When Granny Chiyo finally said those words, there were tears in her eyes.

After all, that was her own grandson.

But now everything is for the sake of the village, even with some necessary means.

"Oh, okay!"

The elders could only sigh when they saw Granny Chiyo say this.

Then no longer persuade.

But their hearts are also very complicated.

Because the Red Sand Scorpion was really a genius in Sand Ninja Village, if such a genius never left Sand Ninja Village, the puppet secret technique in Sand Ninja Village must be stronger and more prosperous now.

It's just a pity that everything is not if.


"Lord Tianyu!"

Markey knocked on the door.

"come in!"

Tian Yu said loudly.

"Yes, Lord Tianyu, now we have received the secret letter that Kankuro just came back, which has been recorded in detail, the direction of the actions of the people who captured Gaara, now you can act, and at the same time the sand ninja village is here. We will also send some people to go with you!"

Maki said hurriedly.

"it is good!"

Tian Yu took the seal scroll, and after a glance, he instantly understood everything.

It doesn't seem to be any different from the original.

Kankuro is still poisoned by the red sand scorpion.

If the toxins in his body are not removed in time, Kankuro may not survive for three days.

"Kakashi, Naruto, the two of you are going to chase with me. In addition, Matekai, Xiao Li, Tian Tian and Neji, the three of you are re-inspecting the news and tracking the enemy's lair, but remember , this time you are only responsible for lamenting the news, not playing against your opponent!"

"Once the other party finds out, you must retreat quickly, even if you are already involved in the war, you must get out of the battle as soon as possible and come back quickly. This can be regarded as your first S-level mission. I don't want each of you. Everything happened, I want you to come back safely."

Tian Yu looked at everyone and said.

"Don't worry, brother, I will strictly follow your words!"

Tiantian nodded firmly.

As a qualified elder brother, she had already taken Jiang Tianyu's words as a guide.

will absolutely obey.


Matekai, Xiao Li, and Neji, the three of them nodded in the same way.

Whether it is Matekai, Xiao Li, and Neji, all three of them have received the favor of Tianyu.

In this operation, Tian Yu's orders will be fully implemented.

All people will be strictly obedient.

Absolutely will not appear, the behavior of disobedience.

"Brother, in fact, I also want to chase them with you."

Tian Tian didn't really want to be separated from Tian Yu.

She still wants to stay with Tian Yu.

"Damn, Tiantian, I will definitely accompany you after this mission is over, but now if you let me go to the pursuit team with me, it is very likely that something will happen, so you are most suitable to stay in the exploration team. , and trust me, you will get something this time."

Tian Yu smiled.

Chapter 293 The Conspiracy of Xiao's Organization

"Oh fine."

Tian Tian could only nod his head when he heard Tian Yu's words.

Look at everyone with a listless look.

Tian Yu smiled.

To be able to fight against oneself is actually a bit of a request.

And now every day they are about to experience a situation where they are fighting against themselves.

Only by surpassing oneself and being stronger than the oneself in the last second can one be able to defeat one's own clone and obtain the strongest power.

"No, Lord Tianyu, what about me, I came with you too, but I have never been assigned a task. Which group should I go to?"

Sakura is in a hurry

This is an S-rank mission.

If you can successfully complete it, it will undoubtedly make your resume very beautiful.

And maybe it can be reused by Tsunade and become a disciple of Tsunade.

In this way, she can even be in a relationship with Hokage.

In this way, her status in Konoha can also be significantly improved.

Maybe he will be able to inherit the title of Sannin in the future.

Therefore, Sakura would never just stay silent like this.

"You should have learned medical ninjutsu with Mute for a while. Then you will stay in Sand Ninja Village and treat the injured here. Let me see how your learning has gone during this period of time?"

Tian Yu said coldly.

"Yes, Lord Tianyu, promise to complete the task."

Sakura said excitedly.

After announcing their respective tasks.

Tian Yumen took Kakashi and Naruto, and the two left Sand Ninja Village.

Followed the direction of the seal scroll directly.

All the way, Kakashi remained silent.

Obviously, Kakashi still couldn't let go in front of Tian Yu.

"Big Brother Tianyu, you said that those people caught Gaara, what will happen?"

As for Naruto, he was much more relaxed, and he walked side by side with Tian Yu.

Can't help asking.

"What else can I do? Seizing Ren Zhuli is naturally a plot against the tailed beast in their body, and Gaara is the human Zhuli of Ichigo Shouhe, they are looking at Shouhe, not Gaara! "

Tian Yu replied.

At this moment, the yellow sand is flying in the sky, and the sky has become gloomy.

This means that they are in the desert and are about to usher in a desert storm.

And this also heralds the arrival of this world storm.

"Tailed beast, is the tailed beast really that powerful? Everyone wants to take it."

Naruto muttered to himself, as if he was asking Tian Yu, and he seemed to be talking to himself.

"Yes, the tailed beast is indeed very strong. For ordinary people, the power of the tailed beast is far beyond that of ordinary people. If you can become a human pillar, you will be able to obtain shadow-level power in an instant. This includes Gaara, of course. Including you, Naruto!"

Tian Yu looked at Naruto.

Now Akatsuki is here again.

Start doing things.

Then this also means that the world is about to usher in a storm.

Then maybe he should let the children who have been growing up under his protection grow up.

Especially Naruto. The reincarnation of Asura.

In the future, the strength will not be weaker than Qianshouzhujian.

If it can be cultivated well, it is definitely a super thug.

And still loyal.

"I, but I don't feel how strong my own power is. Sometimes I fight with a seductress, but every time I will be defeated by him, if I can have the power of a tailed beast, well, serenity. Immortals should not be my opponents."

Naruto asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, it is true in general, but you are different. The seal in your body is very perfect. If you don't want to, you can use the power of the nine tails when you are in anger."

"But during normal training, you can't detect the nine tails in your body, so naturally you can't have the power of the nine tails, but don't worry, after this mission is over, I will tailor a tailor-made one for you. Set training methods, then you will be able to use the power of the nine tails, and maybe you will be able to shake hands with him."

Tian Yu couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I'll leave it to Big Brother Tianyu, but now I know that those people wearing red cloud robes are aiming for tailed beasts, so we must not let them succeed, but they want to destroy Konoha. The bad guy, and I must rescue Gaara successfully, I have seen that guy, I know that he has the same gentleman's mind and the same hatred eyes as me."

"But now that Gaara has chosen to protect the village, it means that he has let go of the hatred in his heart. For such a person, I must bring him back and must tell him that his choice was not wrong. "

Naruto said firmly.

Then he stopped talking, and walked forward firmly.

And Kakashi, after hearing the conversation between Tian Yu and Naruto, his heart was even more mixed.

Naruto is a human pillar, and Gaara is also a human pillar.

If the other party covets the power of the tailed beast, then they must speed up and get Gaara back as soon as possible.

Because if you don't do this, the moment the tailed beast leaves Ren Zhuli's body is when Ren Zhuli dies.

The three moved on.

They are fast.

At this speed, I am afraid that they will be able to catch up with the Red Sand Scorpion before dawn.

The sky slowly lit up.

The morning sun shines on everyone's faces.

In front of Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion was a forest.

This is the border between the land of wind and the land of fire.

Back then, Senju Hashirama used his wooden dungeon to turn this barren land into a huge forest.

Up to now, the forest is still dense, and because of this, there are many more creatures.

There are also many bases here.

The Akatsuki organization also has a stronghold here.


in the stronghold.

The phantom with soil has come here early.

And Obito, the phantom is opposed to the phantom of Payne Tiandao and Xiaonan and Black and White Jue.

"Haven't Deidara and the others arrived yet?"

Obito cold inquiry.

"No, it seems to be on the way, and it took some time, but they will be here soon, and our plan will be carried out as before, there will be no mistakes!"

Hei Jue replied with a smile.

He has long been accustomed to the black face with soil.

"Well, let's summon the outsider golem. After we get the one-tailed guard crane, our next goal is the big tailed beasts scattered in the ninja world. Only by gathering all these tailed beasts can we complete the great Eye of the Moon. The plan is to bring true peace to this world, and at that time, you and I here are the heroes of shaping that new world, and you will get everything you want."

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