Obito's eyes lit up when he talked about the Moon Eye plan.

Chapter 294

Only when talking about the Moon Eye plan, other expressions appeared on Obito's face.

Although these expressions of his have been hidden in the swirl mask of **** yellow.

But that didn't stop Nagato and Konan from feeling the frenzy of Obito.

"That's right!"

The crowd nodded again.

Only the Eye of the Moon Project is the greatest project that can bring the whole world into peace.

For this plan, they can sacrifice everything.

even your own life.

"Then let's wait for their arrival."

Obito smiled and stood there.

Black and White Jue, Xiao Nan, Nagato and the others also stopped talking.

Peace of mind waiting for the return of Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion.

in the forest.

The sky is bright,

Tian Yu and the others finally caught up with Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion.

Look at their backs.

Naruto was so excited that he was about to rush over and take Gaara back.

"Naruto, don't be impulsive, listen to the words of Lord Tianyu."

Kakashi stopped Naruto.

Although the current Naruto has become very powerful, his star heart needs to be sharpened.

Otherwise, if you are still as impulsive as you were when you were a child, you may do something bad in some things.

"But... Damn!"

Although Naruto wanted to rush up, he finally stood behind Tian Yu.

"Brother Tianyu, tell me what we're going to do, and I'll listen to you."

Naruto looked at Tian Yudao.

"Okay, Naruto, Kakashi, the top priority now is to block their escape route, Naruto, take this."

Tian Yu will kill with one blow, and Murasame is handed over to Naruto.

"This is!"

Naruto felt the killing intent on this long sword, and couldn't help but feel chills in his heart.

That sharp edge, Naruto didn't dare to look directly at it.

"This is a one-hit kill, Murasame, the long knife is poisonous. As long as the blade hits that person, even if it's just a very small wound, that person will be poisoned and die within a minute, and this poison has no antidote. So you have to be very careful when you hold it, don't let yourself touch the blade, otherwise you will die yourself."

Tian Yu told Naruto.


After Naruto heard this, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

It seems that he needs to be very careful when using it later, otherwise, he might really kill himself.

"Kakashi, I also saw your swordsmanship a few days ago. You have mastered your swordsmanship very well now, and your strength has been significantly improved, so you and Naruto went together to block their retreat. I will launch the flares as soon as they are finished, and I will also shoot at them as soon as possible.”

Tian Yu formulated a strategy.

After all, the Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion in front of them are both shadow-level masters, so they are not easy to deal with.

And if the two of them can be killed or captured alive, it would be a big blow to the Akatsuki organization.

Uchiha Itachi left, the dried persimmon ghost shark took refuge in Konoha, and Kakuto and Hidean were killed by him.

If Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion were lost again, then the Akatsuki organization would only be left with Nagato, Konan, Obito, and Black and White.

Nagato's strength is very strong, but the reincarnation eye consumes Nagato's body very much.

Although Penn's six paths are very powerful, Nagato's body is very weak.

However, Xiao Nan, although her power is mysterious, as a person who has long been familiar with the original work.

Tian Yu naturally knew how to defeat Xiao Nan.

As for black and white.

That guy has no fighting power at all, and will only hide in the darkness and attack.

He's a conspirator with wolf ambitions.

Desperately wanting to revive his silly white sweet mother.

Is a big dutiful son.

As long as the black and white must be carefully guarded, then its conspiracy will have no effect on Tian Yu.

So the rest is with soil, which is trickier there.

Obito's strengths are virtual and time-space ninjutsu.

But this does not mean that Obito will be much worse in ninjutsu.

Before his death, Madara Uchiha taught him the secret knowledge of his life.

Even Obito's body has cells between the thousand-hand pillars, which can perform wooden escapes.

These two kinds of things add up, even the current Tian Yu feels a little tricky and very difficult to deal with.

"Ding, the system task has been released, successfully brought back Gaara, and the task completion will reward Xuanhuangyan!"

"Ding, the system task is released, stop the conspiracy of Xiao's organization, and prevent them from getting a guard crane, and the task completion will reward the Xuanwu turtle shell!"

The sound of the system sounded in Tian Yu's ear.


The system actually released the task voluntarily after half a year.

And the two materials that the quest rewarded happened to be the necessary materials for him to build Gaia's shield.

As long as this task is completed, Tian Yu will be able to have enough materials to build Gaia's shield.

That shield can be described as a real absolute defense.

It can defend 100% of any attack from the enemy, although it will consume durability.

But I have to say that this skill can fully match the name of the opposing shield.

As expected of the shield of the earth goddess Gaia.


After Kakashi and Naruto heard this, they nodded immediately, and then quietly left Tianyu's side.

And Tian Yu is hidden in the dark.

Always quietly followed Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion.

Deidara sat on the bird, and beside him, the scorpion of red sand was still hidden in the puppet of Fei Liuhu.

Their speed is not fast, maybe they are about to reach their familiar territory, and their level of vigilance has dropped a lot.


Fireworks exploded with a flare in the sky.

Tian Yu knew that Kakashi and the others were already in place.


Deidara was the first to react.

Immediately after that, the bird took off into the sky.

Want to escape from the sky.

"Millennium Ice Prison!"

Tian Yu held the ice wheel pill in his hand and fell into the sky.

The ice wheel pill in his hand shone with a cold light.

In the eyes of everyone, ice blue ice cubes appeared instantly.

Almost in an instant, the surrounding area was instantly blocked.

A cage of ice cubes was formed.

After the ice cube cage appeared, Deidara could only control helplessly, and the bird fell to the ground.

Because in the sky above the ice prison, one after another sharp ice thorns are exuding a cold light.

If Deidara still doesn't give up and must break through from the sky, it is estimated that he will be directly tied into a sieve by the ice thorns.

It was completely different from Deidara's attitude of wanting to escape immediately.

The red sand scorpion stood on the spot instead, as if it didn't react, and kept standing there.

Wait until the Millennium Ice Prison has taken shape.

The red sand scorpion looked at Deidara beside him.

Chapter 295 Confrontation between the two sides

"This is to trap us, not to attack us. You are a little too surprised."

The red sand scorpion sneered.

Because the two of them have completely different perceptions of art, their relationship is not very good.

But the two of them complement each other in strength.

So in the Xiao organization, the two of them were divided into a group.

But this did not prevent the red sand scorpion from laughing at Deidara.

Anyway, internal conflict.

This can also be regarded as the ancestral inheritance of Xiao Organization.

"Humph, it's just some broken ice cubes. When I use my blasting clay, I can blast these ice cubes at will."

Deidara didn't take the words of the Red Sand Scorpion to heart at all.

After all, quarreling between the two of them has long been a common occurrence.

If every quarrel had to be taken to heart, I'm afraid the two of them would have long been enemies of life and death.

Before the two of them can start their mission, they will fight first.

"Can you try it? But I don't recommend you to do it. The strength of the Millennium Ice Prison is very likely that your blasting clay not only didn't blast the ice, but also hurt yourself."

Tian Yu appeared in front of Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion with his arms in his arms and sneered.

"Oh, it's you, Tian Yu!"

Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion looked at Tian Yu.

The man in front of them was all too familiar to them. It was because of the man in front of them that they directly failed in Konoha's attack.

Even the angle and the flying section have already died in the hands of Tian Yu.

According to reliable information, the dried persimmon ghost shark has already taken refuge in Konoha and has taken refuge in Tianyu.

Became a traitor in Akatsuki's organization.

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