Akatsuki needs the Tailed Beast to complete the Moon's Eye Project.

This also means that they will start catching tailed beasts in the ninja world in the future.

Those people in each Ninja village will become their targets.

Sand Ninja Village and Mist Ninja Village are okay to say.

Now the one-tailed guardian crane has fallen into Tianyu's hands, and the three-tailed man Zhuli Yagura has been killed long ago. Today, the three-tailed man has no man Zhuli, and it is considered a wild state.

The rest of the two-tailed traveler Zhuli Yumu is a ninja of Yunnin Village, and the eight-tailed cow ghost Kirabi also belongs to Yunnin Village.

Zhuli Laozi, the man of the four-tailed Sun Wukong, belongs to Yannin Village, and Zhulihan, the man of the Five-tailed King Mu, also belongs to Yannin Village.

And the six-tailed rhinoceros' person Zhuli Bubble has already betrayed the village of Wu Ninja, and now belongs to the betrayal and is wandering around the world.

It took a lot of effort to find him.

Nanao Shigeaki's Zhu Lifu is a member of Taki Ninja Village.

That ninja village is not strong, but there are many excellent ninjas.

It's just a pity that most of them are betrayal.

Therefore, if Tianyu passes by, you can exchange the promise of certain benefits in exchange for Shigeaki Nanao's Renzhuli.

And the Nine-Tailed Kurama's Human Zhuli, Uzumaki Naruto is now in Konoha.

It can be said that if Tian Yu wants to collect all the tailed beasts, it will take some time.

Moreover, it is necessary to compete with the people of Xiao's organization for this time.

Even with soil.

If possible, Tian Yu actually wants to win Obito over.

Obito is really a poor man.

Used by Madara Uchiha and Kurojue.

He was also a man with a dream.

And more importantly, Obito's writing wheel eyes are powerful.

Such power.

Don't lose to anyone.

And the last blue Susanoo is also extremely powerful.

"Thank you so much then!"

Gaara doesn't know what's going on.

But he understood that it was better not to ask.

"Well, since Gaara has recovered, it is inconvenient for us to stay longer, wait until..."

"Brother, we are back!"

Tian Yu was about to speak, but was interrupted by Tian Tian.

Immediately after Matekai, Xiao Li and Neji, the four of them walked directly into the office.

"Tian Tian, ​​you are back!"

Tian Yu smiled and looked at Tian Tian.

A smile flashed in his eyes.

"Well, brother, we also discovered the secret base of Xiao's organization, where are there a lot of spells posted, originally we wanted to uncover the spell to see what was inside, but then I thought of brother's words and came back to report already."

Tian Tian smiled.

"Yes, the place we found is on the border of the Land of Wind. In that forest, I suggest that if we can, we should go over and investigate. If the Xiao organization is really there, maybe You can catch a few of them."

Matt Kay also said directly.

He has absolute confidence in Tian Yu and his own strength.

If the two of them act together, they can definitely leave a few members of Akatsuki's organization behind.

"Well, I've seen that spell with my eyes. It's really special."

Neji also said directly.

It is worth mentioning that Neji's caged bird technique has been lifted.

Now if he uses Huitian, there will be no more flaws.

And the one who lifted the art of caged birds.

It happens to be the second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

Chapter 308 Return to Konoha

To be honest, the family secret technique of bird in a cage, which has been passed down for many years, is also quite difficult for Qianshou Tobirama.

Just a pity.

This kind of secret technique was finally broken through by the ninjutsu research and development genius Senju Tobirama.

At that time, Tian Yu was speechless.

It is no wonder that even after the death of Konoha at the time of Qianshouzhuma, he was able to occupy the first place in the five great kingdoms for a long time.

With such a Hokage, why worry about Konoha not prospering?

Hearing Tian Tian's words, Tian Yu was stunned for a moment, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this time Tian Tian did not act rashly, and just ripped open the seal.

Otherwise, the torn spell was copied, although they were easy to deal with, but the members of the Xiao organization in the cave were not easy to deal with.

Especially at that time, Nagato, Konan, Obito, and Black and White were all there.

If Tian Tian and the others were really allowed to crash in, I'm afraid that only the four of them could be stopped by Matekai opening the dead door among the eight dungeons.

"You have done a good job. As for the spell, you don't have to pay attention to it. This time their mission has not been completed, and that stronghold should be abandoned. Even if we pass, I am afraid that we will not find anything of value. And now that Gaara is lost, it's time for us to leave."

Tian Yu looked at everyone and said.

"it is good!"

Several people nodded.

"Lord Tianyu! How is Gaara?"

With the help of Sakura, Kankuro walked tremblingly to the Hokage office.

The residual poison on his body has not been completely cleaned up, but he was worried about Gaara, so he hurried over.

"I'm fine, and I would like to thank Lord Tianyu for bringing me back."

Gaara looked at Kankuro and said.

"I love Luo!"

Kankuro saw Gaara standing here in a good manner, and after being stunned for a while, he stepped forward and hugged Gaara.

"In the future, don't be scary anymore, Gaara, we can't live without you."

Kankuro said excitedly.

At this time, Kankuro's face lost the oil paint, and he looked somewhat similar to Gaara.

As expected of a brother.

"Well, I won't worry you again in the future."

Gaara nodded slowly.

Then he hugged Kankuro as if he was a little uncomfortable.

"It's good, Gaara also got the kindness that belongs to him."

Naruto was very pleased to see this scene.

When Tian Yu heard this, he smiled and rubbed Naruto's head.

"Let's go, when you go back, please eat barbecue!"

Tian Yu smiled at Tian Tian, ​​Neji and the others said.

"Well, I want a ramen too!"

Naruto recalled the time he had wasted these days.

He still remembered that Big Brother Tianyu once said that he would pay for everything he ate at Yile Ramen within three days.

But unfortunately, they came to the mission the next day.

After returning, I am afraid that three days have already passed.

It's really a pity.

"no problem!"

Tian Yu smiled and nodded.

"Lord Tianyu, please walk slowly, Maki will send you to Lord Tianyu."

Granny Chiyo looked at Tian Yudao.

"Okay, Lord Tianyu, let's go this way."

Markey nodded.

Then he turned around and took everyone out of Fengying's office.

After Tian Yu and the others left, Granny Chiyo took another step forward.

"Gai Luo, now the Mizukuru has left your body, do you still have the ability to control the sand?"

Grandma Chiyo has to ask to understand.

Hearing Granny Chiyo's words, Gaara raised her hand, and the sand wrapped around his hand.

Still as obedient as before.

And I don't know why, it seems that after Shouhe is gone, his ninjutsu has not changed in any way.

Even his chakra has become more than before.

Because there is no need to separate out Chakra to suppress Shouhe.


I love Rodo.

"Very well, after Gaara has gone through this incident, the villagers already know who is the fifth-generation Kazekage who is most suitable for them, and you have proved your ability with actions, so wait until this incident is completely over. After that, after your injury is healed, I will go to the capital of the Land of Winds to report your name, so that you can become the real fifth-generation Kazekage, and I will leave everything in Sand Ninja Village to you to handle after that."

"If Konoha sends someone to teach us ninjutsu in the future, you will manage it too. Gaara, I will hand over Sand Ninja Village to you. I hope you will restore him to its former glory."

Granny Chiyo looked at Gaara and said meaningfully.

"Yes, don't worry."

Gaara nodded.


Return to Konoha using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Tian Yu and the others did not go directly to the Hokage office to report the situation to Tsunade. Instead, they brought a group of people directly to Konoha's BBQ Q.

The grilled meat here tastes very good.

Many people like to eat here.

Of course the price is not cheap.

But for Tianyu's worth, eating here is nothing.

"I want this, and this, and this, all of them."

As soon as I sat down, I grabbed the menu and ordered everything on the menu in one go.

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