Get those images out of your mind completely.

"No, Gaara will never have an accident."

After thinking of this, Temari's speed became faster.

Early the next morning.

Izumo and Zitie had just removed the barrier protection of the Konoha gate.

I saw that Temari had reached the gate of Konoha, and the Temari Chakra had been exhausted at this moment.

She was lying weakly in front of Konoha's gate at the moment.

After seeing the barrier of Konoha being opened.

He couldn't help reaching out.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Izumo and Zitie saw Temari's appearance, so they immediately came to Temari to ask her about her situation.

"Save, save... save my love..."

Temari fainted before he could finish his words.

Izumo and Zitie recognize Temari as a person from Sand Ninja Village and have been to Konoha before.

And now that she appears in Konoha, there must be an emergency.

Therefore, Izumo called the medical class on the one hand, and on the other hand, this post reported the situation here to Tsunade of the Hokage Office as soon as possible.

"What, Temari passed out at the door of Konoha!"

Tsunade frowned immediately after hearing the news.

This is not good news.

Temari is the ninja of Sand Ninja Village.

If this matter spreads, it may have some blow to Konoha's reputation.

"Lord Tsunade, no matter what, the most important thing is to quickly cure Jiju, let her wake up, and then ask about the situation of Sand Ninja Village."

Silence persuaded.

"You're right, take me to Konoha Hospital!"

Chapter 287 Temari Arrives

After hearing this, Tsunade put down the document he was reviewing, and then came to Konoha Hospital with Mute.

It was only after Tsunade thought about it for a long time before she went out.

"Go to Tianyu, tell him the news here, and ask him to wait for me at Konoha Hospital."

Tsunade ordered to Anbu.


Anbu, who was hiding in the dark, nodded quickly.

Then just disappear.

Early in the morning, after Tian Yu got up, after washing up, he was sitting in the corridor of his own house.

Admiring the small bridge and flowing water, enjoying the delicious breakfast made for him every day.

"Ah, such a day is really pleasant, even if I give it to Hokage, I won't change it."

Tian Yu couldn't help but sighed.

"Humph, brother, why don't you give Hokage a replacement? It's clear that you dislike Hokage. You have to sit in the office all day reviewing documents, and you don't even have any freedom, so you're not happy, okay?"

Holding the spatula every day, he couldn't help but said.

After all, what her brother said was really too Versailles.

If some people who want to be Hokage hear this, they won't vomit blood.

"Hehe, Tian Tian, ​​brother's good sister, since you know it, don't expose it. Besides, life is perfect now, so why bother with it, and Tian Tian, ​​if you don't go back to the kitchen, I'm afraid your fried egg is going to be mushy."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Yeah, my fried egg."

Hearing this every day, he immediately turned around without hesitation and ran to the kitchen.

Look at the back of running away every day.

Tian Yu picked up the tea on the table and drank it.

"Well, it's really youthful."

Tian Yu said with emotion.

It just didn't take long for the emotion, the next moment Anbu knelt directly in front of Tian Yu.

"Lord Tianyu, Lord Hokage has an order for you to go to Konoha Hospital quickly, something important!"

Anbu knelt in front of Tian Yu on one knee and said respectfully.

"Alas, it seems that my perfect vacation is going to waste again, let's go."

After Tian Yu heard Anbu's words, he immediately shook his head.

He gracefully took the last bite of breakfast into his mouth and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.

Tian Yu looked up at Anbu like this.

"Let's go."

After these two words fell, the figures of Tian Yu and Anbu disappeared from the house at the same time.

"The omelette is ready. Although it's a bit mushy this time, I've done an emergency treatment. I believe it must be fine... Hmph, nasty brother!"

When I came to Tianyu's position every day.

What I saw was the scene that Tian Yu had already shown.

Suddenly snorted.

Small mouth pouted.

Konoha's hospital.

outside the ward.

Tianyu met Tsunade here.

"What's the matter? You hurriedly came to Konoha Hospital early in the morning. Could it be that something happened to the ninjas in the village?"

"Who is it, Kakashi and Matekai, they haven't been out of the village these few days, and they have carried out any dangerous tasks. Logically speaking, they shouldn't be in the hospital, or should they come from here? When you were there, were you found and beaten?"

Tian Yu didn't know what was going on.

But when they were all in the hospital, it was definitely going to be difficult.

"No, but rather than that, I hope that Zilai was also beaten to the hospital. He should have some memory."

Tsunade said angrily when he heard Jiraiya's name.

After all, Jiraiya is really too outrageous.

At the beginning, when I was in the village, I was able to restrain myself a little bit, and I collected the wind outside.

But now Tsunade has even received it in Konoha's women's bathhouse, and I don't know how many complaints.

Although Jiraiya disguised well every time, he did not let others discover his identity.

But Tsunade's commissions had already accumulated a lot.

They were all commissions issued by the women's bathhouse, trying to find out the perverts who peeped at women's bathing, the wolf's.

Faced with these requests, even Tsunade didn't know what to say.

After all, Jiraiya is also one of Konoha's three ninjas, and he wants to face.

It is impossible for Tsunade to let people know that Jiraiya is the culprit of peeping at the women's bathhouse.

Otherwise what is this?

"what happened?"

Tian Yu frowned, being able to make Tsunade say such a thing means that this time the matter is likely to be serious.

"Temari fell at the door of Konoha early in the morning. She looks like she has run out of chakra. To be able to reach Konoha from Sand Ninja Village overnight, something must have happened in Sand Ninja Village, otherwise Temari won't be like this, but because of the contract signed before, the spies that Konoha sent to Sand Ninja Village have all withdrawn."

"And because it is impossible for Sand Ninja Village to threaten Konoha again, I have never sent spies there. Now I have no way of grasping the situation in Sand Ninja Village. I can only wait until Temari wakes up."

Tsunade sighed.


Hearing this, Tian Yu also began to frown.

Temari came over, and there was an accident in Sandin Village.

It seems that this sand ninja village is destined to make waves again.

"Tsunate-sama, Tianyu-sama, Temari has woken up, and now I'm asking to see you."

Konoha's doctor hurriedly ran out of the ward, and then looked at Tsunade and Tianyu and saluted.

"Okay! Let's go over here."

Tsunade nodded.

Then he and Tian Yu entered the ward together.

Temari had already woken up at this moment, but she was still a little weak now.

But the next moment, when Temari saw Tianyu and Tsunade, he rolled over from the bed as if he had been beaten with blood.

She walked on the ground and quickly knelt down in front of Tian Yu.

"Please, Lord Tianyu, save my brother, save Gaara."

Tears fell uncontrollably.

Now that it was Konoha, Temari knew that someone who could save her brother had finally appeared.

"Don't be like this, get up quickly, what happened in Sand Ninja Village? What happened to Gaara?"

After Tian Yu stepped forward to help Temari up, he immediately asked.

At this time, Tian Yu had a bad idea in his heart.

According to the plot in the original book, Akatsuki wanted to arrest Ichito, and Zhuli came after Gaara became the fifth Kazekage.

That is to say, at least when Gaara was fifteen years old, the Akatsuki organization would completely start.

But now, I am afraid that because of the butterfly effect, the Xiao organization has started in advance.

Of course this is the worst plan.

It's also possible that Gaara couldn't control the Morizuru within his body, causing Ichio Morizuru to run wild.

"Yeah, get up quickly, you don't have to do such things in Konoha, and we are allies with Sand Ninja Village now, we all have to watch and help each other, if something happens to your village, Konoha will definitely will help you!"

Tsunade couldn't help but said.

Chapter 288 The plot that started early

But she knew in her heart that she could make Kazekage's daughter Temari do such an action.

This means that what happened in Sand Ninja Village is not a trivial matter.

It is a major matter that Sand Ninja Village cannot solve.

It seems that things are a little troublesome!

"Okay, I said, last night, there was a meeting in Sand Ninja Village, and Granny Chiyo asked Gaara to become the fifth Kazekage. Although everyone was reluctant, they all voted in favor, but that night, Sand Ninja However, a man in a red cloud robe came to the village, this man has blond hair and controls a huge white bird."

"This man's methods are very special. He will use clay bombs. Gaara fought with him. Originally, the strength of the two people was evenly matched. It was impossible for that man to cause any harm to Gaara, but he actually used a puppet. , wants to attack the village, Gaara was caught by that man in order to protect the village, and was defeated."

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