"Then that man took Gaara away. The person we sent to chase has not heard back yet, but the man must have accomplices, and their strength is very powerful, so I came to ask for help, Lord Tianyu, I beg you, I beg you to help me bring Gaara back!"

"Sand Ninja Village can't live without Gaara, he has to become the fifth-generation Kazekage, and I can't live without Gaara, if you are willing to agree, Lord Tianyu, Granny Chiyo said, you can pay 200 million taels. We only want Gaara to come back safely!"

Temari's rapid future is clear.

And this also made Tian Yu understand that Akatsuki, who had been immersed for a while, appeared to have made a comeback.

And their target is the tailed beast.

But for some reason, the timeline has moved forward.

But this did not change the ending of Gaara. After all, Gaara was captured by Deidara for protecting the village.

Then, Deidara and the others will take Gaara to the secret camp of the Akatsuki organization, and at that time, they will use an outsider golem to pull out the one-tailed Shou crane from Gaara's body.

In this way, the person who loses the tailed beast will surely die.

"What is the Xiao organization shot again, this is simply disgusting!"

Tsunade's eyes flashed after hearing the news of Akatsuki's attack again.

The last time Akatsuki united Danzo, they wanted to attack Konoha and destroy the entire Konoha.

But fortunately at that time, they had heavenly control here, and they were not able to succeed.

But now they even aimed directly at Sand Ninja Village and took Ren Zhuli away.

This is simply insane.

It's really disgusting.

"Tianyu, what do you think?"

After Tsunade said these words, he quickly looked at Tian Yu.

To be honest, this time Tsunade wanted to support Sand Ninja Village.

I want to bring Gaara back.

But Tsunade also knew that if he wanted to do this, he would have to go out of his way.

Therefore, it is necessary to seek Tianyu's consent.

"I promise, don't worry, I will bring Gaara back, and even I don't need your money, but I have a request, as long as you agree to my request, I will bring Gaara back."

Tianyu looked at Temari and said.

"What, what request?"

Hearing this, Temari was overjoyed.

But he did not forget to ask Tian Yu what his requirements were.

After all, if Tian Yu said this request, they would kill people, so there is no way to do it.

Neither does it.

"You can't make up my mind about this request. I'd better wait until I go to Sand Ninja Village to meet Chiyo's mother-in-law. Also, your chakra has been exhausted. I'm afraid you will have to rest for two or three days before your body can recover. , during this time, you can temporarily live in Konoha, Konoha will ensure your personal safety."

Tianyu looked at Temari and said.

"Okay, then please, Lord Tianyu, please rescue Gaara."

Temari looked at Tian Yu, grateful.


After Tian Yu nodded.

Then he turned and left the room.

Tsunade also said a few polite words to Temari and also left the ward.


Inside the Hokage office.

"Tianyu, what do you think about this incident?"

Tsunade knew that when Tianyu mentioned that condition, there should be a solution.

So even the reward is well thought out.

"No idea, anyway, this time, since the Xiao organization is aggressive, then we will take the trick. I was able to strangle the Xiao organization's conspiracy before, and it is the same now. It's just that we have been delayed for a night. Gaara may Now that we have left the Land of Wind, we have to speed up."

Tianyu looked at Tsunade.

When Tsunade heard this, he knew that Tian Yu should have his own plans in his heart, but he couldn't say it yet.

So don't ask anymore.

"Okay, there's no problem. If you want to leave Konoha, you can leave at any time, and you can do it if you want someone to help you. As long as the ninjas in the village don't have their own tasks, they can be dispatched by you."

Tsunade said.

"Well, since that's the case, then I want, Matekai, Hatake Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto, and Neji and Tenten."

Tian Yu made a decision after thinking for a moment.

"Well, does every day pass this time?"

After Tsunade heard that Tian Tian's name was actually on the list, he couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, in the past six months, I have been training every day according to the training method I provided, and her strength has already improved significantly, although the tasks she has been participating in are not high-level, this time also It's just a chance to hone in, and with me leading the team, there will never be any danger."

Tian Yu said directly.

After all, the strength of a ninja should be tempered on the battlefield itself.

Otherwise, if you don't go to the battlefield, you can only talk about soldiers on paper.

Everything is in vain.

"Well, I also understand what you said. Since you have made a decision, then I will agree. But speaking of it, Naruto came to complain to me last night, saying that after he came back, I gave it to him. The tasks are too simple, either to take a walk with the grandmother or to catch someone's lost cat."

"It's hard to wait for a C-level mission, and it turns out to be the guard of the nobles, standing there for a whole day, no stimulation at all, at that time, I also taught Ming, people should do these basics well now. Characters, there will naturally be A-level tasks or even S-level tasks for him to do in the future."

Chapter 289 Go to Sand Ninja Village

"I didn't expect that I really made a prophecy. The task assigned to him today, even if he is not the main attack, I am afraid that the level has already reached the S level. Two or more Xiao organizes shadow-level powerhouses, it is really exciting. of."

Tsunade couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, this time action may allow Naruto to see his inadequacies, and he won't be clamoring to perform S-level tasks in the future, the best of both worlds!"

Tian Yu also smiled.

In the morning of Konoha, the sun is shining and it is always full of vitality.

Naruto got up from the quilt. After washing up, he was full of energy and eager to complete today's task.

But before he could find Sakura and Kakashi, he was taken to Hokage's office by Anbu.

When Naruto pushed open the door of Hokage's office, he saw that a lot of people had gathered in the office.

Kakashi, Sakura, Matekai, Xiao Li, Tian Tian, ​​Neji and they are all here.

"What's going on? It's just a simple delivery task, no need, you all go, and there's Big Brother Tianyu?"

Naruto was a little confused.

"Naruto, don't look stupid. Obviously our mission has changed."

Sakura couldn't help but said.

He couldn't help but waved his fist. If it wasn't because this was in the Hokage office, I'm afraid Sakura's fist would have hit Naruto's head.

This scene made Tian Yu frown.

"Naruto, come to me!"

Tian Yu beckoned.

"Okay, Big Brother Tianyu!"

Naruto happily came to Tian Yu's side.

"Since everyone is going to perform the same task and are in the same team, they are all teammates. Since they are teammates, they must be treated equally, and we are all ninjas in the same village, even more teammates, so there can be no oppression. And bullying, things like casually beating and scolding teammates must not happen, otherwise, it would be fine if it was a ninja with a good temper like Naruto."

"But if you change it to a person who holds grudges, then in the course of your character's actions, your back is not the teammate you trust, but a person who remembers grudges. If you don't want to get along with your teammates If you die, I hope you can show some respect to your teammates in the future."

Tian Yu said sharply.

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Said he was taught.

And Sakura's face was very ugly.

Obviously, what Tian Yu said just now was her.

It's just that he left some face for Sakura, and didn't say it by name.

"Well, now that everyone has understood, let me tell you about this mission. Akatsuki came to Sand Ninja Village and took Gaara away. Their goal is Ichimori in Gaara's body. Crane, and once the tailed beast leaves Ren Zhuli, the human Zhuli will die, so we have to get Gaara back before the other side pulls the tailed beast away from Gaara's body. This time, the opponent is two A shadow-level powerhouse."

"The level of the task is S-level, so this person's task is full of dangers. I hope you all listen to your captain's words with peace of mind. Do you understand?"

Tian Yu looked at everyone and said.

"Yes, I understand."

When Naruto heard this, he couldn't help but get excited.

He originally thought that the mission he was going to perform today was only C-level.

But I didn't expect to jump directly to the S level, which is really great.

"Don't worry, Big Brother Tianyu, we will definitely bring Gai Luo back safely. That guy is still the same person as me, and I also heard that after he returned to his village, he also A lot of changes have been made, for a person like this, Naruto Uzumaki has already regarded him as a friend, and I will never let him be taken away by those bad guys organized by Xiao."

Naruto patted his chest and said seriously.

"Well, I believe you can!"

Tian Yu nodded.

"Set off.!"

With the order of Tian Yu.

Everyone left Konoha directly and went to Sand Ninja Village.

Konoha Hospital, in the ward.

Temari couldn't help but leaned on the window and looked into the distance.

When she saw Tian Yu and left Konoha with a team of people, her tightened heart was relieved.

"I love Luo, hold on a little longer, Lord Tianyu will come to rescue you soon, please hold on a little longer."

Temari couldn't help but pray.

The technique of Flying Thunder God cannot transfer so many people at one time.

Therefore, Tian Yu could only take them away little by little.

The first thing Tenyu brought was the Kakashi group.

Three people is the limit of Tian Yu now.

By the time everyone was brought to Sand Ninja Village, one third of the chakra, which was Tian Yu, had already been consumed.

But it's all little things.

After all the people came to Sand Ninja Village, Tian Yu took all the people to Sand Ninja Village.

Village entrance.

Maki has been waiting for Konoha's arrival.

After seeing Tian Yu coming, Maki hurriedly greeted him as if he saw the savior.

"Lord Tianyu, thank you for coming to Sand Ninja Village despite your busy schedule. The village is very grateful."

Maki said hurriedly.

"Okay, I don't want to hear your flattering words. They are all time-wasting remarks. Hurry up and take me to see Mother-in-law Chiyo."

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