Eye at that time.

At that time, Nagato and Konan will end up even more miserable than in Akatsuki's organization.

After listening to Tian Yu's words, Zi Lai also didn't know what to say.

In the end, he could only helplessly shook his head.

Their fate can only be said to be good luck.

"Okay, Jiraiya, don't think about this kind of thing anymore, you have done your duty to them, as for what kind of road they will take in the future, it is up to them to decide, there is no such thing as a sentence What is it? The master leads the door, and the practice is personal. The strength of the ability does not necessarily represent the growth of the character. Instead of sighing here, it is better to cultivate the next generation as much as possible."

"Naruto is a very good seedling. I think his future achievements will be even more outstanding than Nagato."

Tian Yu said with a smile.

"Well, yes, Naruto is really good."

Jirai was also persuaded by Tian Yu, and couldn't help but smile.

Think of Naruto, that kid, although he is often called the ninja with the first surprise.

But it is also the hardest and most diligent, and Jirai is also very fortunate that he can still receive such a disciple at this age.

Maybe this is fate's favor for him.

"Well, then you chat first, and I'll go back first."

After Tian Yu said this sentence with a smile, he left the Hokage office.

After first going to the street market to buy some vegetables and fruits, as well as the dishes that Tian Tian and Hinata both like to eat, Tian Yu returned home.

back home.

Tian Yu could smell the aroma of the food.

After entering the kitchen, Tianyu put down the things in his hand, and sure enough, Tiantian was holding a recipe in his hand, constantly flipping through the contents of the recipe.

While cooking the soup, I flipped through it.

"Tiantian, it looks like your craft is getting better and better!"

Tian Yu smiled.


Tian Tian was frightened by Tian Yu's sudden words, and the spoon in his hand was thrown out.

Fortunately, Tian Yu's speed was extremely fast, and he directly caught the spoon.

Then taste the soup in the pot.

"Well, it tastes really good."

"Brother, why did you walk in quietly? It scared me to death."

Every day, some aggrieved coquettish.

"Tian Tian, ​​your vigilance is too bad. Fortunately, it was me just now. If it was an enemy, I'm afraid you would have already..."

Tian Yu didn't say the rest.

But Tian Tian clearly understood the meaning of Tian Yu's words.

"Hey, stinky brother, it's not that you are here to scare me, and this is in my own home. If I have to be vigilant every day, what is the difference between it and the battlefield, brother, you are just arguing, I don't care. , I'm going to punish you today, I'll wash the dishes after eating, and then I'll be responsible for giving us training instructions."

Everyday smiles slyly.

Looks like a little fox.

"Okay, I'll listen to you today!"

Tian Yu smiled and rubbed Tian Tian's head.

After a battle, the warmth of family is one of the things that Tian Yu cherishes most.

"Tian Yu!"

Hinata also came in from outside.

At this time, Hinata had long hair and a shawl, and was wearing simple casual clothes with an apron in front of him.

It looks innocent and cute.

Looking at Tian Yu, there was a burst of joy in his heart.

I haven't seen Hinata for several days, and he really misses it.

"Hina, how are you doing these days?"

Tian Yu asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm a little worried about you, but I'm doing pretty well. Teacher Yuhika said that I've grown a lot recently, whether it's physical or illusion, and my father has also taught me a lot. The family secret technique, the teacher said that in two days, we can try to take a C-level task and go out to try it out."

"If everyone can complete it safely by then, you can try to carry out the B-level mission!"

Hinata said shyly.

"Well, that's pretty good. I'm looking forward to your active performance in the mission."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Why, I actually want to become stronger, because only when I become stronger can I stand by Tianyu's side. I only heard from my father this time that although the Hyuga clan is the largest clan of Konoha, But Tianyu's contribution to Konoha may have already surpassed that of Hinata, and if you don't say anything else, it is said that Tianyu has pleaded guilty to many big clans in Konoha, and many people are not as good as you."

"That's why I have to work hard. I don't want to be the one who holds the back of Tianyu."

Hinata is one who looks very weak.

But actually a very determined girl.

When she has an idea in her heart, she will definitely do it, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are.

And now he wants to stand by Tian Yu's side and become a person who can be worthy of Tian Yu.

Then Hinata will work hard in this direction.

"Well, I'm sure you can."

Tian Yu was very moved.

He couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged Hinata.

"Alright, alright, brother, sister-in-law Hinata, hurry up and pack up and eat. I was hungry for a whole day when I was training today. I think I can eat three bowls of rice in one go, so please don't. Feed me your dog food here, I can't stand it!"

Tian Tian pretended to be unbearable and said.

That is, this sentence successfully made everyone laugh.

"Okay, then let's go to dinner, and then feed her dog food after the meal is over, so that she can eat well every day."

Tian Yu said with a smile.

"Ahhh, bad brother."

Hearing this every day, I couldn't help chasing Tian Yu.

There was a burst of laughter in the room.

Dinner came to the table quickly, after the three of them had eaten.

After talking for a while, Tian Yu sent Hinata back home, and then came back to clean up the kitchen.

This is the punishment given to him every day, and he has to do it.

At night, the windows of the kitchen are wide open, and the night breeze is constantly blowing into the kitchen.

It looks so cool and comfortable.

There were occasional cicadas and bird calls outside, which seemed so surprising and peaceful.

Everything is so peaceful.

Chapter 275 The Assembly of Xiao Organization

It would be a very good thing if the world could always be peaceful like this.


Rainy Village.

There is still light rain all year round here, and the surrounding is filled with fog, making it difficult to see the surroundings.

It is always filled with cool tones, without the slightest temperature.

Even if the light rain hits people, it seems to be able to bring biting cold.

This is almost a city that has lost all its laughter.

The people who live here are not smiling, but numbness.

Live like a walking dead every day.

Even if there is the death of the ninja, for them, they can't stir their nerves at all.

Because death here is a very normal thing.

It would be surprising if there were no dead people in the mission team one day.

On the tallest tower in Rainin Village.

"Payne, everyone has come, it's time to go to the meeting."

Xiao Nan walked out of the room and looked at Payne Tiandao and said.

Because of his poor health, Nagato can only stay in the room all year round.

But at this time, Nagato would silently control Payne Tiandao, standing on the highest tower and looking around.

Konan knew that Nagato was looking at the world with his own eyes instead of Yahiko.

At this time, Xiaonan will miss Yahiko more and more in his heart.

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