"The village will take more time to train some ninjas, and our village will be able to prosper again in the future."

A high-level person quickly calmed down after suffering.

He directly proposed to find another person, Zhuli, for Ichimori.

After all, in addition to the power of the human column, the power of the tailed beast will also give people a strength bonus.

In addition, the one-tailed guard crane is a tailed beast that is controlled and killed.

Excellent combat power in the desert.

Once again, finding someone to work with is not too difficult for them.

"No, no one in the current village can withstand the power of Shouhe, if those children become human, they will die."

Although Chiyo's mother-in-law was sad, her mind was still very clear.

He clearly knew that no one in Sand Ninja Village could withstand the power of Io Morizuru.

Not even Temari and Kankuro can.

The reason why Gaara can do it is because Garora gave Gaara all his powers before he died.

And he also turned into sand to accompany Gaara.

But even so, Ichizuru within Gaara's body was still unstable.

There is a possibility of breaking the seal and breaking out at any time.

I love Luo is like this, let alone others.

"Then what should we do? Are we just watching the village decline like this? If there are no strong people to guard the village, other big countries will definitely look at us, and the country of the wind itself is a little dissatisfied with us, and those small ninja villages are also They will definitely covet our position and want to pull us down from the position of the Ninja Village of the Five Kingdoms."

"Mother Chiyo, you have experienced war, and you know what will happen in the village if that happens. Maybe everyone will die, so we have no choice."

Those high-level people couldn't help but say.

Chapter 305 Tian Yu's Request

Hearing this, Chiyo's mother-in-law felt uncomfortable.

She didn't want to let the people in the village become human pillars again, but now the situation in the village made it impossible for her to refuse.

This is indeed a dilemma.

"You seem to be worried about Gaara's death. If that's the case, you might as well listen to my solution."

Tian Yu looked at them with a smile and said.

"Lord Tianyu, if you have any idea, just say it!"

Granny Chiyo looked at Tian Yudao.

Tian Yu is indeed powerful, and very powerful.

Maybe it can really give them a good idea.

And this time, to be honest, Tian Yu did help them, but it was Jin Gaara, who was seriously injured by Deidara and the others.

Later, because of Shouhe's rampage, it added a burden to Gaara's body.

When he died, it can only be said that it was good fortune to trick people.

When Kakashi and Naruto heard Tianyu's words, they were both curious about Tianyu's solution.

So he didn't leave, he stayed and listened.

After all, generally speaking, this matter should be the top-secret information of Sand Ninja Village, and the two of them should avoid suspicion.

It's just that the two of them followed Tian Yu, and no one in Sand Ninja Village dared to let them leave.

"It's very simple, now that there is no one to support you, the one-tailed guardian crane can't help you, so the one-tailed guardian crane becomes a burden for you, so I can help you solve this burden, or let me Within three years, there will be three more movie-level powerhouses in your village, which can even bring Gaara back to life."

Tian Yu said his bait in one breath.

After all, if you want your prey to bite, you have to throw some bait.

As expected, Tian Yu's words successfully moved the elders and Chiyo's mother-in-law.

After all, not to mention anything else, just the last sentence, bringing Gaara back to life, is enough to convince them.

"Then, Lord Tianyu, what exactly is your method?"

Granny Chiyo couldn't help asking.

"It's very simple, you hand over the guardian crane to me, and I will take it to Konoha for processing, and in return Konoha will train the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village for you, and will also provide you with protection, and the ninja tools forged by me. I can give you some, and I can even help you train ninjas with the bleeding limit, and Gaara and I can revive him."

Tian Yu said very confidently.

Because long before he came to Sand Ninja Village, Orochimaru's research on the eye of reincarnation had already achieved consistent results.

That is, the power of the eye of reincarnation can be used as a medium to resurrect those who have died.

Of course this requires a lot of chakra, and the person who died must have been dead for no more than seven days.

Otherwise, there is no way to summon their souls back from the Pure Land.

And Tianyu not only has a lot of chakra here, but Gaara died in just one day.

fully meet this condition.

And Orochimaru has been tested with several death row prisoners long after the technology was invented.

The experiment was a success.

So Orochimaru also gave Tian Yu two scrolls with this ability sealed.

Of course, this is the most scrolls that Orochimaru can make now.

If you still want to complete it, you need the power of the reincarnation eye to cultivate.

But obviously the power of the sample Samsara Eye brought back by Tian Yu was not enough.

If you want to develop in large quantities, you also need a real reincarnation eye.

But just like this, Tian Yu was already satisfied.

After all, in the later stage, there is also the art of reincarnation.

And Bai Jue's cell cultivator.

Tian Yu has already planned to arrive, and at that time, he will resurrect Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, and some members of the Uchiha clan.

Anyway, at that time, the power of Chakra and Samsara Eye is not lacking, so naturally Konoha's strength should be significantly improved.

And to be honest, Kaguya Otsutsuki's worries are actually true.

The power of the Otsutsugi clan cannot be compared in this world.

Although their power has not yet been involved in this world.

But I believe that soon, Otsutsuki and the others will come to this world.

So Tian Yu has to prepare in advance.

"What did you say? Lord Tianyu, you actually want a Shouhe."

Chiyo's mother-in-law was stunned when she heard this.

"Lord Tianyu, this, Shouhe is the tailed beast of Sand Ninja Village, which means a lot to us, so can you change your request?"

Maki couldn't help but said.

After all, as long as Ichio Shoukaku can stay in Sand Ninja Village, they can use Shouhe to cultivate a new human pillar.

And if Shouhe leaves, it means that their village will no longer have the power of the tailed beast.

This is indeed a loss for them.

"Of course not!"

Tian Yu said with a smile.

"All I want is Ichizo Tsuru, and before, I made a request to Granny Chiyo, and Granny Chiyo agreed for me, and although I said that Ara died, I also succeeded. I brought Gaara back, and you should fulfill that request too, my request is that I want a Mizuho."

"But I don't take it for nothing. I can revive Gaara, and I can provide you with resources. Even Konoha can completely protect you. Isn't that enough?"

Tian Yu sneered.


Those high-level executives wanted to say something, but were interrupted by Tian Yu directly.

"There is no but, and you have to remember that the people in the small organization did not take away a Shouhe, which means that they will make a comeback at any time. Now that Gaara is dead, who else in your village can What about Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion who can resist Akatsuki?"

"Could it be that you guys want to suffer the treatment from last night again, that clay bomb last night was blocked by Gaara with all his might to seriously injure himself, but now, who among you can stop it? That clay bomb? Who can protect the village at the cost of their own life?"

"Who else can beat those members of the Akatsuki organization, who can keep Ichio Shoukaku out of their hands, stand up for me now."

Tian Yu said a lot in one breath.

The purpose was to tell them that he was going to take away Ichimori, not to take advantage of Sand Ninja Village, but to solve a very big hidden danger for them.

As long as Shouhe is still in Sand Ninja Village, they will be targeted by the Akatsuki organization.

The power of Xiao's organization naturally does not need to be said by Tian Yu.

They have already seen it.


Hearing Tian Yu's words, those high-level executives couldn't help but break into a cold sweat behind their backs.

Chapter 306 Agreed

If any of them can deal with the Akatsuki organization, there is no need to suffer here.

It is because there is none, so I am here to lament because of Gaara's death.

And the members of Akatsuki's organization, each has the strength of shadow level.

So even if Gaara didn't die, he might not be able to protect Sand Ninja Village.

Not to mention that Gaara is dead now, and Granny Chiyo and Lord Hailaozang are also old.

If they are allowed to attack again, Sand Ninja Village is likely to lose the last protection.

By then everything will be over.

Watching the scene for a while of silence.

Tian Yu smiled.

"It seems that none of you have the confidence to beat the Akatsuki organization. If that's the case, then let's accept my proposal, so that the Akatsuki organization won't harass you again, and you can still get Konoha's Asylum, the more important thing is that Gaara can still be resurrected, according to Gaara’s talent, he is only thirteen years old now, and he will grow up a few years after he is resurrected.”

"His strength will definitely improve even more, and he can also become a real Fengying!"

Tian Yu looked at everyone and said.


Those high-level people, you look at me, I look at you, and don't know how to choose.

But Tian Yu's words undoubtedly moved their hearts.

If it can really reduce these troubles.

It seems that it is not a problem to hand over the tailed beast.

It's just that the final decision was made by the mother-in-law Chiyo.

So they all looked at it together and turned to Grandma Chiyo.

Grandma Chiyo did not speak.

Just looked at Tian Yu.

He looked at Gaara who was lying on the ground again.

"Lord Tianyu!"

Chiyo's mother-in-law's voice seemed to have aged a lot in an instant.

"If you can really do what you say, then do as you say."

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