Remembering their past comrades.


Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion rushed all the way to Sand Ninja Village after leaving Rainin Village.

After entering the territory of the Land of Winds, Deidara couldn't help but start complaining in the face of the yellow sand.

"This place is too hot. I really don't know how you lived here before. No wonder you have become the ghost you are now. The people living here are either perverts or rogues."

Deidara couldn't help but complain.

The Red Sand Scorpion said nothing.

He has been away from Sand Ninja Village for too long, almost ten years.

In these ten years, he has never returned to Sand Ninja Village, the Land of Wind.

Although I have some understanding of the current situation of Sand Ninja Village, but not much.

And the assassination of these is not close to the countryside.

In his eyes, he came to Sand Ninja Village just to perform a mission.

After the task is completed, he will return to the organization and continue to perform the task.

Of course, it would be great if the traitor Orochimaru could be killed.

"Please shut up, you are here to perform a mission, not a vacation, so what is the environment here, it is not your turn to say these words."

Chapter 277 Meeting in Sand Ninja Village

The scorpion of the red sand directly slammed back.

"Hmph, yes, it's really not my turn to say these words."

It was rare for Deidara to be blocked by the red sand scorpion with a single sentence.

He could only glance at the red sand scorpion and stopped talking.

The two continued to move towards Sand Ninja Village.

They were not very fast along the way.

After all, the two of them came to attack and take away the force of one-tailed people. If it was a big fanfare, the Sand Ninja Village would know in advance, and it would be a little bad if they were prepared.

Sand Ninja Village is here.

A meeting is taking place here now.

Granny Chiyo was in her room, waiting for the meeting to start.

Looking at the photos of her son and daughter-in-law on the table, she couldn't help but tear into her eyes.

Her son and daughter-in-law died fighting for this village, and they were not yet thirty years old when they died.

Even after so many years, when she reminded her of the death of her son and daughter-in-law, mother-in-law Chiyo still felt pain in her heart.

After looking at the photos of her son and daughter-in-law, mother-in-law Chiyo looked at the photo that had been upside down on the table.

I don't know why, but this time Grandma Chiyo picked up the photo.

The person in the photo is the four or five-year-old Scorpion of Red Sand.

At that time, the scorpion of the red sand was still very small and very cute.

Originally a lively and cheerful child, and he was very gifted with puppet art.

Originally a genius, if he can continue to stay in the village, then he will be able to get the best training.

And maybe it can also become a wind shadow.

After all, Granny Chiyo has mastered the core of Sand Ninja Village.

But because of the death of his son and daughter-in-law, the Scorpion of the Red Sand also became reluctant to talk.

Later, he continued to study the puppet technique.

The puppets he developed are very beautiful, and even in the Sand Ninja Village, there are still people who continue to use them.

But later, the scorpion of the red sand wanted to give life to the puppet, and he wanted his parents to come alive.

But how could a puppet originally made of dead objects come alive?

In addition, during the time of Chiyo's mother-in-law, the village was very busy, and she was not optimistic about the red sand scorpion.

By the time Granny Chiyo realized something was wrong, the Scorpion of the Red Sand had already betrayed Sand Ninja Village.

Sand Ninja Village had indeed dispatched a chasing force, but at that time, she really had no way to attack her grandson, so she had to let go of the red sand scorpion.

After all, she and Chisha Scorpion haven't seen each other for ten years now.

I don't know if he is doing well.

But no matter what, Chisha Zhiscorpion and her son and daughter-in-law are forever pains in the heart of Chiyo's mother-in-law.

"Mother-in-law Chiyo, everyone has arrived, and now everyone is waiting for you in the conference room."

A ninja walked up to Chiyo's mother-in-law and said.

"Well, I'll be right here."

Granny Chiyo sighed, put the photo back again, and followed the ninja to the conference room.

When Granny Chiyo came to the conference room, she once again became Chiyo Akasa, the high-level man in charge of the village, instead of an ordinary old man.

Granny Chiyo looked around.

The meeting room in Sand Ninja Village is now filled with high-level executives this time.

Not only was Maji there, but there were also some old people from the four-generation Fengying period.

Although these people hold real power, their numbers are not many.

Among the upper echelons of Sand Ninja Village, more are replaced by young people.

This includes the three children of the fourth generation of Kazekage.

Temari, Kankuro and Gaara.

Temari's talent has been shown, and her position in the village is now very solid.

Although Kankuro can't compare to Temari, he has contributed a lot to the village.

Therefore, at this meeting, Kankuro, although he can't sit in his seat, can at least stand aside and listen.

Gaara, on the other hand, was sitting beside the round table, next to Chiyo's mother-in-law.

This location already says it all.

And in the current meeting, the goal of discussion is Gaara.

What they were discussing was whether Gaara was going to succeed the fifth Kazekage.

"Let's talk freely now, and say what you want to say, otherwise, after the meeting, if you want to say anything, you won't have this chance."

Granny Chiyo looked at everyone.

Her heart is for Gaara to become the fifth Kazekage.

Now the strength of Sand Ninja Village is not enough, and some of the old-fashioned powerhouses were killed when they attacked Konoha.

There are only a few young ones left, but those young ones are still growing.

After all, only Gaara's identity is the most suitable.

Not only the son of the previous Kazekage, but Gaara's strength is also quite strong.

It has reached the cinematic level.

The most important thing is that Gaara is still very young, and he has enough strength to grow up slowly.

And after Gaara became the fifth generation of Kazekage, Sand Ninja Village can continue to recuperate.

Create enough time for the growth of the younger generation.

And the more important point is that Chiyo's mother-in-law is already very old. When the fourth generation of Kazekage was not dead, Chiyo's mother-in-law often played the game of pretending to be dead with her younger brother.

Almost every time mother-in-law Chiyo was able to deceive her brother.

This is also enough to show that the age of Chiyo's mother-in-law is indeed no longer suitable for running the entire Sand Ninja Village.

"This time, I weighed the opinion of the mother-in-law Chiyo and decided to agree. No matter what, Gaara is the strongest fighting force that the village can show on the bright side, and Gaara's identity is still the previous Kazekage. Son, he is enough to become the fifth Kazekage."

Maki naturally stood by mother-in-law Chiyo without hesitation.

"No, I don't agree. The village can obviously wait a while longer. If Gaara wants to be Fengying at his age, it is a bit too young. At 13 years old, Fengying is in the top five countries. It is an unprecedented thing, and he is still a pillar of strength, making one pillar of strength become a wind shadow, which may be criticized by the five major countries."

One of the elders in the conference room raised an objection.

"Me too, if Gaara is not Ren Zhuli, I can support him to become the fifth generation Kazekage candidate in the future, but now Gaara is too young, and he is still a person Zhuli, who used to be a runaway. When it was time, it was Feng Ying rushing to the front to stop it, and it was the tail who wanted to run wild."

"But now if we make Ichito Shuri become Kazekage, then if Ichito Shoukaku goes berserk, then who are we going to send to stop Gaara, he is Kazekage himself, how can our guards How about attacking Fengying?"

Another elder also raised objections.

Chapter 278 The anger of the mother-in-law Chiyo

They even talked about the issue of Ichitoto Zhuli.

After listening to these words, Chiyo's mother-in-law's face was very ugly.

Just when Chiyo's mother-in-law was about to be unable to hold back, Maki couldn't help but speak at this time.

"Okay, since everyone doesn't agree for the time being, let's discuss this issue at the next meeting. Let's go now."

Maki said hurriedly.

After the other people heard Markey's words, one by one they also planned to leave directly.

But the next moment, Chiyo's mother-in-law slapped the table directly.

"There is no person in Sand Ninja Village who is more suitable for Kazekage than Gaara. You must agree. This is my order to you, not a request. Well, let's end the meeting."

Chiyo's mother-in-law turned around and left after saying this.

The expressions of the others were a little ugly.

But what Chiyo grandmother said made them understand that if they didn't agree and let Gaara become Kazekage, their status in Sand Ninja Village might become difficult.

Chiyo's mother-in-law is a more qualified person than Shidai Fengying.

If it annoys her, it's not easy to do.

Thinking of this, everyone can only be soft.

"Okay, don't be angry, mother-in-law Chiyo, we promise."

All the people present nodded in agreement.

Anyway, Gaara is still just a child, if you want to truly become Fengying, it will take a while of experience.

And they can just take advantage of this time to do something.

Hold the power firmly in their hands, in this way, even if Gaara really becomes Kazekage.

You also need to see their faces.

"If that's the case, then go back and clean up. After I report the name, the succession ceremony of Fengying will be held immediately."

Granny Chiyo turned around and left.

Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro all left with Chiyo's mother-in-law.

As for the other elders, they all left one after another under Makey's arrangement.

"Hmph, this mother-in-law Chiyo is really speechless. If she chooses a child to become Fengying, even an idiot can see her thoughts."

The elders had some anger in their hearts, but they did not dare to vent it in front of Chiyo's mother-in-law.

He only dared to curse behind his back after the person left.

"I love Luo, this time they promised you to become Fengying, there must be conditions behind it, I can help you once, but I can't help you everywhere, after you become Fengying, you must take good care of yourself. , strive to seize the power in your own hands as soon as possible, otherwise you will only become their puppet, understand?"

Granny Chiyo looked at Gaara and said.

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