Tian Yu didn't stop it either, just looked at everyone with a smile.

"Ah, youth is full of the smell of barbecue."

Matt Kay smiled.

"Striped, meat, streaky, meat!"

Naruto kept talking about the five flowers and the meat. It was hard to see the five flowers. The meat was roasted. When Naruto wanted to stretch out his chopsticks, he found that the five flowers and the meat had been put into his bowl by Xiao Li.

"Ahhh! Xiao Li, I'm going to fight you in a duel!"

Naruto was furious on the spot.

This is the resentment for not being able to eat five flowers and meat.

"Hey. Okay, let's play the game and see if we eat the most today. The one who loses is going to walk around Konoha upside down for fifty laps."

When Xiao Li heard the duel in the competition, the four words were instantly excited.

"Come here, I'm not afraid of you!"

Naruto nodded.

Then, everyone saw Naruto and Xiao Li start. Various meats are constantly being put on the grill.

The two had a great time eating.

After a long time, I watched the two of them every day.

Some strange way.

"Why do I always feel that the two of them are not playing, but enjoying our barbecue?"

Asking this very serious question every day.

Because the two ate all the meat they put on the grill.

Now all that's left on the rack is the uncooked meat.

"Well, I think so too!"

Neji also nodded solemnly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Don't hurry up and grab it, or both of them will eat it up."

Shout out every day.

Then he joined the team directly.

Neji also sighed, and then started to fight with Tiantian.

In an instant, everyone was eating in full swing.

Chapter 309 Tian Yu's Plan

Very lively.

And Tian Yu just looked at them from the side, smiling brightly.

While everyone was eating grilled meat, Kakashi had no appetite.

After hesitating for a while, he finally looked at Tian Yu and asked.

"Tianyu, this time you should be able to tell me the purpose of bringing the tailed beast back, right?"

Kakashi has been thinking about this all the way.

It was in Sand Ninja Village before, and he was embarrassed to ask.

Now that he has returned to Konoha, he has to ask clearly.

"Purpose, okay, in fact, my purpose is very simple, it is to make Konoha stronger, Yi-tailed Shouhe, although it is the weakest of all tailed beasts, but even so, his strength is also It is not comparable to ordinary people, if Konoha can produce a one-tailed human pillar, it will be a good thing for Konoha's strength to improve.",

"Not to mention, it can stop the people of Xiao's organization and prevent their conspiracy from succeeding. This can be said to be a win-win situation."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Human Pillar Power!"

Kakashi was stunned when he heard this.

Even Naruto, who was eating barbecue with Xiao Li, was stunned.

"Big Brother Tianyu, do you want Konoha to have one more person?"

"Well, that's exactly what I planned, and because Shouhe said that he has completely surrendered to me now, if he is used as Renzhuli, it will definitely not cause any danger to Renzhuli itself. It is a body that has lost its strength, and Ren Zhuli will not die, it can be regarded as perfect."

Tian Yu said.


Naruto clutched his stomach and held the Nine-Tails deep inside his body.

He wants to say something.

But in the end he shook his head.

"What's the matter, Naruto, what do you want to say?"

Tian Yu looked at Naruto.

"No, nothing!"

Naruto shook his head.

He originally wanted Tian Yu to help him convince the nine tails in his body.

But then Naruto thought that he was the Kyuubi's person, so he should be the one to communicate with the nine tails.

I always ask Big Brother Tianyu for help, and in the end, even if I really took Kyuubi.

But in that case, Nine Tails didn't really want to help him, and he couldn't always rely on Big Brother Tianyu to gain strength.

In the end, there is still danger, so let him do it himself.

Naruto believed that sooner or later he himself would be able to truly communicate with Nine Tails.


Tian Yu nodded.

After that, everyone continued to eat barbecue and talk.

It was almost evening when everyone dispersed.

In short, this time Naruto and Xiao Li's game, the two of them are tied.


And this time, both of them managed to hold themselves back.

Tian Tian and Neji also ate more than ever.

Every day, I also shouted that I would lose weight as soon as I went back.

Just looking at Tian Tian's small body, Tian Yu didn't speak.

go home every day.

Tian Yu came to Hokage's office alone.

"You still know how to come back, how is the barbecue delicious?"

Tsunade smelled Tian Yu's body and was a little angry.

"Of course, come on, don't be angry, didn't this bring you? You should have read the letter I gave you, how, are you ready?"

Tianyu looked at Tsunade and handed over the specially prepared dinner.

In the box is Tsunade's favorite tender chicken and a bottle of sake.

Usually Tsunade reviews documents in the office, and the mute control is very strict.

Tsunade was never allowed to drink.

Because it will delay a lot of things.

So when Tsunade saw sake. The breath disappeared immediately.

Gave Tian Yu a good look at you.

"It's almost all ready. For those ninjas you want to send to Sand Ninja Village, I chose five Chunin, and three of them went over. Among them, the five Chunin were teachers in the ninja school. There are more than enough students, and the remaining three Jounin are extremely powerful."

"They have performed it more than once, and Konoha's S-level tasks have been completed perfectly. It is most suitable for the eight of them to pass."

Tsunade was already prepared.

The moment Tianyu's letter arrived, preparations had already begun.

"That's good, but I think it's better to send Iruka if you can."

Iruka is a chunin at the ninja school and the first teacher that Naruto respects.

It was also Iruka who moved Naruto.

Let him feel the warmth for the first time.

And he was loved by the students at school.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for him to call the ninjas from Sand Ninja Village in the past.

"Okay, just add his name, but Tianyu, tell me the truth, why did you have to bring a Shouhe to Konoha, Xiao organized them to obviously go for the tailed beast, if If you bring the tailed beast to Konoha, you also have to bear the risk of being attacked, although grandfather and second grandfather are both in Konoha now."

"But if it can be avoided, it should be avoided."

Tsunade couldn't understand why Bai Yu did this.

"Tsunade, you will understand later, I am gathering tailed beasts now, I just don't want to release some things, and to be honest, Konoha's current strength is far from enough, if you want to deal with those enemies in the future, It is necessary to gather all the tailed beasts, even the power of the Six Paths Immortals is not enough to deal with them, the tailed beasts are the strongest power in this world, if they can all be gathered into one person!"

"Then you can have the power to rival God, and such power must be in Konoha, in our hands."

Tianyu looked at Tsunade.

"Tianyu, you..."

Tsunade looked at Tian Yu.

She couldn't figure out why Tian Yu would say that.

The identity of the masked man.

Even if it is really Uchiha Madara, it will not be so scary.

Madara Uchiha and his grandfather Senju Hasuma have always been rivals.

But every time Uchiha Madara is always the one who loses.

So Tsunade believes that even if Madara Uchiha appears, he can handle it with his grandfather around.

But now hearing Tian Yu's words, Tsunade felt it.

There may really be something in this world that they don't know exists.

And those people are extremely powerful.

Far more than Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara.

"Tsunade, I'm sorry, there are some things I can't tell you right now, but you have to believe that everything I do is for Konoha, for everyone to live a quiet life here, for future peace, and wait until the right opportunity. will tell you everything."

Tianyu looked at Tsunade.

"Needless to say, I believe in you."

Tsunade nodded after hearing this.

Chapter 310 Tsunade's Doubts

"Then who do you want to make this person Zhuli? The selection of people Zhuli is very harsh. Not only does it need to be suppressed by that person's physique, it also needs to meet certain conditions. Not everyone can do it. If you want this person Zhuli If you can show your strength right away, you still have to choose those children who have grown up."

"You can choose from those twelve children. I think Sasuke is good. He has a wheel eye, which can suppress the tail beast, and Konoha did a little too much to the Uchiha family. If the tailed beast is Sasuke, it can be regarded as a kind of compensation for them."

Tsunade proposes Sasuke.

Hearing Tsunade's words, Tian Yu wanted to laugh, but he held back.

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