I miss the man in the team who can bring them laughter and laughter anytime, anywhere.

However, Xiao Nan also knew.

Yahiko is dead.

Died in the light rain that year.

So since then, the rain in Yuren Village no longer stays.

Because this represents the sun of Nagato and Konan, falling forever.

"I see, but I still want to stay out for a while."

Payne Tiandao did not look at Xiao Nan, but looked outside and said expressionlessly.

"Payne, don't think about it too much. The words that the person said before were obviously trying to move and disturb your heart, but now we have clearly recognized our goal, haven't we? Peace, Yuezhi The Eye Project, this is our mission, as long as the Moon Eye Project can be completed, then all people in this world can fall into peace."

"So it's enough to make some necessary sacrifices for the completion of that plan, because as long as that plan can be completed, everyone will fall into peace, there will be no more wars, and everything we cherish can come back."

Xiao Nan couldn't help persuading Payne.

But to persuade Payne, it would be better to say that Xiao Nan is planning to brainwash himself again with the Eye of the Moon.

Because Xiaonan firmly believes that after the Moon Eye plan is completed, they will be able to see Yahiko again.

To achieve the peace that Yahiko wanted.

For this, they can keep working hard.

Even if it becomes a **** in the hands of others that can be manipulated by others.

"Yeah, as long as the eye of the moon can succeed, everything is worth it."

Payne, no, it should be Nagato said.

"Well, that's right. Everyone has already arrived, and they are waiting for you now. Don't make them wait too long. Let's go back first."

Xiao Nan smiled.

"Okay, let's go!"

When Payne heard this, he turned around and entered the room with Xiao Nan.

The room in the tower is still the same as the outside.

It's pitch black here, and it's almost impossible to see who's standing across from you.

But all people are used to such darkness.

If the lights are lit at this moment, they will not be used to each other's appearance.

Because they themselves are mercenaries hidden in the dark.

Unable to appear in the light.

"You are finally back!"

"I don't know what's so good about the rain outside. It's often a whole day at a glance, and it's not all those boring buildings."

Deidara held his head and said uncontrollably.

"You don't understand that. Isn't patrolling the territory also what the leader has to do?"

The red sand scorpion hides in Amber's puppet and speaks ironically.

"What is there to inspect in this territory? Isn't it all shrouded in rain? No matter how good your eyesight is, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the border."

Deidara looked disdainful.

He is from Yannin Village, the master is the two-day scale Onogi, and the younger sister is the black soil.

He had a bright future in Iwanin Village.

If it wasn't for Uchiha Itachi, Deidara would never have stayed in Akatsuki.

And now Uchiha Itachi has left the Akatsuki organization without authorization, which makes Deidara very dissatisfied.

He hasn't been able to compete well with Uchiha Itachi.

After all, he often condenses his chakra on his left eye, the purpose is to be able to crack the illusion of Uchiha Itachi's writing wheel eye.

And now Uchiha Itachi has left the organization, which makes his preparation impossible.

It's kind of distressing.

In the place where he lives, it basically never rains.

So he was a little new to Yuren Village at first.

But Deidara has lost interest since knowing it rains here all the time.

After all, there is nothing interesting in this Yu Ninja Village, and it is not even comparable in size to the Rock Ninja Village.

This made him lose interest in the village even more.

I don't know why their leader is so obsessed with Yuren Village.

After all, with the strength of their Xiao organization, even a country can easily break down.

When the time comes, living in the gorgeous Daming Fu will be much better than living here.

But Deidara didn't say this.

After all, this Payne in front of him, and Xiao Nan, their inverse scales are Yuren Village.

If you despise this village in front of them, it is very likely that there will be a rampage.

"Ahem, be quiet, everyone, this time we have called everyone here, just because our organization has been silent for too long, half a year has made the five major countries forget our strength, and now they are starting to blindly pursue peace. , indulge in false peace, and now we should teach them a lesson, let them know that the peace in front of them is false."

"The real reality is turbulent."

Hei Jue appeared from the ground, looked at everyone and said with a smile.

"Yes, art is an explosion. I can't wait to let others feel the beauty of my art. At the moment of destruction, all people can feel the taste of art. That is the best. strength."

Deidara became excited when he heard this.

"Eternity is the real art, and explosions can only bring destruction!"

The Red Sand Scorpion looked at Deidara with disdain.

After all, the explosion is only a momentary thing, even if it has a sense of beauty, it is fleeting.

Chapter 276 A new mission, to capture the power of one-tailed people

And only eternity can truly exist in this world.

known by more people.

"Hmph, as long as my explosions are continuous, it can be spread in this world, and your so-called eternal art, what remains is only the skin, and there is no beauty at all."

Deidara does not give in at all in the pursuit of art.

"Oh, yes, then I think you are very suitable to be my fifth puppet."

Chisha Scorpion laughed coldly upon hearing this.

"That's easy to handle. I also really want you to see what my art is. If it can be exploded in your broken puppet shell, I think the scene must be beautiful."

Deidara also did not hesitate to **** for tat.

Payne Heaven. Seeing that his subordinates were about to quarrel, he hurriedly stopped.

"Okay, I don't care what art you insist on, in short, I have a task for you next, I hope you will complete this task well, otherwise, if you fail, then what is waiting for you, I believe you should all know ."

Payne Tiandao looked at the two and said.

After hearing this, Deidara and Chisha Scorpion looked at each other and nodded.

The two of them certainly understood what would happen if the mission failed.

Flying segments and angles are their lessons learned.

If they don't want to die, they'd better unite and not quarrel during the mission.

"We understand, but let's talk about it, what is our mission this time?"

The Red Sand Scorpion looked at Tiandao Payne and asked.

At this time, Tiandao Payne took a step back.

In the darkness, Obito came out wearing a vortex mask.

"This time, your mission is to go to Sand Ninja Village to capture the one-tailed human and Zhuli. The Eye of the Moon plan needs these tailed beasts, so this time the operation can only be successful and not allowed to fail."

Obito looked at Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion and said.

"Ah, Sand Ninja Village, that seems to be your village, Red Sand Scorpion, I hope you won't be merciful when you arrive at your village and let that one-tailed pillar force go."

Deidara naturally said unceremoniously.

The Red Sand Scorpion ignored Deidara this time.

After knowing the task, turn around and leave.

Sand Ninja Village is indeed the village of the Red Sand Scorpion, but he has long since become a traitor.

For the village, he has long lost the slightest nostalgia.

Then he would naturally not care about the life and death of this village.

"Go quickly."

Obito looked at Deidara.

"Okay, hello, wait for me."

Deidara could only nod helplessly, then turned around and left Yuren Village after chasing Chisha Scorpion.

After Deidara and Chisha Scorpion left, only Xiao Nan, Tiandao Payne, and Black and White Jue remained among the people present.

"The previous Tianyu came to Yuren Village, and he should have said something to you. I hope you can ignore his words. The Moon Eye Project is the technique that can bring true peace, and some other actions All that can be brought about is killing, and if the desires in people’s hearts are not quelled, even if the present is good, the future will be destroyed.”

"Only in dreams can all people get what they want. Only in reality can this world get real peace, and it's nothing to be comforted to get real peace. Sacrificing some other people's interests is nothing, you should Understand this, and Yahiko is too idealistic, so he will eventually die."

"I don't want you, like Yahiko, to believe that illusory lie, because there can never be true peace in reality."

Obito turned around and looked at Tiandao Payne, no, he should be looking at Nagato and Xiaonan behind Tiandao Payne.

After all, Nagato is an important **** in the implementation of the Moon Eye plan.

It is absolutely impossible to rebel.

Otherwise, Obito's implementation of these plans will probably be delayed for a long time.

"I know, I won't believe what Tian Yu said, because even Konoha can't get real peace, even if Senju is still alive in this world, he relies on force to deter , once that ninjutsu is lifted, I am afraid Konoha will usher in the siege of other countries, and then they will be overwhelmed."

Nagato said indifferently.

"Yes, we all believe in the Eye of the Moon plan and will never listen to outsiders."

Xiao Nan also nodded.

She and Nagato want to see Yahiko again.

So the Eye of the Moon plan is their only hope.

Because in the illusion of the Moon Eye Project, the three of them and the Akatsuki organization created by Yahiko finally got a very warm ending.

Not only did it bring peace to the world, but it also brought long-lost sunshine to Yuren Village.

All people can justifiably live under the sun without fearing the dangers of war day and night.

This is what they want.

"Since you understand, then I don't need to say more, let's go on the mission. Our first target is one tail, so there are the remaining tailed beasts. This is a big project."

Obito said.

"it is good!"

Payne Tiandao and Xiao Nan nodded together.

Then there was a fold in the space around Obito, and Obito and Heijue also left Yuren Village.

Only Tiandao Payne and Xiao Nan were left standing in this dark room.

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