The reason why Gaara lost was to protect the village, but now that it is far away from Sand Ninja Village, Kankuro has no worries, and can play his strength perfectly.

But after hearing this.

Deidara, who had already sat on Asuka and was about to leave, couldn't help sneering.

At the same time mocking in the heart.

If you use a puppet, then you are definitely not the opponent of the Red Sand Scorpion.

I really don't know how miserable he will be this time, so let's mourn for him.

"Let you see my puppet show."

After Kankuro finished speaking, the crow and black ant in his hand went directly towards the red sand scorpion.

And constantly circled the red sand scorpion, looking for the flaws of the red sand scorpion with extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the crow is still constantly firing kunai and shuriken, interfering with the observation of the red sand scorpion.

But Kunai and Shuriken couldn't do any damage to the Red Sand Scorpion.

It was directly opened by the red sand scorpion with the amber tail.

"It's pretty cool, but that's it."

Kankuro said that the ant puppet came out directly from the ground, and in an instant, the scorpion of red sand was pushed into the sky.

"I think you didn't notice the disappearance of the ants halfway through, so it's over."

The ant's chest and abdomen were opened, and the red sand scorpion fell into the ant's body without any resistance.

Finally, the crow puppet's body mechanism was opened, and it was instantly divided into countless.

"Black secret skills, one shot!"

After Kankuro's voice fell.

The crow instantly inserted itself into the black ant's puppet.

"The end of the play!"

Kankuro looked at the red sand scorpion that had been locked in the black ant's body, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

But soon, sand began to flow out of the black ant's body.

"Sand Clone!"

Kankuro was taken aback.

When he opened the black ant, he found that the red sand scorpion in us was nothing but a sand clone.

And the real red sand scorpion had already quietly arrived behind Kankuro.

"Do not!"

Kankuro saw such a scene, his eyes dodged, and then he avoided the attack of the red sand scorpion.

Crows and black ants also constantly changed their positions and started to attack.

But no matter what kind of attack Kankuro did, there was no way he could hurt the red sand scorpion.

Even stabbing these, without moving his body, has blocked most of Kankuro's attacks.

"Well, what's going on here?"

Kankuro's face turned pale.

Now he seems to be seeing through his every move, and what he will do in the future has been predicted by others.

In front of the man in front of him, Kankuro seems to have no privacy and can be spied on at will.

"Looks like you don't have any tricks left."

The Scorpion of Red Sand looked at Kankuro with disdain.

"how is this possible."

Kankuro gritted his teeth, and then the crows and black ants continued to shoot black marbles with poison.

At the same time, countless thousands of silvers directly attacked the red sand scorpion.

The body of the red sand scorpion was filled with poison.

After the poisonous fog dissipated, Kankuro looked at the red sand scorpion again, only to find that the red sand scorpion was unscathed.

"How, how is this possible?"

Kankuro paled in shock.

Each of his attacks was enough to kill an elite jounin.

And before the other party doesn't understand his puppet secret technique, he should be sure to deal with this person.

But every time he was beaten in the face by his opponent.

There is no way to cause damage to the opponent, which is also a difficult thing for Kankuro.

"It's not my rule to make others wait for a long time. Since you've finished fighting, then it's my turn to fight back!"

After the red sand scorpion said Amber's tail, it attacked Kankuro directly.


Kankuro summoned the Sanshoyu to block this attack.

"Don't think about it, the sanshofish's defense is a perfect defense, you absolutely cannot break through the sanshoyu's defense."

Kankuro said confidently.

"That's not necessarily true!"

The red sand scorpion sneered, and then followed the action of the puppet Amber.

Amber's tail slid in an instant. Sanshoyu's defense completely disintegrated.

"How is this possible, how can you see through the weakness of the sansho fish at a glance."

Kankuro couldn't believe it.

However, it was not until Kankuro got the answer.

Amber's tail appeared directly from the desert and pierced Kankuro's body directly.

In an instant, the poison on Amber's tail entered Kankuro's body.

Kankuro's body was pushed to the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Blood splattered.

The body cannot move at all because of the poisoning.

"Yes, the defense of the Sanjiao fish is indeed very powerful, but no matter how solid the puppet is, the parts that can move must be much weaker than other places. As long as you attack these places, you can achieve unexpected results. "

After Kankuro lost his ability to move, the Scorpion of Red Sand looked at him and said slowly.

"You, no, why!"

Kankuro stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to attack the Red Sand Scorpion.

But the poison had paralyzed his whole body, and soon, he couldn't even move his hands.

Can only be embarrassed to fall in the desert.

And his three puppets were completely destroyed in the war with the red sand scorpion.

The parts of the puppet fell to the ground in the sand, a mess.

"You probably want to know why I can see through your actions every time, no matter how you attack, there is no way to escape my eyes, because the people who make crows, ants and pepper fish are none other than others. it's me!"

"What, no...why?"

Kankuro didn't understand.

Because the Red Sand Scorpion left Sand Ninja Village more than 20 years ago.

For Sand Ninja Village, the Red Sand Scorpion is a traitor.

Chapter 292 The News Comes

However, his technique of making puppets is very superb, and now he has encountered the scorpion of red sand.

It is no wonder that his attack method can be seen through by the red sand scorpion.

Because the three puppets he used were made by him.

However, the Red Sand Scorpion would obviously not answer his question.

"Since you want to live, then I won't kill you, but the poison in your body can only make you live for three more days, I hope you can survive within three days, but this is not good for you who are in the desert now. I'm afraid it's an extravagant hope."

After saying this, the Scorpion of Red Sand turned and left.

His back figure went farther and farther, and soon he could no longer be seen.

And the toxins in Kankuro's body circulated here, and gradually his whole body was unable to move.

But Kankuro. Still use the last strength to seal the information here in the scroll, and then send it back to Sand Ninja Village.


"Kankuro's information has come back!"

The intelligence team of Sand Ninja Village has been at their posts, and they are all waiting for Kankuro's information.

When the sealed scroll came back, they quickly decrypted the contents of the scroll and handed it over to the mother-in-law Chiyo.

"Red Sand Scorpion!"

Grandma Chiyo first read the previous report, but when he saw the four characters of the red sand scorpion written on the seal scroll of Kankuro.

Chiyo's mother-in-law's mood suddenly became a little chaotic.

"Grandma Chiyo, are you alright?"

Maki couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, I'm okay, it's just that I'm getting old, and I need to close my eyes occasionally to rest. It's very clear on this seal scroll. Now Kankuro is not the opponent of those two people. Gaara has been taken away, but on the scroll It also explained the direction of their departure, then we will send a pursuit team to go after them, and Sand Ninja Village quickly formed an elite pursuit team to bring Gaara back with Lord Tianyu and the others!"

Granny Chiyo restrained her emotions and ordered.


The crowd nodded.

"Give this scroll to Lord Tianyu, and then you can go and bring Gaara back together."

Granny Chiyo gave the scroll to Maki.

Then quickly turned around.


Maki didn't notice the strangeness of Chiyo's mother-in-law.

After getting the scroll, he went directly to the room where Tian Yu and the others were.

And only some old people of Sand Ninja Village, when they saw the content in the scroll, their mood was also very complicated.

Because they knew that the red sand scorpion written on the scroll was the grandson of Chiyo's mother-in-law.

It is also the only relative left by mother-in-law Chiyo in this world.

But the funny thing is that now his only relative is going to be the enemy of Sand Ninja Village.

"If you're really reluctant, you might as well tell Lord Tianyu and let them catch them alive!"

An old man stepped forward and wanted to comfort Grandma Chiyo.

After all, the death of Chiyo's mother-in-law's son and daughter-in-law was enough to make her sad.

But what the Scorpion of the Red Sand did later broke the heart of Chiyo's mother-in-law.

Up to now, although one person can hold the power of Sand Ninja Village, but in the final analysis, Granny Chiyo is just an old man who has lost a loved one.

"No need, since you have already betrayed the village, it is already a betrayal, and neither should you show mercy to a betrayal, not to mention that he has already left for more than 20 years, and my grandson is already on the battlefield. He died in battle, like my son and daughter-in-law, he was a hero who gave his life for the village."

"As for the Red Sand Scorpion who betrayed Sand Ninja Village, it's just a stranger bearing the name of my grandson. If the pursuit troops encounter the Red Sand Scorpion, they can kill him."

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