But he is not a fool either, he knows the consequences if Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion are punished at this moment.

So since everyone spoke for the two of them, they went down this step.

"Okay, don't worry, I will deal with the person Zhuli of Yiwei Shouhe, I still don't believe it, next time I don't have Tianyu, I can't bring that person Zhuli, and this time In the list of my opponents, in addition to Uchiha Itachi, I have to add another Tianyu. Although the speed of the Flying Thunder God is powerful, I believe that I will not lose to him. Sooner or later, I will fight against him. He has the last match, and I will definitely let him know how strong I am when the time comes."

Deidara gritted his teeth and said.

He worships the strong, and he also worships those who can defeat him, but he is a little dissatisfied with Tian Yu.

Because in the previous battle, he was not in a state of victory.

So Deidara thinks that Tian Yu is taking advantage of him. After his injury is healed, he will definitely find Tian Yu again, and then have a good test with him.

At that time, who is stronger and who is weaker between the two of them will naturally be able to come to a conclusion.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Obito nods.

"Oh, by the way, when I led out a guard crane before, I took the red sand scorpion and wanted to leave, but I still left my clone around, Tian Yu didn't destroy my clone, So I seem to hear their conversation."

"That Tian Yu of Konoha, because after Shouhe was suppressed back, it seems that he wanted to get Shouhe to Konoha, and wanted to make a Shouhe a tailed beast of Konoha, if this matter is true If we let him do it, it will undoubtedly be very bad news for us to take the tailed beast away in the future, so we still have to make plans early."

The red sand scorpion said.

Most of his puppets were already destroyed by him during the battle with Tian Yu.

But he left too many puppets, even Tian Yu could not destroy them.

So there are still some left.

And these puppets are enough to become his ears and let him know some other intelligence and news.

"Oh, if that's the case, then we have to have a good discussion, but the two of you should go back to Yuren Village first, and then take care of your injuries first."

Obito frowned.

After all, if the tailed beast was brought to Konoha, it would be even more difficult for them to capture the tailed beast.

But that's nothing.

Anyway, the last nine-tailed man Zhuli is the real difficulty.

Before winning the nine tails, it is also a good choice to use one tail to practice your hands.

"it is good!"

Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion nodded.

Then the figures of the two of them disappeared in the cave in an instant.

After the Red Sand Scorpion and Deidara left, Nagato Konan and Heijue gradually disappeared into the cave.

There is only endless darkness and loneliness left here.


Sand Ninja Village!

Kakashi walked in front of Kakashi carrying Gai Luo Tianyu and Naruto on his back.

The three of them walked into the Sand Ninja Village like this.

"It's Lord Gaara."

"Great, Konoha-sama has brought Gaara-sama back."

"Lord I love Luo, I'm finally back, Sand Ninja Village can never be without you, Lord I love Luo."

The surrounding villagers all burst into tears when they saw Gaara behind Kakashi.

They may have hated Gaara before, or even rejected Gaara.

Even with the order of the mother-in-law Chiyo, they dared not show their disgust for Gaara, but they still secretly cursed Gaara in their hearts.

But when Deidara attacked Sand Ninja Village, they only saw the appearance of Gaara desperately protecting the village.

At that time, they really recognized me, and Aira treated it as a real wind shadow and a hero.

Now that their hero is back, how can they be unhappy.

"Gaara is back!"

Maki and the others have been waiting at the entrance of the village since Tenyu left Sand Ninja Village to rescue Gaara.

Maki didn't dare to leave, for fear that if he left Tianyu a little, he would come back with Gaara.

And sure enough, the strength of Lord Tianyu is beyond their imagination.

Since it was really in such a short period of time, I brought Gaara back.

"Lord Tianyu is really thankful to you, I will leave Gaara to me to carry it, you have worked hard."

Maki wanted to take Gaara from Kakashi's back.

But Kakashi's body dodged, and he didn't hand Gaara to Maki.

"Lord Tianyu, this?"

Maki didn't quite understand what Tian Yu meant.

But he suddenly had some bad premonitions in his heart.

There's nothing wrong with Gaara's current state of being in a coma, but it's okay to say he's dead.

If it is the former, then Sand Ninja Village will naturally approach all resources to save Gaara.

But if it's the latter, Gaara's death is undoubtedly a disaster for murder.

Chiyo's mother-in-law is already old. Even if she can continue to run Sand Ninja Village, how many years can she protect the village?

Among the younger generation, no one can grow up now.

The only pillar of Gaara died, which was undoubtedly a very heavy blow to them.

Chapter 304 The Death of Gaara

"There are too many people here, let's go to the office and talk."

"This, well, let's go!"

Maki nodded heavily after hearing Tian Yu's words, and then took Tian Yu, Kakashi and Naruto, and the three of them went to the Hokage office.

Behind them, the crowd was still talking.

"Master Gaara has finally returned, and the village is finally saved, but Master Gaara, why did he lie still on that Konoha's Joinin?"

"What do you know? Gaara-sama was seriously injured in order to protect the village. Now he must have fallen into a deep coma. Didn't you see the face of Machi-sama? They must be taking Gaara now. The adults are sent to the hospital, and they will be treated as soon as possible."

"That's right, it must be like this. Lord Gaara got hurt like this in order to protect us and protect the village. No, after I go back, I must prepare some delicious food for Lord Gaara, and I will leave it to me. Take it to the hospital and let me, Lord Ai Luo, know my heart."

"And me, I will also prepare a bouquet of flowers for Gaara-sama!"

"And me, I will also prepare gifts for Gaara-sama."

None of the people around thought that Gaara was dead at this moment.

They were still thinking that Gaara must have fallen into a coma.

Even these people have begun to prepare to go back to prepare food for Gaara and flowers for Gaara.

If they knew that Gaara was dead, I'm afraid they would really collapse.

Maki took Tian Yu, and they hurriedly stepped into Fengying's office.

At this time, mother-in-law Chiyo, and the senior management of Sand Ninja Village were already waiting in the office.

They haven't slept day and night.

But Gaara didn't come back, and they couldn't sleep or rest.

"Mother-in-law Chiyo, someone brought it back."

Markey pushed open the door of the office and said excitedly.

And hearing these words, the hearts of the mother-in-law Chiyo and the high-ranking people finally let go.

"Great, what about Gaara?"

Chiyo's mother-in-law couldn't help but want to see Gaara.

Tian Yu nodded.

Kakashi on the side stepped forward and placed Gaara on the table in the conference room.


Granny Chiyo took a few steps.

Then he put his hands on Gaara's body.

I want to input power to heal the wounds on Gaara's body.

But the next moment Grandma Chiyo couldn't help but back away.

There was a look of astonishment on her face.

"Lord Tianyu, this... this is not true!"

Granny Chiyo looked at Tianyu in disbelief and hoped that Tianyu could give him a positive answer.

It's not true that Gaara is not dead.

But looking at Tian Yu's expression, now my mother-in-law knows that Gaara should be helpless.

"Grandma Chiyo, what's wrong with you?"

Everyone looked at Chiyo's mother-in-law and couldn't help asking.

Several other senior executives were a little panicked.

Chiyo's mother-in-law's performance made them panic.

"I love him..."

Grandma Chiyo couldn't say this.

She really couldn't say such words that Gaara was already dead.

Because this means that Gaara is really gone, completely dead.

"Let me tell you, we went a step late, although we received Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion on the way, and fought with them, but it was still too late, Gaara eventually died of serious injuries. Wei Shouhe was also released. Although I had already pressed Yiwei Shouhe back into Gaara's body, but now Gaara is dead, Shouhe can be released at any time, and Gaara's body can get free."

Tian Yu looked at the crowd and said lightly.


Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Markey had some guesses before, so he can still stand now, but his face turned pale in an instant.

Because if Gaara was already dead, who else could shelter them in Sand Ninja Village?

Temari and Kankuro are great though.

But the strength of the two of them is obviously no way to compare with Gaara.

As for those high-level people, their expressions also changed after hearing this.

Gaara is dead, which means that Sand Ninja Village has lost its necessity.

This is a big deal for them.

"is this real?"

Those high-level people looked at Tianyu in shock, hoping that Tianyu would shake his head.

Saying what he said just now was just a joke to them.

But reality is reality.

Gaara is dead.

This is a fact that cannot be changed.

"Since Gaara is dead, but Shouhe is still alive, the most urgent task now is to find another person to help and seal Shouhe in, so that there can be one more shadow-level powerhouse in Sand Ninja Village. And we can also get more than ten years of respite."

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