Tian Yu frowned.

What time is it now, Markey said.

It seems that there are really no good ninjas in Sand Ninja Village now.

Otherwise, people like Maki would never be allowed to become a high-level person.

Before Konoha, these people who are now only slapping the horses, and those who have no real ability, were kicked out of Konoha's decision-making layer by Tsunade early.

If you want to get an official and a half-job in Konoha to manage others, your own strength must be very strong.

Otherwise, if a character can't even protect his subordinates.

Then what kind of man are you?

"Yes, yes, here it is. Granny Chiyo is already waiting for you."

Markey was a little embarrassed after being reprimanded.

He had no choice but to touch his nose and smile to ease the embarrassment now.

Then directly take Tian Yu and the others to Fengying's office.

And along the way, the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village are in a hurry.

She and the others didn't see many villagers, but all the villagers who came out had solemn expressions on their faces.

Even the children had less smiles on their faces.

It seems that the entire Sand Ninja Village is now on alert.

Gaara's capture made the village feel uneasy.

Now the strongest fighting force of Sand Ninja Village has been captured, if he can't come back safely.

Chapter 290 Coming to Sand Ninja Village

It means that Sand Ninja Village will lose a shadow-level powerhouse.

It was almost a devastating blow to them.

"Looking at the smiles on these children's faces, I can imagine how intense the battle last night must have been."

Sakura couldn't help but sigh.

"But that Gaara is really weird. If you can't beat it, just run away. Why do you have to stay where you are?"

Sakura was a little puzzled.

As soon as this sentence was said, it also succeeded in letting Tian Yu feel her ignorance once and for all.

Everyone in Sand Ninja Village glared at her for a while.

Xiao Ying looked at the crowd, she didn't know why, she felt a little scary, and didn't dare to speak.

"Enough, although you are from Konoha, you are not allowed to slander Gaara-sama like this. Gaara-sama didn't leave to protect us, what do you know!"

"That is, if Lord Gaara escaped, he would have left long ago and would not care about us at all. In that case, our village would be blown up, but Lord Gaara, just to save us, use myself You can't understand everything that Lord Gaara has done for the village."

The ninjas in Sand Ninja Village couldn't help but glared at Sakura.

After speaking, Sakura's face turned pale.


Sakura didn't know what to say.

"Okay, Sakura, stop talking later!"

Tian Yu stopped their actions.


Sakura lowered her head when she heard this.

For some reason, her heart was full of grievances.

She obviously just asked a question, but she was hated by everyone.

Sand Ninja Village is really not a good place.


Kakashi patted Sakura on the shoulder to comfort him.

Of course Kakashi knew that Sakura's question was not intentional.

But to be honest, what she said was indeed somewhat inappropriate.

It's no wonder that others are rude to her.

Kakashi was protecting Sakura, and the others followed Tian Yu.

Under the leadership of Maki, they soon came to Fengying's office.

At this time, in the Fengying office, not only the mother-in-law Chiyo, but also some old guys.

This time, Gaara's capture was a big deal, and they all came.

"Lord Tianyu, you are here!"

Seeing Tian Yu's arrival, Grandma Chiyo couldn't help but stepped forward.

"Well, you're welcome, Konoha has formed an alliance with Sand Ninja Village, so if Sand Ninja Village is in trouble, Konoha will definitely come to help you."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Yes, yes, we are allies, the one who believes that Temari must tell you the news here, so I hope you can set off immediately and bring Gaara back. Of course, Sand Ninja Village will also assist you, and I will also will go together."

Chiyo's mother-in-law said uncontrollably.

"No need, just give me their general directions, you can just wait for the news in Sand Ninja Village, and Grandma Chiyo, you are very old now, if you rush out, you will probably give it to yourself. cause trouble."

Tian Yu directly refused.

"Okay, then I'll be here waiting for your good news. Kankuro has already chased after him. I believe he will bring the news soon. You guys can wait here for a while, Maki, quickly. take the distinguished guests to rest."

Granny Chiyo ordered.


Markey nodded.

"No, in fact, I have another request, and I want to ask mother-in-law Chiyo to agree."

Tian Yu looked at Chiyo's mother-in-law and smiled.


"Yes, I don't need the reward from Sand Ninja Village. It's not easy for you. The 200,000,000 taels should be used by you to build the village, and I just need you to agree to my request. My reward!"

Tian Yu replied with a smile.

"What's the request?"

Chiyo's mother-in-law is indeed a little moved. After all, if they can save a sum of money, for them, the finances of Sand Ninja Village can also be slowed down.

But this requirement is a bit too big.

Not sure what will be included.

"Don't worry, it's definitely not a request that will make you embarrassed, and when I bring Gaara back, I will mention it to you. If you don't want to, I can also compensate you accordingly."

Tian Yu smiled.

"This, well, I promise!"

Granny Chiyo nodded.

After all, Tianyu is still very reputable.

And it did help them Sand Ninja Village a lot.

Especially for Gaara.

If it wasn't for Konoha who influenced Gaara, I'm afraid the current Gaara would still be a threat in the village.

For this alone, Sand Ninja Village owes Konoha and Tianyu a favor.

"very good."

Tian Yu nodded.

Then turned around and a group of people followed behind Markey and went to rest first.

This is a nicely decorated room.

All kinds of things inside are readily available, and the environment is also very good.

Although everyone was not tired, they still took the time to rest after coming in.

After all, if they wait for a while, maybe they won't be able to rest for a long time.

Tian Yu also closed his eyes and began to rest.

Only Tian Tian seems to be the first time to visit Sand Ninja Village.

She felt something new everywhere, and was looking around.

Tian Yu did not stop her sister's move.

After all, it rarely comes out every day, if there is a chance to come out and play well.

That's not good either.

And at the same time.

Kankuro, who was chasing Gaara and the others in the desert, finally managed to catch up with Deidara and the Scorpion of the Red Sand.

"Damn, hurry up and return Gaara to me!"

Kankuro finally caught up with them, and at this moment Kankuro had long forgotten what Maki and the others told him.

When I discovered Gaara, I was rushed up immediately and asked them to hand over Gaara.

"Oh, it turned out to be the chasing troop of Sand Ninja Village, but it's too underestimated. We only sent one person, but I look at him a little familiar, and it seems that Gaara from Sand Ninja Village still has a few. A brother or sister, he should be Gaara's brother, is he called Kanhachiro or Kanbachi?"

Deidara recognized Kankuro.

Deliberately not saying Kankuro's name to provoke him.

"It's Kankuro, you bastards, I tell you, I will never spare you this time!"

As expected, Kankuro was enraged.

The index finger controlled the Chakra puppet crow and launched an attack directly towards Deidara in the air.

Chapter 291 One condition, Kankuro was injured

But it was directly opened by the puppet Amber of the Red Sand Scorpion with its tail.

"Oh, then your opponent is me."

The Red Sand Scorpion walked in front of Kankuro and stared at Kankuro with Amber's eyes.

"Don't look stupid here, go quickly, don't delay the task."

The Red Sand Scorpion did not hesitate to let Deidara leave.

"Okay, so be it."

Deidara smiled, then turned to leave.

"Damn, since that's the case, then I'll knock you down first, and then go and save Gaara back."

Kankuro is confident in his puppet skills.

The puppets he used were all the most powerful in the Sand Ninja Village.

And he is now the leader of the puppet masters in the village.

Gaara and Gaara are simply two types of ninjas.

His strength is second only to Gaara.

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