At this moment, all the high-level officials of Sand Ninja Village have gathered here.

"Gaara has been captured, and Kankuro has gone to track it now. I believe the information will be sent soon, so what we have to do now is to assemble the army and quickly take back Gaara!"

Grandma Chiyo looked at everyone and said.

After tonight's battle, Chiyo's mother-in-law has long recognized Gaara, and it was just an expedient measure to make Gaara the new Kazekage.

Among the villages, only Gaara is the most powerful, and if it becomes the wind and rain, the village can be better protected.

But now Chiyo's mother-in-law has changed her mind about Gaara.

Gaara, the Kazekage, can really do something for Sand Ninja Village.

It is a person who can take the initiative to appear to protect the villagers in times of crisis.

So making him the fifth generation of Fengying is really suitable.

"Okay, I think so too, form an elite team, and then immediately go after Gaara!"

Mackey agreed.

"No, I don't recommend chasing Gaara, you must know that the organization is all shadow-level powerhouses, even if we send an elite team, it can only be sent to death, but weakened in the village. power, so I don't suggest we go after Gaara."

One of the elders voted against it.

"Me too, if I send an elite team to chase, not only will I fail to save Gaara, but the elite team will be completely destroyed, which is tantamount to a disaster for Sand Ninja Village, not to mention We have already lost too many ninjas when we were at the village entrance."

"This in itself is enough to make our strength drop a lot, and other surrounding villages may be ready to move. The news of Gaara's capture will not be blocked for long, and they may compete with us for the status of Ninja Village in the Land of Wind. , if there aren't enough ninjas, we'll end up being replaced by someone else."

Several other elders also spoke together.

Their intention is very clear, that is, to give up Gaara.

And they have very good reasons.

"What are you talking about, Gaara is my younger brother, he is the next Kazekage, how can you just look at him like this, he just saved all of us under the attack of the enemy, if If we don't take action, this will be revenge."

Temari shouted uncontrollably.

"Temari. Don't get excited, I know that Gaara was caught, and you must be very anxious, but you also have to think about the village, go save me now, how many people will we lose to Gaara, and Gaara The loss is not unacceptable, as long as we think that Gaara died on Konoha's side from the beginning."

The other ninja looked at Temari so excited and couldn't help but persuade him.

But what he said caused the hand to slap fiercely on his face.

"What stupid words are you talking about, that's my brother. If you don't want to save him, then I'll go. Even if I die, I'll bring Gaara back."

Said to him sharply.

"You, Teju, you are too bold, come here, give me Teju..."

This elder couldn't help touching his face. It was the first time he was slapped in the face by a junior.

On the spot, he couldn't help but want to punish Temari.


"Enough, you all give me enough time, Gaara must be saved, but what this elder said is indeed right, if we send an elite team, it is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out, so this time I decided to Ask for help, Temari, you immediately write the current news of the sand ninja village on the scroll, and then bring it to Konoha, ask Konoha's Tianyu, hurry up and save Gaara, as long as he can bring Gaara back , this time Sand Ninja Village is willing to give two hundred million in remuneration."

Granny Chiyo couldn't help but glared at the elder fiercely.

It was obvious that even grandma Chiyo was a little disappointed by what the elder said.

After all, they had just protected you with their forefoot, and then they were taken away, but instead of trying to rescue them, you wanted them to die.

No one can accept such a thing.


After Temari heard this, he immediately turned around and did it.

It's just that when Temari passed by the elder's side, he gave him a stern look.

Obviously, this elder was not only remembered by Chiyo's mother-in-law, but also by Temari.

Being targeted by two vengeful women, it is conceivable that this elder will not end well afterward.

Temari quickly organized what happened here into a letter, and then took it with him and rushed to Konoha overnight.

And when Temari left the meeting room.

However, she found that the villagers in Sand Ninth Village were not resting.

"Why don't you all go to bed quickly?"

Temari looked at the crowd and couldn't help asking.

"Sister Temari, when will Brother Gaara come back? He promised me yesterday that he will train with me today."

A child, holding a teddy bear in his hand, walked to Temari and couldn't help asking.

In the eyes of this child, he obviously didn't know what the concept of Gaara being captured was.

I just thought that Gaara should have left the village to perform some mission.

"I, Gaara will be back soon, and he will definitely continue to train with you!"

Temari couldn't help but feel sad when he heard the child's words.

But she was also happy for Gaara.

Because since there are children who are willing to approach Gaara, this means that Gaara's acceptance in the village is getting higher and higher.

One day Gaara will become the Kazuki that everyone fears in the Sand Ninja Village.

Chapter 286 A Day in Konoha

"Temari, you must bring Gaara back, the current Sand Ninja Village can't be without Gaara."

An adult couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Gaara in the previous battle, I'm afraid we would all be dead, so we must bring Gaara back."

Everyone couldn't help but pray.

Gaara has long since made the whole village recognize him through his efforts, which is why this scene is here.

"Don't worry, no matter what, I will definitely bring Gaara back."

Temari looked at everyone and nodded heavily.

Then turn around and leave.

Go to Konoha.


At the same time Konoha.

Tian Yu was sitting in the Ichiraku Ramen shop, watching Naruto who was constantly sucking ramen.

A little bit surprised.

Naruto is now eating ramen as fast as a starving ghost reincarnated.

I ate three bowls of ramen in less than fifteen minutes.

This is a big bowl of ramen noodles with meat and eggs. Ordinary people are almost full even if they are hungry and eat two bowls.

But Naruto still looks like he can eat three or four more bowls. L

Tian Yu couldn't help but looked at Naruto's stomach.

It was found that it did not bulge.

It seems that Naruto really has a stomach that does not belong to this dimension.

"Hand beat uncle, another bowl!"

Naruto raised his hand without hesitation.

"Okay, Naruto looks very energetic today, I'll add a few more pieces of barbecued pork to you next bowl, it's my invitation."

The hand-beating uncle couldn't help laughing.

Seeing a child like Naruto who likes to eat Ichiraku ramen is very gratifying, even with his hands.

"Wow, that's really good."

Naruto nodded reluctantly.

Soon the ramen came up, and Naruto started to gobble again.

Sure enough, after Naruto finished the fourth bowl, he asked for another bowl.

Waiting for the next bowl of ramen in the table space.

Tian Yu finally found a chance to talk to Naruto.

"That Naruto, I said Jiraiya too, it's not that you won't be given food, you just went out to practice with him for three months, how come back to the village as if you haven't eaten enough food in your eight lifetimes? ?"

Tian Yu couldn't help laughing.

Although now according to Tian Yu's net worth, even if no one comes here every day, eating ten bowls of ramen here is enough for Naruto to eat for more than two thousand years.

But this way of eating still made Tian Yu slap his tongue.

"Yes, well, of course, Sexianren has fed me, but the meals he cooks are tasteless. Every time he uses rice **** or military ration pills to fool me. Once we practiced to a river. , I managed to catch such a big fish."

Naruto gestured with his hands, the fish was at least as big as Naruto's entire body.

Really a big fish.

"But you also know that I can't escape with fire. If I use the detonating talisman, it is estimated that the fish will be blown to pieces, and no one will want to eat it at that time. Yes, but do you know, well, the celestial beings didn't even care about me at all, what else did they say, don't eat fish without fire, rice **** and ration pills are fine."

"I was about to die of anger when I heard this, so I could only use my specialty, the technique of seduction."

"After that old man from Jiraiya saw my seduction technique, as expected, he immediately burst into flames and cooked the fish, and I was able to eat it beautifully, but it was good afterward, but the seductress was not. Complaining at me, saying, my change is only a momentary, he has never been addicted to it at all, and he still wants to use me for material or something."

"Can you believe it? So after the immortal cultivation, I immediately kicked the good, serenity, and came to find you, Big Brother Tianyu!"

When Naruto talked about this experience, he couldn't help crying in his heart.

After all, he was really heartbroken.

"Oh, it's not easy for you either."

Listening to Naruto's words, Tian Yu couldn't help sighing, and then touched Naruto's head.

"Store owner, within the next three days, I will pay for Naruto's food. No matter how much Naruto eats, I will pay!"

Tian Yu looked at the hand-beating uncle and said.

"Hey, okay, as expected, it's good to be Big Brother Tianyu."

Naruto couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, let's go home as soon as possible after eating. There is still your task tomorrow. You and Sakura have been re-incorporated into the Kakashi group, and you will be tasked together in the future."

Tian Yu reminded with a smile.


Naruto seemed very motivated.

He has been training with Jiraiya for the past six months, and his strength has improved a lot.

This time when the mission was launched, it was the time when Naruto proved his strength.

That's not too cool.

Tian Yu went home first.

And Naruto continued to eat ramen in the Ichilaku Ramen Restaurant.

Konoha looked peaceful and feasting.

All the villagers enjoy peace here.

At the same time, Temari was rushing to Konoha without a break.

All she remembered in her mind were the images of Gaara's previous injuries.

I couldn't help thinking about it in my heart.

Until the end, Temari couldn't help shaking his head.

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