The Red Sand Scorpion sighed.

Then after a while, he looked at the beam beside him again.

"Liang, you should go back first. If the people of Sand Ninja Village find out that you are not there, it will be a disaster."

This person is a spy in the sand ninja village where the red sand scorpion developed.

In normal times, you can add news from various villages, and it will continue to spread to him.

In this way, when Chisha Scorpion goes to the five major countries to perform tasks, he will be able to have an intelligence advantage.

"Yes, Lord Scorpion."

Liang nodded, then left directly.

After Liang left.

The Red Sand Scorpion looked into the distance.

"Come on, Deidara, I don't like waiting!"

Amber's eyes have no emotion.

However, the impatience of the red sand scorpion could be heard from the voice.


Deidara stood on Asuka, looking at Gaara across from him.

"It seems that I failed to sneak into the operation, but it just so happened that I didn't have to bother to find you."

Deidara is confident in his own strength.

Even though the power displayed by the kid in front of him is very powerful, he still has enough confidence to take away the kid in front of him.

"Don't want to leave Sand Ninja Village!"

Gaara was expressionless.

A wave of both hands.

In an instant, countless sands appeared on the ground.

These sands gathered together and rushed to the sky in an instant. Under the control of Gaara, a huge sea of ​​sand was formed in the sky.

It looks very expansive.

With such strength, Deidara couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"As expected of occupying the geographical position, it is really a bit tricky."

Deidara looked at the huge sand sea and was a little shocked.

The other is to sigh at the Sand Ninja Village, and there is still such a strong appearance now, and the second is to sigh at the age of Gaara, it is too young, and it has reached such a shadow level.

Chapter 280 Fierce Battle

If Gaara's age at this moment can grow a little more, I am afraid that the outcome between them will be even more difficult to decide.

But that doesn't mean you can't choose.

Sitting on top of Asuka, Deidara kept dodging Gaara's attacks.

Gaara's sand has long since condensed into an arm of Shoukaku, charging towards Deidara with extremely powerful offensive power.

This time, Deidara understood that if he was hit by this arm, it would probably end directly.

Deidara looked at the palm of his hand.

The mouth in the palm of his hand is ready for a bomb.

Just waiting for Gaara to take the bait.

Without hesitation, Deidara controlled the bird and dived directly, and Gaara also controlled the sand to continuously attack Deidara.

The sand kept attacking in the air, and the birds controlled by Adidara kept evading the attack.

Finally Deidara stopped in the air.

"The next thing is a good show!"

Deidara laughed.

Then shot directly, almost instantly.

In his hands, the change has already exceeded, and the small bird bombs are ready.

"Boom boom boom!"

With the sound of the explosion, it exploded on Shouhe's arm.

There was fire all around.

The rumbling continued.

And what's more serious is that the birds that didn't seem to be many, the bomb split into dozens at the moment when it fell.

It continued to spread around, and at the same time, it shot directly, and the fire around it was almost continuous.

Even Gaara can only passively defend.

The speed of Sandstone can't catch up with Deidara.

But Deidara couldn't do any damage to Gaara.

There is enough sand to resist most of the attacks.

But the next moment.

The corners of Deidara's mouth twitched slowly.

Then he threw two birds in his hand again.

The only difference from the previous bombs was that this time the two birds were extremely fast, and they had already rushed in front of Gaara in an instant.

Gaara didn't have time to defend, so he could only hurriedly protect the sand in front of him to form a shield.

At this moment, the bird had already rushed in front of Gaara and exploded.

With the sound of the explosion, the fire engulfed Gaara in an instant.

"I love Luo!"

Kankuro and Temari couldn't help shouting when they saw this scene.

Gaara is their younger brother, if something happens to Gaara, the two of them will lose a relative again.

This is something they cannot accept.

Granny Chiyo stood on the balcony, watching Gaara.

Unlike others, Granny Chiyo believed that Gaara would definitely be able to escape from this explosion.

And this time, this war can be regarded as the final test for Gaara to inherit Kazekage's position.

If Gaara can successfully stand out in this test, then I believe that he will be able to become a very good wind shadow in the future.

Lead everyone in Sand Ninja Village to a better life.

Sure enough, when all the smoke cleared.

Everyone's eyes turned to the sky again.

However, he found that Gaara's body had long been wrapped in sand, forming a round shell.

At the same time, in the void, the Eye of Sand appeared. This eye was connected to the retina and could help Gaara see the outside world.

Deidara stood on the bird and looked at the sand garden shell helplessly.

"It's like an eggshell that protects the yolk, but it's really good enough to keep that off."

Deidara looked at this scene and couldn't believe it.

Because he had already demonstrated before, the speed of sand is not as fast as his bird.

Not to mention that the bird speed that Aira used to deal with me just now was faster than his current one.

But now Gaara is sitting in the sand unscathed, which is a bit too much.

"Sand-bound coffin!"

And with a loud roar from Gaara.

Only then did Deidara realize that a large piece of sand had gathered behind him.

These sands turned into a series of arms, which instantly wrapped Deidara.

Deidara tried to flee, but Asuka was caught by the sand.

Then the next moment he was also wrapped in sand.


Kankuro looked at the two round shells in the sky.

One of them wraps the intruder, while the other wraps Gaara.

Kankuro breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Because as long as it enters the sand of Gaara, the opponent will die, and even if it does not die, it will be seriously injured.

The strength of the sand will not keep the opponent alive.

"Great, as expected of Gaara, I didn't expect him to be so powerful."

"Yeah, he protected the village from the invaders, and also protected us. Chiyo's mother-in-law said that Gaara would become the next Kazekage. At that time, I was still a little unconvinced. Gaara had a temper before. Even though it has changed a lot now, I am still afraid that Gaara will return to her previous nature."

"But what makes us think is that Gaara has really changed. He also defeated the invaders and protected the village. Sure enough, the decision made by the mother-in-law Chiyo is really not wrong. As long as there is a wind shadow, then Our village has nothing to worry about."

Everyone couldn't help but praise Gaara.

At this moment, Grandma Chiyo looked at the sky.

She has lived for many years, and her battle experience is far richer than Gaara and the others.

So mother-in-law Chiyo can see that the person inside is still alive.

Not only alive, but also seems to be carrying out some kind of secret technique.

"I love Luo, solve the opponent as soon as possible, don't delay."

Granny Chiyo couldn't help shouting loudly.

But Chiyo's mother-in-law's words were obviously a bit late. The next moment, everyone saw that the ball wrapped around Deidara exploded instantly.

Then Deidara's body rushed over from the ball.

The bird he controlled had long since disappeared, and his body fell straight to the ground.

But he had already prepared another bird in his hand.

Just waiting to get rid of the attack, and immediately go back to the sky in a bird.

But Gaara's sand is a close second.

Without waiting for Deidara to get out of the fight, he grabbed his ankle and threw it fiercely at the Shou Crane Spear.

Deidara saw that he was about to collide.

Instantly throws a huge flying bird.

The birds exploded directly.

But this time it did not bring an explosion, but instead formed a huge piece of software that directly wrapped Deidara.

Then, Deidara took the bird. Escaped directly from Gaara's attack.

"That's enough annoying sand."

The sand hunt continues.

Then it spread directly to Deidara's arm.

Chapter 281 Giant Bomb

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