Gaara's side is constantly tightening its strength.

The pain in Deidara's arm also grew stronger.

He knew that if he didn't give up again, he would be unlucky today, and it wasn't just his arm.

Deidara threw the centipede-shaped bomb without hesitation.

In an instant, the connection between Sand and Gaara was blown up.

It's just that Deidara underestimated Gaara a little too much.

Even though Sand has been disconnected from Gaara's connection, he can still control Sand to kill.

"Sand-bound coffin!"

This time, Gaara no longer hesitated.

In an instant, blood continued to spread from Deidara's arm.

Deidara forcibly held back the pain and twisted his arm completely.

Then he endured the severe pain and flew into the sky.

"It seems that you really have a hand, the sand that attacked me and the previous ones, both in speed and strength, have become more powerful, but since I have lost an arm, then use your life to come Come on."

Deidara's eyes narrowed slightly, looking for Gaara's weakness.

However, Gaara, who has absolute defense, is obviously the nemesis of his bomb.

As long as he has that absolute defense, Gaara can survive the bomb.

And he was running out of blasting clay in his hands.

If he continues to entangle like this, maybe he will lose.

"I didn't want to start killing people, but there is no way, so let's destroy this village."


After waiting at the entrance of the village, he looked up at the full moon in the sky again.

The moon seems to be extraordinarily close to the ground tonight.

Standing at the entrance of the village, you can perfectly see all the traces on the moon.

"What the **** is this guy doing, Deidara, I said it long ago, I hate waiting the most."

The red sand scorpion's patience is almost exhausted.

If he can't hold back and join the battle, I am afraid that the Sand Ninja Village will be completely bloodbathed.

The scorpion of the red sand will not care about the sand ninja village, is it the village he once stayed in?

Now he is just a member of a dirty organization with blood on his hands.

At this moment, because of the battle between Gaara and Deidara, many people in Sand Ninja Village have come out to watch the battle.

There is also a rooftop on the balcony, and the ground is full of ninjas and villagers.

"This, will Gaara win?"

Others were a little worried when they saw this scene.

Because that person seems to be very powerful.

And now in their Sand Ninja Village, apart from some veteran powerhouses, only Gaara can take action and resist this enemy.

If it is someone else, I am afraid that he will be instantly killed at the moment of the shot.

"Black cloak, decorated with red clouds, that person is Xiao Organization!"

Temari looked at Deidara's clothes and was surprised.

They are really familiar with the Akatsuki organization, because before Konoha's Chunin, the attack on the exam was the ghost of Shimura Danzo and Akatsuki organization.

In the end, Shimura Danzo was destroyed, and the Akatsuki organization lost a lot of elites, and was beaten and fled.

And they are Sand Ninja Village and therefore lost the fourth generation Kazekage, and part of the upper ninja.

It is precisely because of this that the current Sand Ninja Village has become the weakest village among the Five Great Powers.

So Temari didn't forget anything about the organization that caused them to fall here.

The sand attack continued.

Gaara's attack was a lot sharper.

And this made Mackey a little worried.

At this moment, Gaara is using the sand in his gourd, which is the sand he uses for absolute defense.

It can be seen that Gaara should also be cornered at this moment.

Well, if Gaara's chakra can no longer suppress the one-tailed Morizuru.

Then maybe Shouhe will go berserk and hurt the people in the village.

So they still have to prepare early.

"Kankuro, you immediately bring a team of people to block off all levels of the village to prevent the appearance of Shouhe from attacking the village."

Markey ordered.

"No, Gaara will never hurt the people in the village, absolutely not!"

Kankuro refused directly.

He even recalled a previous conversation he had with Gaara.

At that time, the people in the village stopped verbally insulting Gaara and humiliating her actions because of Chiyo's mother-in-law's orders.

But the fear could not stop.

After all, the actions Gaara had done before had really scared them.

And the road that Gaara is going to take next is really too difficult.

Even with the help of the mother-in-law Chiyo and them, the senior officials and elders in the village would not agree easily.

And Kankuro will never forget Gaara's answer that day.

"I understand, but if you don't do anything and just wait, there will be more pain, only try to create the future on your own, don't use killing or more **** means, then one day you will get others' understanding."

"Also, I can be like that guy! That's why I want to be Kazekage and work hard for the future."

Of course the guy in Gaara's mouth was talking about Naruto Uzumaki.

Both of them are powerful people, but the paths they take are completely different.

But now Naruto is accepted by almost everyone in Konoha. Everyone believes that Naruto has a bright and splendid future, and even Lord Tianyu supports Naruto to become the next Hokage.

Well, since Naruto can do it, of course he can too.

You can work hard to get others to recognize his worth.

When Maki heard Kankuro's words, he didn't know why he was a little touched.

"Then we must also do a good job in the protection of the village. The medical team will be dispatched quickly to treat the injured in a timely manner, and the guards in the village will let them all appear and block all the roads in the village. It is very likely that there will be more than one enemy, so be prepared for enemy reinforcements.”

Markey gave the order quickly.

"Hmph, it's really annoying ants, what I hate the most is to provoke these ants when I'm fighting against people, but it looks like you really want to protect them, don't you, then I want to see, what do you want? To protect yourself or to protect this village!"

Deidara said, and threw a bomb directly.

This bomb was not big, but it suddenly swelled countless times in the void.

As soon as this bomb appeared, Gaara felt an unprecedented threat.

You can imagine how much damage this bomb will cause when it falls on Sand Ninja Village.

I am afraid that the buildings in the center of the village will disappear into dust in an instant.

And there will also be countless ninjas and villagers who lose their lives.

This method of Deidara can not be described as not vicious.

chapter 282

It's like telling me that Ara has a choice between the village and his own life.

If he chooses himself, the village will be gone.

If he chooses the village, he himself will be exposed to Deidara's attack.

"The clay eaten in the hands and the doll made of explosive clay made by mixing chakra, among which the killer is mixed with my highest level of chakra, C3, and the most explosive artistic masterpiece made with pride, If such a piece of art were to hit the village, the power of the explosion would be enough to blow up the entire village."

"I love Luo, I really want to see, between the village and yourself, who will you choose?"

Deidara looked at Gaara and laughed.

Gaara looked at the bomb that was about to fall.

There was finally a panicked look on his face.

But the bomb was too late to stop it.

When the doll fell into the air, it emitted an extremely bright golden light.

This golden light is like the daytime, and instantly reflects the Sand Ninja Village at night like the daytime.

Everyone looked at this golden light with surprise.

They still don't know what this golden light represents.

However, the next moment, the firelight and explosions representing death instantly covered the center of the village.

And it's still spreading out.

The surrounding sand and flames spread instantly.


The air wave instantly overturned many villagers.

Some ninjas also struggled to resist the explosion under such an explosion.

Many ninjas screamed.

Obviously, many ninjas were seriously injured in Deidara's attack.

However, when the smoke from the explosion dissipated.

What appeared in front of Deidara was not the village that had long since been in ruins.

Instead, it was a piece of gravel.

The dust has already covered the entire village.

This piece of sand bears almost all the force of the explosion for the villagers and buildings below.

"Haha! Sure enough!"

Deidara sneered at this scene.

It was not what he expected.

Gaara will definitely protect this village with all his might, there is no choice at all between himself and the village below.

Gaara will definitely choose his village.

The ninjas below were already prepared to die.

But when they slowly opened their eyes, they found that they were completely intact.

The previous explosion did not affect them at all.

Looking up, everyone saw only Gaara's sand covering the sky.

Apparently blocked all the explosions for them.

"This, this is Gaara's sand."

"It's amazing, to be able to make such a huge shield, as expected of Gaara."

"Yeah, we have Gaara here, and it is impossible for the village to be harmed."

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