
Deidara's mouth curled into a smile.

Obviously, in the end, even if he exhausted the Chakra in his body, Gaara finally let him catch it with his own hands.

"I love Luo!"

Kankuro and Temari shouted.

Gaara was taken away, which meant that Sand Ninja Village lost its strongest fighting ability.

This is undoubtedly a devastating blow to Sand Ninja Village.

For Kankuro and Temari, it is even more important to lose the only remaining relative.

Of course the two of them won't let it go.

"Quick, chase after me, and be sure to bring me Ai Luo back safely."

Temari gave the order directly.

And those ninjas also hurriedly chased Deidara away.

But Deidara and the others were already ready to evacuate.

Just as the ninjas were about to leave the entrance of Sand Ninja Village, the explosion roared.

The blasting clay remaining at the entrance of the village exploded instantly, blocking the ninjas in the sand ninja village.

This also prevented those ninjas from chasing them out immediately.

"No, absolutely not, absolutely cannot let you take Gaara away."

Kankuro looked at the figure of Deidara walking further and further away.

Chapter 284 Kankuro's Pursuit

In my mind, I recalled the picture he once got along with Gaara.

When I was young, Gaara gave him impatient orders, and there were scenes where he tried to approach Gaara but was frightened by Gaara, making it difficult to act.

But what he recalled more in his mind at the moment was the changes that happened to Gaara after returning from Konoha.

Gaara learned gentleness and restraint.

I even started learning how to get along with my family.

Gaara is Kankuro's younger brother after all, and it is absolutely impossible for him to watch Gaara be taken away and remain indifferent.

"I'll go as well."

Temari couldn't hold it any longer, and got up to go after Gaara.

"Don't act rashly like this, you are very likely to fall into the enemy's trap by yourself. It's not too late to wait until we gather a team to chase."

Maki just stopped Temari, and after watching for a long time, when Maki wanted to do it, he had already reached the next roof.

"If you let the team go after you, it's already too late, I don't know what they want to do when they capture Gaara, but I know that Gaara is my brother, no matter what happens, I It is absolutely impossible for him to be taken away by the enemy."

After Kankuro finished saying those words, he turned around and left.

"Kankuro, you have to be careful not to go too deep alone. If you go in, you must bring my love back safely."

Temari had no choice but to tell Kankuro.

"Well, I see."

Kankuro nodded.

Then he continued to chase Deidara without hesitation.

Even if he had to pass through the blast zone that contained the blasting clay, Kankuro would not hesitate.

Just as Kankuro went to the entrance of the village alone, there were more ninjas by his side.

"Kankuro, let's go with you."

"Yes, we will definitely bring Gaara back successfully."

Everyone walked side by side with Kankuro.

Kankuro looked at these people with excitement.

Village entrance.

Deidara finally came to the entrance of Sand Ninja Village and reunited with the Red Sand Scorpion.

"You finally came, it was too slow, it made me wait so long."

There was impatience in the words of the red sand scorpion.

"Ah, there was a little accident. I didn't expect Ren Zhuli to be so tenacious, so I played with him for a while." Deidara replied with a smile.

"Don't do something like this next time, what I hate the most is waiting."

This time, the scorpion of the red sand rarely mocked Deidara.

"Yes, we... It seems that there are guests coming, Scorpion of Red Sand, you should have prepared a big gift for our guests."

Deidara asked with a smile.

"It's already ready!"

The Red Sand Scorpion answered without hesitation.

When Kankuro and the others arrived at the entrance of the village, they saw dead bodies all over the place.

The Sand Ninja Village Ninjas who originally guarded the entrance of the village had already killed all the Red Sand Scorpions.

They died tragically, and everyone's face was blue and purple.

Apparently each of them died of poisoning.

"damn it!"

Seeing the tragic death of these people, Kankuro's anger grew even stronger.

These people, if they want to use underhand tricks, just attack them directly.

But hiding the ninjas who were killing them in the dark was simply too much.

"Come on, you can't let Gaara fall into their hands."

Kankuro gritted his teeth and ran after him.


Everyone nodded together.

Then plan to chase after it.

But the next moment.

Among the team that followed Kankuro, one person found a living person among the dead.

"There are still people alive, and we may be able to ask him what happened here."

After the ninja finished saying this, he went to check on the injured person.

"Don't move, this may be the enemy's conspiracy, little...!"

After looking at it for a long time, before I could say this sentence, I saw a detonating talisman on the chest of the still alive person.


With the explosion of the detonator.

The people around were shrouded in it.

Then the explosion of the detonating talisman caused a chain reaction.

On the surrounding rock walls, explosions began everywhere.

Countless rocks rolled down, and everyone didn't notice it for a while.

They were all involved in the explosion.

Kankuro was far from the center of the explosion, so he was able to react immediately.

The Sansho fish was used directly as a defense.

dodged the explosion.

And also rescued two ninjas who had passed out in a coma.

Maki and Temari quickly rushed over.

"What's the matter, Kankuro, are you alright?"

Temari rushed in front of Kankuro and looked him up and down.

Now that Gaara has been taken away by them, Temari can't accept it, and Kankuro also died.

"It's okay, there are too many ninjas in the village who have been killed by them. If you don't bring Gaara back as soon as possible, the village is likely to undergo major changes. You hurry up and rush the medical ninjas to treat them. Go after Gaara!"

General Kankuro. After handing the two unconscious ninjas to Maki, he said to him and Temari.

"But, Kankuro, that guy defeated Gaara. If you chase after him alone, you will most likely die. Come back. We have released psychic beasts to monitor them. Speed ​​​​is not able to leave the country of wind for the time being, wait until we go back to the village to discuss with mother-in-law Chiyo and the others."

Maki looked at Kankuro Road.

Because now the whole village has not only lost me, but also some of the Jounin and Chunin have been killed by Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion.

The strength of Sand Ninja Village was weakened again.

Under such circumstances, if Kankuro was lost again, the entire village might really be in crisis.

"Do you have to look at Gaara like this? I can't do it!"

Kankuro asked sharply.

That was his younger brother, how could he watch his younger brother be taken away without going to the rescue?

"Yes, the two of us absolutely cannot watch Gaara get caught like this."

Temari is also standing by Kankuro's side at this moment.

"No, I didn't mean to save Gaara in the past, but to gather a large army and kill them after returning. Otherwise, we would only be giving away people's heads in vain."

Maki said anxiously.

"I'm not at ease. If you send someone to follow them, then send me there. I think that if I don't do it with my strength, but just follow them closely, I should be able to do it."

Kankuro couldn't bear this.

He himself came out to save Gaara.

Now let him hide in the village alone, he can't do it.

After saying this, Kankuro rushed out.

Chapter 285 The trap of the red sand scorpion

"The impulsive guy."

Maki couldn't help but said.

After Temari heard this, he glared at Maki fiercely.

Maki didn't like Gaara very much since he was a child, so at this moment, after Gaara was captured, although he was very worried in his heart, he was more worried that the village would not have a strong fighting power.

Not active at all, wanting to care about Gaara.

Therefore, Temari felt a little uncomfortable.

"Go back quickly, mother-in-law Chiyo is still waiting for us to go back to discuss things, and Temari, don't leave alone like Kankuro, otherwise, it is very likely to be in danger, and then we have to save it. It's not just Gaara."

Maki reminded Temari one last time.

In desperation, Temari had to follow Maki first and temporarily returned to the village.


in the village meeting room.

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