When the other ninjas saw this scene, they all cheered.

Gaara is the best.

"Not bad!"

Deidara stood on top of Asuka, looking at Gaara.

At this moment, Gaara's chakra is almost exhausted, and after making this huge shield, he is even more breathing.


Gaara wants to say something.

But at this time, Gaara saw the corners of Deidara's mouth twitching.

A danger appeared beside him.

Dida stretched out his hands.

"It's too late, drink!"

With Deidara's scolding, a bird made of explosive clay flew to Gaara's side in an instant.

Then it exploded instantly before Gaara had time to react.

The firelight directly enveloped Gaara.

"Are you protected?"

The ninjas below saw this scene, and they all sweated for Gaara in their hearts.

After all, if this time is really hit, I am afraid Gaara will also be seriously injured.

"Don't worry, Gaara's absolute defense will not be defeated so easily."

Maji comforted everyone on the spot.

"Yes, Gaara is very powerful, we have to believe him."

Everyone nodded.

"Maki-sama, the preparations for an attack are ready, and an attack can be launched at any time."

At this moment, a ninja came to Markey's side and reported the situation to him.

"Quick attack."

Markey gave the order immediately.

Then, everyone began to prepare.

One after another, the crossbow mixed with Chakra appeared in the hands of everyone that could attack the air.

This crossbow was specially prepared by the Ninja Village to deal with the enemies in the air.

These bows and crossbows contain very powerful chakras.

If one is accidentally shot, even the jounin will be seriously injured.

At this moment, although the person who dealt with their Sand Ninja Village was a Shadow Rank, but all arrows were fired at once.

Anyone will be shot into a sieve.

"It's amazing, I can react to this, and it really deserves to be a human pillar."

Deidara was even more emotional.

His previous attack was originally a surprise attack.

But I didn't expect Gaara to be able to defend at the first time.

This is simply beyond his imagination.

"However, Gaara will lose no matter what happens today."

Deidara's words just finished.

Gaara, who was wrapped in absolute defense, saw a spider made of blasting clay crawling into his kill.


I was taken aback.

"My left hand was indeed abolished by you, but when your sand wrapped my left hand, I have swallowed a lot of your sand, your sand mixed with my blasting clay, I threw up, but at the time, I wasn't using the blasting clay."

"Instead, use the C3 puppet to attract your attention, and by the way, take away part of your absolute defense sand. Sure enough, when my explosion attacked, you really took out the sand in your gourd to protect the village, and When my next attack comes, you can only fill your absolute defense with other sand."

"In this way, you have already added the sand that I have mixed with the blasting clay into your absolute defense. Now, you take the initiative to incorporate my blasting clay into your defense circle, Gaara. No matter what this time, you will fail."

"But even so, I still admire you very much. Being able to exert your power to such a degree is indeed worthy of being a pillar of strength!"

Deidara sneered.

"Art is a blast!"

A crazy look appeared in Deidara's eyes.

Then, a fire burst out of the original shell of absolute defense.

This time, Gaara had no way to hide.

Sand kept falling from the sky.

The ninjas in the Sand Ninja Village below looked up at the sky.

They all had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Chapter 283 I Love Luo's Trick

"I love Luo, what's wrong?"

Markey said suspiciously.

However, no one could answer his answer.


Deidara looked at the absolutely defensive shell, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Now Gaara will never escape.

"No, Gaara!"

Kankuro's bad premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

Thinking of this, he began to rush to the side of the bow and crossbow desperately.

Then he directly grabbed the bow and crossbow, aimed at Deidara in the sky and started firing.

"Oh, the attack of the ants, unfortunately, without the strength of the human column, your attack does not pose any threat to me at all."

Deidara sneered and ducked.

None of Kankuro's attacks could hit Deidara at all.

"Enough, Kankuro, Gaara doesn't know what's going on right now. If you mess up yourselves, wouldn't you be giving others an opportunity."

Temari directly grabbed Kankuro and scolded him sharply.

"But, I love Luo's side."

Kankuro couldn't help but speak.

But looking at Temari's expression, he gritted his teeth and stopped talking.

in the sky.

The sand is constantly falling off.

It's like an egg being peeled bit by bit.

In the end, when all the sand fell off, Gaara's body was already scarred.

He was lying on the last piece of sand he could believe.

At this moment, Gaara has long been unconscious, and even the next moment he will faint.

But at the last moment, Gaara still tried his best to use his last strength to control the sand he had previously protected the village and left Sand Ninja Village.

After all, Gaara knew.

If he was in a coma, the sand would fall directly from the sky and smashed into the village.

The sand that condenses his chakra will be like hail, even if no one is injured, the buildings in Sand Ninja Village will be damaged.

"One tailed person Zhuli, you are such a weirdo to protect your village so much."

Deidara looked at Gaara's actions and was a little puzzled.

After all, when he hadn't defected to Iwanin Village, there were also people in Iwanin Village.

But those people, Zhuli, did not live very well in the village.

The villagers treated those people, Zhuli, as if they were wolves, tigers and leopards.

On weekdays, these people, Zhuri, were not regarded as companions at all, but were treated as enemies.

They are sent to the battlefield only when they need their strength.

And once Ren Zhuli couldn't control the entrustment in his body and began to run wild, all the ninjas would use all their power to suppress the tailed beast.

He didn't even care about Ren Zhuli's life or death.

Therefore, some people, Zhuli, even if they had a lot of affection for the village before, would gradually become colder under such treatment.

No matter where they lived before, after they became Renzhuli, they would move to the most remote part of the village.

Because in this place no one will disturb them, and they will not see fear and hatred in the eyes of outsiders.

And like Gaara, who actually thinks about the village, Deidara has never seen one.

"Cough, get out of Sand Ninja Village!"

Gaara has no strength at this moment, and can only fall limply on the sand.

If this person wants to attack Sand Ninja Village in the future, then Gaara has only one last resort left.

That is to release the one-tailed Morizuru.

But once Ichizuru is released, it means that the tailed beast will no longer be manipulated by Gaara.

It is very likely that Ichiro Morizuru, not only will not deal with the enemy in front of him, but will start to destroy Sand Ninja Village.

So unless there is really no means, Gaara will never let the tailed beast appear.

outside the village.

Red Sand Scorpion. The killing intent in my heart was almost unstoppable.

Deidara had made him wait too long, and he couldn't wait any longer.


"I love Luo, you don't have to resist, I have no interest in your village, I have only come for you from the beginning to the end, and my companions are with me, and I love you now that you are at the end of the shot, even if If you use your last strength to attack us, I am afraid that your village will not be able to keep it, so it is better to leave with us obediently, so that I will not attack your village again."

"These people here can also be saved. You only have this way to go now. Otherwise, if the scorpion can't bear it, he will definitely enter the sand ninja village to kill, but he can paint one by himself. People of the city, I don't think you want to see the blood in the sand ninja village."

Deidara controlled Asuka, came to Gaara's side and looked at him.

Human Zhuli's last resort is to release the tailed beast, and now Deidara's chakra has been exhausted.

If you want to fight with the tailed beast, you can only ask the scorpion of the red sand to come and help.

But he boasted in front of the leader, and he was able to bring Ren Zhuli back by himself.

If the Red Sand Scorpion helps at this time, it is no surprise that he will definitely be ridiculed by the Red Sand Scorpion in the future.

So he will never let the red sand scorpion interfere.

Gaara didn't answer Deidara's words, he seemed to be thinking.

However, the drowsiness that came from my mind made Gaara really unbearable.

In the end, Gaara fell straight from the air without even thinking about it.

Seeing this, Deidara drove Asuka without hesitation, and placed Gaara directly behind Asuka.

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