Granny Chiyo nodded helplessly.

Now the situation in Sand Ninja Village is really special.

If you can use one-tailed cranes to get some benefits.

As long as she can protect the village, Chiyo's mother-in-law will still do it.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll keep my word!"

Tian Yu smiled when he heard this, and then took out a scroll.

This scroll contains the cells of the first Hokage Senju.

It can completely suppress the tailed beast.

"Shouhe, come here!"

Tian Yu opened the scroll and motioned for a Shouhe to go in quickly.

Then everyone saw Gaara's body.

Shouhe wriggled for a while.

A streak of yellow sand entered the scroll directly.

In an instant, Shuichi Mizuho was directly locked in the scroll.

When everyone saw Tian Yu's operation, they all understood, and it seemed that Izuo Shouhe had already surrendered to Tian Yu.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to enter that scroll.

This also made them feel a little guilty in their hearts.

But they didn't say anything more.

After all, mother-in-law Chiyo has already agreed to Tianyu, and even if they repent, their strength is not comparable to Tianyu.

If you force a shot, the final outcome is likely to be directly killed by Tian Yu.

They are all old foxes who have lived for decades, and naturally cherish their own lives.

Chiyo's mother-in-law looked at Tianyu meaningfully.

"It seems that even if I don't agree, you can still take Shouhe away."

Hearing this, Tian Yu smiled.

"Mother-in-law Chiyo doesn't have to do this, you should also know that people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes, now Konoha and Sand Ninja Village are already allied countries, if you don't agree, I won't take Shouhe. , it’s just Gaara, it’s very likely that you will have to save yourself, I know that Chiyo’s mother-in-law should know a kind of ninjutsu called the art of reincarnation!”

"This kind of ninjutsu, as the name suggests, is to transfer one's own life to others, which can be used to revive others, but oneself will die. It belongs to the ninjutsu of one life for another. I also know that this ninjutsu should be the one you were preparing to revive. My son and daughter-in-law use it, because I don't want the Chisha Scorpion to be too lonely."

"It's just a pity that when this ninjutsu research was successful, the red sand scorpion had already fled the village and became a traitor. I'm right, mother-in-law Chiyo!"

Tian Yu smiled.


Chiyo's mother-in-law was shocked when she heard Tianyu's words.

She really didn't expect Tian Yu to know this.

Because this matter is top secret even in Sand Ninja Village.

"So, this time, I saved the mother-in-law Chiyo, and your life, plus you have also benefited, we are a win-win!"

Tian Yu smiled.

"Yes, you are right!"

Granny Chiyo knew that Tian Yu was a silent threat.

And the current Konoha does have this strength.

A village with the **** of ninjas.

No village dared to provoke it.

And Chiyo's mother-in-law glanced at Tian Yu vaguely.

Even the **** of ninjas, Senju Hashirama left this world again and returned to the Pure Land.

But as long as Tianyu is in Konoha Ninja Village, that village will become impregnable.

No one can threaten Konoha.

"Now that you have Shouhe, you can keep your promise and resurrect Gaara."

Maki said eagerly.

Now Ichiao has been given out, but if Gaara can't be resurrected, Sand Ninja Village will be completely over.

"rest assured!"

Tian Yu smiled.

Then he walked in front of Gaara.

Tian Yu looked at Gaara.

At this moment, Gaara's face was pale.

Eyes tightly closed.

There are many wounds on his body.

The blood had dried up, sticking tightly to the clothes and skin.

He looked extremely embarrassed.

Look at Gaara.

Tian Yu sighed.

13 years old.

Originally, he was supposed to live a carefree life in the village, but at this moment, Gaara had already taken on the burden of a village early.

I have to say I have to say, Gaara really had a hard time.

"Brother Tianyu, hurry up and revive Gaara. I look at him, I don't know why, but I'm always a little impulsive, as if I were him."

Naruto said impatiently.

Naruto knew that he and Gaara were both the man-ju-ri of the tailed beast, but he felt that he was much luckier than Gaara.

Because he has Big Brother Tianyu and Teacher Kakashi by his side.

Even if they all appeared by his side one after another after he grew up.

But no one knew that they were sincere and good to him.

But Gaara is pitiful.

In the entire village, perhaps the only ones who can be kind to him and have no plans for him are only his brother and sister.

I have to say, it's kind of sad.

Chapter 307 Gaara Resurrection

"Don't worry, Gaara will be fine!"

Tian Yu smiled.

Then he directly took out the scroll of life handed over by Orochimaru.

Tear open the scroll, and a green light representing the power of life entered Gaara's body directly.

When the green light appeared, everyone's eyes fell on the green light.

At this moment, everyone held their breaths, waiting for Gaara to wake up.

For fear of not paying attention, don't let Gaara's resurrection fall short.

Soon, the green light began to repair Gaara's body.

The wounds on his body are gradually recovering, the wounds are slowly solidifying, and the blood no longer flows out.

His body's internal organs are recovering.

Immediately afterwards, there was a faint beat from Gaara's heart.

Although very weak, it has proved that he is resurrected.

It was ten minutes after the green light completely disappeared.

All the people are sitting in place and waiting for a miracle to happen.


Gaara slowly opened his eyes.

"What is this place?"

Gaara looked around with a hoarse voice.

"I love Luo!"

Granny Chiyo and Maki saw Gaara wake up, and Granny Chiyo had tears in her eyes.

Maki's heart was even more excited.

Gaara's resurrection means that the shelter of Sand Ninja Village has not disappeared.

As long as the Sand Ninja Village is given enough time, they will be able to cultivate very good ninjas.

"This is the office of Kazekage Sand Ninja Village, Gaara, you're all right!"

Naruto looked at Gaara and said with a smile.

"You, you are Naruto!"

Gaara had just been resurrected, and after watching Naruto for a while, he came back to his senses.

"Yes, not only my brother Tianyu, but also Kakashi-sensei are here. Now you are safe, and you don't have to worry about those people in Xiao's organization."

Naruto continued to smile.

"Is it safe?"

I love Luo muttering to himself.

Gaara could clearly feel that the tailed beast in his body had disappeared.

It made him feel empty.

But his strength did not decline.

On the contrary, there is no need to suppress it with his own Chakra, because of Shouhe's activity, his power has become stronger than before.

"Yes, in front of Big Brother Tianyu here, you can't be safer, don't worry."

Naruto continued.

"How about Shouhe?"

Gaara asked Ichiao Morizuru for the first time.

After all, it was he who had been with Ichio Morizuru for thirteen years, even though Morizuru brought endless pain to Gaara.

But Gaara is also thankful that there is always such a person in his body who can accompany him.

Although this company also brought him pain.

But after all, he was not left alone.

"Don't worry, the one-tailed guardian crane has not been taken away, the one-tailed guardian crane is with me now, I will take him to Konoha to properly place him, and then the sand ninja village should not be affected by the dawn. The organization has attacked, and I will honor my promise and send people to defend Sand Ninja Village. Of course, if you don’t want to, we can also send teachers to train ninjas for you, and we will also provide materials and so on.”

"If you have any tasks you want to complete, Konoha can also distribute some of the tasks to you."

Tian Yu smiled.

He didn't let Gaara know about Chiyo's mother-in-law's exchange of one-tailed Morizuru with him.

After all, it is true that Tian Yu did something to take advantage of the situation.

But he had to.

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