Tenyu faced Amber's tail.

Heart sneer.

"Kakashi, Naruto, your two opponents are Deidara, hold him back for me."

Tian Yu quickly gave the order.


Hearing Tian Yu's order, Kakashi and Naruto also acted quickly.

Kakashi held a short knife in his hand, and he fought with Deidara in an instant.

Naruto, along with Kakashi, attacked Deidara.

The wings of Tian Yufeng swooped down in an instant, and almost instantly, Tian Yu came to Amber's back.

"I already hate playing this kind of fake mask game with you, so let's greet me with your real body."

After Tian Yu said these words, the ice wheel pill in his hand was inserted into Amber's back in an instant.

Of course, the amber puppet will not be destroyed by Tian Yu.

A mechanism appeared on his back, like a masked armor, which was also an absolute defense that could stop most ninjutsu attacks.

But there was no way to stop Hirinmaru.

Under the ice wheel pill, everything is cut like tofu.

In an instant, the ice wheel pill was inserted into the body of the amber puppet.

At the same time, the chakra control silk thread was directly cut off.

"Ice Killer!"

Endless ice thorns erupted instantly on the ice wheel pill.

When these ice thorns appeared, they were harder than gold and iron.

The body of the puppet Amber was torn apart almost in an instant.

And this move is also a move that Tian Yu realized on his own after he got Bing Lun Pill.

If this blow hits a human body, thousands of times will tear that person to shreds in an instant.

Even the blood of the opponent will be turned into ice cubes and scattered on the ground.

And those who die under this move will not even leave a whole corpse behind.

Because his body has long been torn apart.

It's **** bloody.

The amber puppet used to deal with the red sand scorpion is just right now.

When Amber is defeated.

A puff of white smoke rose in place.

Tian Yu directly controlled Wing of Wind to fly in midair.

When the white smoke dissipated.

What appeared in front of everyone was the body of the Red Sand Scorpion.

It was a young man with red hair and wearing a red cloud robe.

The young man's face is handsome.

Chapter 297 End the battle

It doesn't look like a red sand scorpion that kills people like a numb and is extremely indifferent to life.

But at this moment, everyone understands that he is the body of the red sand scorpion.

That ugly and dirty puppet Amber is simply a body of the Red Sand Scorpion's usual movements.

"That's right!"

Tian Yu sneered.

His eyes fell on the name with the word scorpion written on the chest of the red sand scorpion.

Tian Yu knew that there was the death point and the gate of life of the red sand scorpion.

As long as that place is destroyed, the red sand scorpion will surely die.

"Since you want to see my real body, then I will fulfill you, but Tianyu, don't take me as an ordinary person, otherwise, I will be very uncomfortable!"

The red sand scorpion finally had an expression on his face.

Showing madness.

At the same time, he shot directly.

His hands turned into two huge blades, and there was a dim light on the blades.

Apparently, there's a lot of poison on it.

At the same time, the Red Sand Scorpion directly took out a scroll with three characters written on it.

As the white light flashed, a new puppet appeared on the spot.

This new puppet is obviously the third generation of Kazekage.

It seems that the scorpion of the red sand really shows no mercy to the sand ninja village.

Even the three generations of Fengying were turned into puppets.

But for Tian Yu, who already knew all the weaknesses of the red sand scorpion, he even took out one thousand ten thousand puppets.

It's just a trick.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

Tian Yu directly activated the technique of Flying Thunder God, and his ice wheel pill flickered with a cold light.

"not good!"

Facing the Flying Thunder God Slash, the Scorpion of Red Sand did not dare to hesitate at all.

Directly gave up the attack and chose the defense.

But Tian Yu's blow itself is a false move. He is indeed a long flying thunder **** technique, but he is not ready to kill.

Instead, he used the fastest speed to get close to the red sand scorpion, and then waved the ice wheel pill in his hand.

"Dragon Pistol Frame!"

I saw an icy blue trace in the sky in an instant.

In an instant, the red sand scorpion was frozen in the icicle.

Now the connection between the Red Sand Scorpion and his puppet has been lost.

In the air, the puppet of the three generations of Kazekage also fell directly from the attacking state to the ground.

On Tianyu's side, the dragon pistol frame was never broken.

Because, the shattering of the dragon shrapnel can only deal with the living.

Although the current body is the body of the red sand scorpion, it has already been transformed into a human puppet by the red sand scorpion.

As long as the device on the chest of the Red Sand Scorpion is not destroyed, he will never die.

So even if his body is broken, it doesn't make any sense. Instead, he will be released.

After catching the red sand scorpion.

Tian Yu took a fancy to Kakashi and Naruto.

Kakashi's strength has improved a lot, White Fang's swordsmanship coupled with Obito's writing wheel eye.

Hatake Kakashi's power is almost stronger than before.

"Spiral pills!"

Here, Hatake Kakashi and Deidara are deadlocked.

Due to the surrounding icicle barrier, Deidara couldn't take the bird to the sky.

In desperation, he could only fight Kakashi and Naruto on the ground.

Naruto has already made a ball and is waiting to hit Deidara.

"It's now, Naruto!"

Kakashi created a fantastic opportunity.

He held Deidara back without letting him act.

The next moment, Naruto directly hit the spiral pill on Deidara's body.


Deidara's body spun upside down and flew out in an instant, smashing **** the ice before stopping.

Wait until Deidara gets up.

There was blood on the corners of his mouth.

"Cough cough!"

Still coughing constantly.

Obviously, the strength of Naruto's Spiral Maru still seriously injured Deidara.

He had already lost an arm in a fight with Gaara before, although it took two days for him to recover from his injuries.

But the arm still hasn't recovered, and now fighting Kakashi and Naruto, he is actually at a loss.

"Humph, how is it, you know how good I am, right?"

Naruto looked at Deidara and said uncontrollably.

"Little devil, even if your strength becomes stronger, what can you do? You didn't defeat me with the copy ninja Kakashi, otherwise, you will not be my opponent at all with your own strength!"

Deidara was still disdainful.

But now Naruto. I don't want to fight with Deidara anymore.

After all, if Deidara loses, he loses. If he makes so many excuses for himself, he can only make himself even more incompetent.

"Hurry up and return Gaara!"

Naruto looked at Gaara on Asuka.

If it wasn't for the fear of hurting Gaara, Naruto would have already taken action by now.

"Oh, it looks like you guys really want to bring Gaara back, but what should I do? The Red Sand Scorpion and I don't want to be your captive either, so we can only negotiate a condition, you open this barrier. Let us leave, I will give Gaara to you, if you don't agree, then I will use this bomb to send Gaara to the west."

"Then I and the Red Sand Scorpion were killed by you!"

Deidara couldn't help but said.

After all, no one wants to die if they can live.

And the current Deidara strength is not in its heyday.

"What are you thinking, how is this possible!"

Naruto refused without thinking.

After all, that's not possible.

They are not the one who lost.

Why let people go.

"I promise!"

And Tian Yu agreed directly.

"Big Brother Tianyu?"

Naruto was stunned when he heard Tian Yu's words, and then looked at Tian Yu with disbelief.

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