Gaara has long since changed from a murderer to a compassionate person after half a year.

Now the people in the village have greatly improved their views on Gaara.

Even some people are starting to love Gaara.

I believe that as long as Gaara is given enough time, then Gaara will be able to succeed.

"Well, I know, this time, thank you so much, mother-in-law Chiyo."

Gaara looked at Chiyo's mother-in-law and couldn't help but thank her.

Because this time, if there is no mother-in-law Chiyo, Gaara would never be able to become Kazekage.

"This can be regarded as my atonement for the village. After all, you also have my handwriting in your life experience. If it wasn't for me to propose, and seal the one-tailed Shouhe into your newly born body, Galuro would not die. , you don't have to live the kind of days before, in the end, I am also at fault, so I am willing to make up for you, I hope you can become a Fengying that everyone loves and live up to those who trust you."

Granny Chiyo looked at Gaara.

There was sadness in her eyes, as if she had seen her former grandson, the Scorpion of Chisha.

It's just a pity that on Gaara's side, she still has a chance to make up for it.

But the Scorpion of Red Sand is probably long gone.

"I will."

Gaara nodded.

Afterwards, Gaara bowed heavily to Granny Chiyo, and then turned to leave.

Temari and Kankuro also saluted Chiyo's mother-in-law before leaving with Gaara.

Granny Chiyo looked at their backs.

He sighed silently, and then went back to his room in the same way.


The Sand Ninja Village is extraordinarily quiet at night.

Today is a rare good weather.

There was no wind around, and the yellow sand was not raging.

It can be seen that tomorrow should be a sunny day, and tomorrow is also the day when Chiyo's mother-in-law will report to the daimyo that Gaara has become the fifth generation of Kazekage.

The guards in the village are dutifully guarding the village.

It's just that these people are paying attention to the threat on the ground, but ignore the sky.

Deidara sat on a bird made of clay and patrolled the village of Sand Ninja in the sky.

After he circled Sand Ninja Village for a week, he quietly dropped some spider bombs from the sky.

The spider bombs were controlled by Deidara, slowly attaching to the backs of the guards.

Only when Deidara was about to make a silent assassination, one of the guards suddenly noticed the white spider next to him.

"What is this weird thing?"

The guard was immediately startled by the white spider.

"Hmph, that's not something weird."

Deidara had killing intent in his eyes.

Immediately after, the spiders jumped onto the faces of these people.

Then Deidara was in the air, with a cruel smile in his eyes.

"Sure enough, you idiots don't understand art at all, so use your body to teach you what art is!"

"Art is a blast!"

Deidara's deep words just finished.

I saw those spiders start to swell in an instant.

Then in just a split second, these people were torn apart by the bomb before they could even let out a scream.

Smoke rises.

But the strange thing is that when the bomb exploded, it brought smoke and fire.

But not much sound.

It's like something has fallen to the ground.

Not an ordinary detonator explosion to compare with.

After eliminating the guards in the village, Deidara immediately jumped off the bird.

Without disturbing anyone, he jumped directly to the roof platform.

"Hey, sneak in successfully!"

Deidara is very confident in his own strength.

It was late at night, and all the ninjas and villagers were fast asleep.

As long as the guards are resolved, no one in the entire Sand Ninja Village will find out that he has sneaked in.

In this way, he can quietly take away Ichito Riki Gaara.

Wait until Sand Ninja Village finds out that Gaara has disappeared.

He and the scorpion of red sand may have already left the country of wind.

Chapter 279 Infiltrate the Village?

Wait until Ichigo Morizuru gets his hands.

Then I successfully threw Gaara's body to them.

Then put blasting clay in the corpse and wait until they come to check.

It is possible to reproduce his explosive art again.

But he was unexpected.

The moment he landed, he heard footsteps on the roof.

"Successful infiltration? That's it."

Gaara carried a large gourd behind her back.

Silently looked at Deidara.

Gaara suffers from insomnia because of one-tailed Shouhe, and he never dares to let himself fall into a deep sleep, because this will release Shouhe and endanger the village.

So whenever I couldn't sleep, Gaara would sit on the roof and look up at the bright moon in the sky.

Only at this time will he find some comfort in his heart.

Although he is no longer excluded from this village now, he can even become the fifth generation of Kazekage.

But the habit still persists.

This also allowed him to discover Deidara's invasion immediately.

When Deidara saw that the infiltration failed, he jumped on top of the bird without hesitation, and then ran towards the distance.

Behind Deidara, Gaara stood on the rooftop, holding the sand with both hands and chasing Deidara constantly.

With Deidara's constant escape, these sands also made traces in the sky.

Sand is fast, but Deidara is faster.

Deidara didn't attack, he just looked at the palm of his hand, the mouth in the palm of his hand was constantly chewing the white clay.

Obviously Deidara is holding back a big move.

And with Deidara's escape, Gaara seemed a little impatient.

The sand in the sky split into four in an instant, besieging Deidara in different directions.

These sands have become so hard that as long as they touch Deidara, they can definitely make him splatter on the spot.

But Deidara still didn't fight back. After seeing that his retreat was blocked, he instead controlled the white giant bird to fly into the sky continuously.

Gradually, the sand is about to get out of Gaara's control.

So Gaara condensed a mass of sand directly at his feet, like a cloud, standing on top and chasing Deidara directly.

And now, Gaara's strength fluctuations also woke up in an instant, and the others in Sand Ninja Village.

Some of the guards came back to their senses.

Even some of the sleeping Jōnin woke up.

They walked out of the door one after another and looked outside.

Want to know what happened.

Grandma Chiyo is no exception.

She came out and stood on the balcony.

Looking up at the confrontation between Gaara and Deidara.

"Oh, you are really amazing, you were able to find me at the first time!"

Deidara looked at Gaara with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

After all, Deidara used such a method to destroy many small countries and small Ninja villages.

All of them died in the explosion, and no one even noticed that Deidara had been there.

And Gaara appeared here.

Attacks were also launched.

Indeed, he was the only exception among so many people he met.

"There is no bird like the one you ride in in the desert!"

Gaara doesn't speak.

At this moment, Gaara can feel the gap between him and the other party.

The opponent's strength has already surpassed the shadow level, but Gaara's current strength is only the shadow level.

If he really fights, he is most likely not the opponent of the person in front of him.

If Gaara is given enough time, as long as it is more than a year, then Gaara's strength can surpass the shadow level just like the person in front of him, but obviously Gaara doesn't have the time.

But no matter what, he has to protect the village.

It is absolutely impossible to let the person in front of him destroy it.

Meanwhile, in the village.

"Someone attacked the village, what's going on? Isn't Liang in charge of all the guards?"

After Kankuro learned that someone had attacked the village, he immediately found the captain of the guard.

"I don't know, Captain Liang has disappeared."

The captain of the guard looked at Kankuro with the same look of doubt.

"Damn it, it seems that the enemy has a premeditated plan."

Kankuro understood something in an instant, he raised his head to look at Gaara and Deidara in the sky, and gritted his teeth.

"If the order goes on, the ninjas in the whole village will be on alert immediately, and together with Gaara, take down the enemy."

Kankuro gave an order, and the people around immediately went to prepare.

In the distance, the entrance of Sandin Village.

The red sand scorpion is hiding in the puppet amber, and beside him is the team leader Liang of Sand Ninja Village.

At this time, Liang appeared in the scorpion of red sand.

It means that he has already betrayed Sand Ninja Village.

"Hmph, I didn't expect Deidara to make such a big noise. This guy can really cause trouble."

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