He could feel it.

Gaara finally proved with his actions that he can become a Kazuki who is loved by people.

But it hasn't waited for him to become Shangfengying and work hard for the development of the village.

His life has stopped forever at the age of thirteen.

This is really unfair to Gaara.

"Yes, he died, but Naruto, don't be sad, trust me, Gaara will come back to life!"

Tian Yu looked at Naruto and smiled.


Naruto was also a little surprised.

I don't know why Tianyu would say that.

Is there really a ninjutsu in this world that can bring the dead back to life?

"Let's go, take Gaara with us back to Sand Ninja Village."

Tian Yu smiled.

And hearing Tian Yu's words, Kakashi did not hesitate, carried Gaara on his back and walked to Tian Yu's side.

Naruto also walked to Tian Yu's side.

Afterwards, Tian Yu performed the technique of Flying Thunder God.

Their figures disappeared at the same time.

When he appeared again, he was already outside Sand Ninja Village.


At the same time, the team sent by Tianyu to investigate the news has also found this forest.

They followed the vine and came to the outside of the cave where the Xiao organization assembled.

"Teacher, it seems a little strange here!"

Neji noticed the difference with his white eyes.

It seems to be shrouded in an enchantment here.

And around the enchantment, there are four spells.

It seems that if you want to break this barrier, you need to tear off these four spells.

"Well, it's just a spell. Now that we have found this place, let's tear off the spell, which can save Tianyu and the others a little effort."

Matt Kay said without hesitation.

Chapter 302 Obito's Anger

"But, Mr. Akai, my brother said, just let us investigate the news, and we don't need to do the rest.

If we just tear open the seal here, we may be shocked. This time, none of us know how many people are in the Akatsuki organization. "

"If all of them are dispatched, it is absolutely impossible for the four of us to be their opponents, and the news is sent back to Sand Ninja Village waiting for my brother to come, I am afraid it is too late!"

Tian Tian couldn't help saying.

She is not afraid.

Just don't want to be so reckless.

Akatsuki's organization is powerful, they have already seen it when Konoha collapsed the plan, it is indeed not to be underestimated.

At that time, if Konoha didn't have a brother.

Maybe the organization will succeed.

The current Konoha will be ruled by Danzo.


Matt Kay began to hesitate when he heard this.

Because if this barrier is really blocked by the remaining members of Xiao's organization, then he will only have to open the dead door to cover his disciples to escape, but in this way, he will also sacrifice his own. In life, Matekai is also not afraid of death. As a ninja, since he dares to be a character, some have the consciousness to sacrifice his life. "

"But if he died under his own recklessness, it would be a bit stupid indeed."

"The power on this spell is not strong, and it seems to be able to correspond to us."

Neji reported the news again with a blank eye.

"Withdraw, hurry back to Sand Ninja Village to inform Tian Yu of the situation here."

In the end, Mikey chose to withdraw.

If it was just him, then he would most likely unlock the spell to check the situation here, but at this moment he and his four disciples must be responsible for their lives.

"it is good!"

The other three nodded, and then they evacuated the forest in an orderly manner.

Just after the three of them left.

The black and white figure appeared on the spot.

"Oh, it's really a pity to leave."

Black and white absolutely sighed.

He actually really wanted these people to feel the power of this spell.

It is possible to perfectly create a person with the power of the body, and those who can see Konoha fight against themselves.

Honestly, it's still pretty good.

But unfortunately, they were too cautious.

Caution to be reluctant to shoot.

Naturally, there is no way.

in the cave.

"How? What's going on outside, do you know?"

Obito looked at Black and White and asked.

They had waited too long, but neither Deidara nor the Red Sand Scorpion could come.

It's just that they felt the chakra of Konoha's people, so Obito would let Black and White go out to check the situation.

"A reconnaissance team of Konoha has touched this forest, but they left after discovering those spells. I didn't fight them, and I didn't notice Deidara and Chisha from outside. Chakra of the scorpion, I think they probably haven't..."

The black and white words are not finished yet.

Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion had already walked in.

It's just that Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion are in a very bad state at the moment.

Deidara has lost an arm, and the red sand scorpion has also been seriously injured by Tian Yu.

Both of them escaped with difficulty.

"What's the matter with you two?"

Obito looked at the situation of the two of them, frowned, and couldn't help questioning.

Konan and Nagato also looked at them at the moment.

"The two of us were all going well, but unfortunately, we met Tianyu, Kakashi, and the nine-tailed man Zhuli on the road. Although the Red Sand Scorpion and I fought hard to resist, we still never fought. Tian Yu was severely injured by him in the end, and in the end, I was the one who directly drew the Shou Crane out of Gaara's body and left with the red sand scorpion."

"Otherwise, the two of us would most likely die there."

Deidara said uncontrollably.

And the red sand scorpion was silent and didn't say a word.

Obviously the mission failed, and he had no face to speak at all.

"In other words, the one-tail capture plan failed, right?"

Obito did not listen to the sophistry of Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion, although he was wearing a mask, everyone could not see the change in his face.

But he could hear from his voice that he must be very angry at the moment.

"Yes, we really failed to bring Yiwei back. We failed the mission this time. If there is any punishment, I will admit it."

Deidara said helplessly.

"And me, this time I underestimated Tian Yu's power. If I meet him next time, I will never stop it. No matter what kind of punishment you give me this time, I will continue."

The red sand scorpion also said.

His puppet Amber has long been destroyed by Tian Yu, and now it is his body standing in front of everyone.

"You really put me at ease."

Obito was extremely angry at the moment.

It's just a matter of catching one of the people, but they were not able to do it.

It's just ridiculous.

"A Fei, don't be angry, if they encounter Konoha's Tianyu, he is indeed not his opponent, not to mention that the two of them did not die, and it is already very good to be able to escape safely. As for punishment, I think No need, Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion have already been seriously injured, so don't consume the fighting power of the Akatsuki organization."

Hei Jue couldn't help persuading Obito.

It's not that Hei Jue is kind-hearted, and wants to let Deidara and the Scorpion of Red Sand go.

Because Hei Jue, a dutiful son, really wanted to rescue his silly white sweet mother, Kaguya Otsutsuki.

As long as the nine-tailed beasts are not gathered for one day, his mother will be sealed on the moon and suffer for one more day.

So Hei Jue was very eager to gather all the tailed beasts and rescue his mother.

But now, in Akatsuki's organization, Hidean and Jiao have been completely betrayed by Konoha, and Uchiha Itachi has disappeared.

The strongest combat power in the current Akatsuki organization is only Nagato, Konan, Obito, Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion.

If Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion died too.

Then Obito will become a bare commander at that time, and the work of catching tailed beasts will have to be done by Obito himself.

In addition, although Nagato's power is very strong, Samsara Eye is indeed the number one pupil technique in the ninja world.

But Nagato's body couldn't bear the power of Samsara Eye.

If you use it too much, it is likely to put a burden on Nagato's body.

In this way, the combat power on their side will be reduced.

Chapter 303 Persuading Obito

And Xiaonan not to mention.

She would never go out on a mission alone, and would only accompany Nagato every time.

Therefore, for the sake of long-term planning, Black Jue will persuade Obito not to deal with Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion.

Otherwise, once the two of them are seriously injured or their strength declines, there is no way to use them again.

"Yes, Payne and I have also seen the power of the Tianyu. It is indeed very powerful. If the two of you can escape from his hands, it is considered that you are dying. Your arm should have been broken, wait. When I get back to the village later, I'll sew up your arms for you."

Xiao Nan also spoke at this moment.

"Yes, Tian Yu's power is indeed very strong."

Nagato, who has always been in the organization and has never spoken good words for others, even started to justify Deidara and Chisha at this moment.

It is enough to show that the power of Tianyu is indeed beyond their imagination.

It can be said that Tian Yu alone has become the enemy of their entire organization.

"I originally wanted to punish you, but since Payne, Xiaonan and Hei Jue have both spoken for you, let's leave this matter, but you two remember that one-tailed Shouhe is what we are bound to win, wait until yours. After the injury is healed, the two of you will continue to catch the tailed beast for me, do you two understand?"

Obito was furious though.

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