He has already opened eight dungeon armors, and he also possesses the technique of flying thunder god.

If he could still be hit by Ichio Morizuru's attack, then he would be really ridiculous.

Empty compressed bullets hit forests and mountain walls directly.

Destroy the surrounding forest.

On the mountain wall, one after another big pit was directly punched out.

Kakashi and Naruto couldn't help being surprised when they saw an attack like Ichio Morizuru.

After all, such power is indeed strong.

It can be said that it is extremely powerful.

If they were allowed to use it, at least A-rank ninjutsu would be able to achieve such an effect.

But now, here at Ichio Morizuru, he can use it easily.

The power of the tailed beast is indeed not something that ordinary people can deal with.

too strong.

"Kakashi-sensei, sooner or later I will become as strong as Big Brother Tianyu, and I will protect Konoha well."

Naruto's eyes sparkled as he looked at Kakashi and said firmly.

After all, only in this way can you prove your worth.

Just like his father, protect Konoha.

"Well, I believe you can be like a teacher and become the beloved Hokage. If you want to be Hokage, we will help you."

Kakashi looked at Naruto and smiled with relief.

Kakashi has always felt that Naruto is a lot like Obito.

They are so brave, determined and optimistic.

Now when Naruto said this sentence, Kakashi's mind recalled every bit of getting along with Obito.

Obito also had such a dream.

He wants to be Konoha's Hokage and protect everyone.

And now Obito is dead, Kakashi inherited his eyes, although Kakashi failed to become Hokage to fulfill Obito's dream.

But if you can use these eyes to watch Naruto ascend to the position of Hokage, it can be regarded as an explanation for Obito, and Naruto and Obito are really similar, both are so passionate.

Obito, you see it.

Someone has inherited your dream. I will use your eyes to look at Naruto for you.

Watching him grow stronger, able to protect everyone in the village.

"Phoenix Strike!"

Tian Yu closed his eyes, and when he opened them the next moment, his eyes had turned red.

There was a red mist all around.

like a flame.

Behind Tian Yu, a huge phoenix light and shadow appeared.

This is what the boxing shadow with the ultimate speed will only appear when it exerts its full strength.

Just like a phoenix spreading its wings.


Flying Thunder God's speed plus eight Dunjia.

Almost in an instant, Tian Yu came directly, above the head of the one-tailed guardian crane.

And then punched out.

With a bang.

Ichio Morizuru let out a scream.

His head was hit and collapsed directly.

But this is not over yet, with the continuous attack of Tian Yu.

Because Shouhe's whole body is under the impact of huge force.

Under such power, he had no power to fight back, and could only be passively beaten like a sandbag.

At this moment, because Shouhe actually misses the time when he was in Ren Zhuli's body.

Because at that time, if he was beaten, Ren Zhuli was beaten, and the pain was also caused by Ren Zhuli, and it had nothing to do with him.

But now he is being beaten, and such a fist really hurts, even Ichimori couldn't hold it.

He wanted to sweep Tian Yu down with his tail.

But every time his tail waved, Tian Yu's speed would only be faster than him.

This also led to.

Shouhe kept turning in circles on the spot.

It's like doing a funny dance.

"Haha, Kakashi-sensei, look, that tailed beast is so funny."

Naruto looked at Morizuru's funny appearance. Couldn't help but laugh.

Kakashi, who had been on guard, couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene.

After all, I am afraid that the only people in this world who can make tailed beasts eat turtles are Senju Hasuma and Tianyu, the gods of the ninja world.

"Tianyu-sama, if you can, try to speed up as much as possible, Sand Ninja Village is still waiting for us, and Konoha-sama, Tsunade-sama said before that the retainers of the daimyo will come to send us supplies. And supplies, these all require your presence."

Kakashi couldn't help but said.

Hearing Kakashi's words, Tianyu nodded.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's deal with you quickly."

Tian Yu no longer hesitated, and planned to solve the one-tailed Morizuru at one time.

"Damn it!"

One-tailed Shouhe was dazed by the beating, and Tianyu finally stopped.

At this moment, Shouhe's body is all covered with fist marks, and his entire body has doubled in size.

It hurts all over the body.

It's all shot.

"Tianyu, you hit me again, so don't blame me!"

Shouhe was furious.

There is no such thing.

Like when he was caught before, those people directly suppressed him, and they never beat him.

But now he was beaten twice by Tian Yu.

And the hits are still in the same place, and they are all very painful.

How could Shouhe endure this?

He definitely wants to make Tian Yu look good.

Shouhe opened his mouth wide, and energy was constantly gathering in his mouth.

These energies emit a purple-black glow.

Apparently it's the tail beast.

"Tailed Beast Bomb!"

The tailed beast shot across the sky with the fastest speed.

But when Tian Yu was ready to defend, he found that the tailed beast bomb was not attacking him at all, but attacking Naruto and Kakashi.

Naruto and Kakashi are now standing on the sidelines watching the battle, and it can be said that they are both in a relaxed stage.

Chapter 300 Subduing Shouhe

The power of the tail beast bullet is very powerful.

The energy contained in a tailed beast jade has far exceeded that of ordinary S-rank ninjutsu.

If you hit Kakashi and Naruto.

I'm afraid that both of them will be seriously injured.

In severe cases, even death on the spot.

Tian Yu knew that he could no longer delay, and now was the time for him to take action.

At the critical moment, Tian Yu no longer hesitated, and directly used the technique of Flying Thunder God to block Kakashi and Naruto in front of them.

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"

The tailed beast bombed.

The strength and wind pressure, the oppressive Tian Yu's clothes flew up and down.

The surrounding trees were bent over by the wind pressure.

Kakashi and Naruto didn't have time to dodge.

At the moment when the tailed beast attacked, Tian Yu blocked in front of the two of them.

Then directly launched the technique of Flying Thunder God.


The tailed beast bomb exploded directly on the spot, and within 100 meters of the surrounding earth, it was directly reduced to ashes.

In the earth, a huge pit ten meters deep was blasted out.

All the creatures within 100 meters were destroyed, and a huge pit was directly smashed into this forest.

"Humph, now you know how powerful I am, am I dead?"

Shouhe watched as the tailed beast bomb exploded.

Uncontrollably wagging his tail.

Such explosion range and explosion speed.

Even if Tian Yu can escape, Kakashi and Naruto will definitely not escape the poisonous hands.

Even if he was to be knocked down today and turned into Chakra again, it would be worth it to be able to kill the two people he hated.

Anyway, when he died, his people, Zhuli, would also be buried with him.

In all, he also took the lives of three people at one time.


"Izuo Shouhe, it's too early for you to be happy, and this time, you really **** me off!"

The ashes dissipated.

Wings of Wind, carrying Tian Yu, reappeared in front of Yiwei Shouhe.

At this moment, Tian Yu's robe is broken.

This was all torn apart by the wind pressure of the tailed beast bomb just now.

But apart from the clothes, Tian Yu was unscathed.

And Naruto and Kakashi were standing on the ground at the moment.

The two of them looked a little frightened, but they were equally unscathed.

"Damn space-time ninjutsu!"

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