After all, since Naruto followed Tian Yu on the mission, he has never seen Tian Yu compromise with anyone.

This is the first time.

"It's okay, Naruto!"

Tian Yu smiled and shook his head at Naruto.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, the icicle barrier around him disappeared instantly.

"Haha, you've been tricked."

Deidara sneered and smashed Gaara directly at Naruto.

When Naruto saw Gaara being thrown over, he subconsciously wanted to go forward to catch him.

But it was directly pulled by Tian Yu.

"How come..."

Naruto saw me before he could ask his doubts, and Aira's body suddenly grew bigger.

Immediately because of Shouhe, he appeared directly in front of everyone watching.

Shouhe's body was still growing, and Tianyu grabbed Naruto's clothes and retreated with Kakashi.

And with the appearance of Shouhe.

Deidara also directly rolled up the body of the red sand scorpion.

placed on the bird.

Without the shackles of the enchantment, Deidara sat directly on the flying bird and soared into the sky.

Chapter 298 Shouhe Appears

"Hey, just keep playing with the tailed beasts, we'll go first, but Tianyu, don't think we lost to you this time, if there is a chance next time, I'll show you how good I am of!"

After Deidara finished speaking, Asuka turned around and drove away.

For him, leaving is the best option now.

Say the toughest words and do the most cowardly things.

Yes, he slipped away.

Because Deidara knew in his heart that Tian Yu, who was an enemy, had not done his best, and he was no longer his opponent.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and he has no reason to confront him at this time.

So, Deidara wisely chose to run away.

"Haha, I finally came out."

After Ichio Morizuru came out, he couldn't help shouting.

All tailed beasts like freedom, and no tailed beast is willing to enter a person's body, when his source of power becomes a human pillar.

Shouhe is no exception.

So after Shouhe felt the weakness of Renzhuli, he was designed by Deidara again, and Shouhe appeared directly in front of everyone.

After that huge body appeared, it gave people a strong sense of oppression.

"Is this the tailed beast?"

Naruto stood beside Tian Yu and looked at Ichio Shoukaku with a surprised expression.

A yellow civet cat with dark blue patterns on its body.

The huge body carries an extremely dangerous aura. There is no doubt that the tailed beast is extremely powerful, but it is also extremely dangerous.

Even Hatake Kakashi also walked to Tianyu's side.

Looking at Yiwei Shouhe, he was equally surprised.

Kakashi has seen a tailed beast, but it is the first time that a tailed beast has appeared in such a close observation.

Even at the time of the original Nine-Tails Rebellion, Kakashi was unable to face the Nine-Tails directly because of the orders of the Fourth Hokage, but now he can see the One-tailed Shoukaku up close.

This is indeed surprising.

"That's right, this is one of the goals of the Akatsuki organization."

Tian Yu looked at Yiwei Shouhe and said lightly with his arms in his arms.

This one-tailed Shoukaku was an old acquaintance to him.

The last time he escorted Gaara back to Sand Ninja Village, because of a disagreement with one or two words, Gaara released Yiwei Shouhe directly, and after appearing, Yiwei Shouhe also went berserk.

But he was ruthlessly suppressed by him.

So dealing with Shouhe this time, it can be regarded as a rebirth and a second rebirth.

In the end, it's not difficult to deal with Ichio Morizuru.

"I didn't expect such a big tailed beast to live in Gaara's body. It's simply too powerful."

Naruto looked at the one-tailed Shouhe, not only did he not have any fear.

On the contrary, he felt that Ichio Morizuru was extraordinarily cool.

Naruto turned and remembered that Nine Tails also lived in his body.

I couldn't help thinking about how the big fox came out.

It must be majestic.

"Naruto, this is a tailed beast, and a tailed beast is very dangerous!"

Kakashi felt a little helpless after hearing Naruto's words.

These tailed beasts have extremely powerful strength, and because these tailed beasts are blocked in their bodies, they become extremely violent every time they get out of trouble.

It will cause great damage to the village.

Every time the tailed beast ran wild, more than half of the buildings in the village collapsed.

Even a lot of civilians will be killed.

So much so that the term tail beast is synonymous with terror in the ninja world.

"However, tailed beasts also have their own consciousness. As long as they have their own consciousness, they should be able to communicate well. I think tailed beasts shouldn't be so cruel by nature."

Naruto looked at Kakashi and said uncontrollably.

He experienced the cold violence of the villagers when he was a child.

Because of the tailed beast in his body.

But Naruto did not hate tailed beasts, but felt that tailed beasts were also pitiful.

Because if he was locked in a person's body and lost his freedom for ten years or even a hundred years, he would become crazy.

Therefore, he believes that as long as there is good communication, everything can be negotiated.


Kakashi was stunned when he heard Naruto's seemingly childish words, and finally he could only shake his head helplessly.

Everyone in the ninja world thinks that tailed beasts are evil, but I am afraid that only Naruto thinks that these tailed beasts also have their own consciousness and are kind.

"Okay, let's wait until we return to Konoha about the tailed beast. Now our goal is the big guy in front of us. Come on, send this big guy back to where he should go."

Tian Yu looked at Naruto and smiled.

Sure enough, Naruto is still so kind, and he can have his own kindness even for the tailed beast that only has one side.

Really good.


Naruto nodded.

Kakashi also drew out his dagger, ready to fight.

"I'm free, which is great."

Ichio Morizuru was still there, lamenting that he had regained his freedom.

He has been trapped in Ren Zhuli's body for many years, imprisoned and unable to be free.

Although it is possible to see the outside through the body of Hiroshima.

But the pain that he could only see but couldn't feel in person made Ichio Shoukaku's heart even more violent.

So every time he would seize the gap when Ren Zhu was slack, and then came out to vent the anger in his heart.

He wants revenge on those who imprisoned him in human bodies.

Only by seeing the blood and killing, can the anger in his heart be calmed down.

Only in this way can he continue to persevere in Ren Zhuli's body.

"Hey, Ichio Morizuru, it's still too early for you to say that!"

The wings of Tian Yufeng danced.

Appearing in the void, he and Ichio Shoukaku glanced at each other.

"It's you, and it's you, why are you always haunted here every time I show up?"

After seeing Tian Yu clearly, the whole person became irritable in an instant.

It was the same last time.

He was able to get out of Gaara's body with great difficulty, but was directly beaten back by the man in front of him.

Now he also came out, but he met the same man.

Could this guy be his nemesis?

And the kid next to him has the breath of the Kurama he hates the most.

This made him even more disgusted.

"It's not every time I'm haunted, but every time you come out, you happen to meet me, but acquaintances are easy to deal with, you already knew how good I am last time, so this time, go back to Gaara obediently. In the body, in this way, you can suffer less."

Tian Yu folded his arms and smiled.

"You are dreaming, I have come out of Ren Zhuli's body, I am free now, I will never go back, no matter how much you do to me, I will directly turn into chakra and disappear, anyway. In a few hundred years, I will be born again in this world, and by that time, I am afraid that you will already be turned into loess skeletons."

Hearing Tian Yu's words, Izuo Shouhe couldn't help but lose his temper.

He will never compromise.

Chapter 299

"Oh, since this is the case, then I have to do it again. I hope you are rough enough this time to withstand my beating."

The corners of Tian Yu's mouth evoked a dangerous arc, and those who were familiar with Tian Yu knew it.

When Tian Yu laughs like this, it means that you are going to be out of luck.

"Eight-door Dunjia, the sixth-door Jingmen is open."

Tian Yu finished saying this.

The skin on his body turned red.

His physical strength and speed have improved a lot.

The whole person is like a god, standing in the void.

"Hey, practice empty bombs!"

Yiwei Shouhe also showed no signs of weakness, directly compressing the surrounding air, and spewing huge air bullets one after another from his mouth. These bullets were extremely fast and powerful.

But it was air, but the bullet was actually spit out from Shoukaku's mouth, but it was a compressed wind blade the size of a grinding disc.

Such a compressed wind blade, as long as it collides, is enough to cut that person into pieces.

"Not worth mentioning!"

Tian Yu dodged, and Wind Wing could easily escape the air attack.

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