Joke, how could Indra's reincarnation need a tailed beast to make himself stronger?

Sasuke doesn't need that.

And where is the whereabouts of Izuo Shoukaku, he has already had a candidate.

"Sasuke can't do it, you also said that he is a member of the Uchiha family. Although the writing wheel eye can perfectly suppress the tail beast, after becoming a human pillar force, it will make his own talents unable to fully show. Sasuke's writing wheel Eyes, the heights that can be reached in the future are far more than just the shadow level, and giving him Ichio Morizuru will only be a waste of Sasuke's talent."

Tian Yu directly refused.

"Then, Neji or Shikamaru, their strength is not bad, if they can improve their strength, it will also be good for Konoha."

Tsunade continued.

"No, I'm going to give Ichima Tsukuru to Hinata."

Tian Yu smiled.


Tsunade was stunned by Tian Yu's words.

"Hina, are you kidding me?"

Tsunade was surprised.

Because if there are no major problems, Hinata will be the heir to the Konoha Hinata clan.

The future is to become the head of the Hinata clan.

And Hinata inherited the white eye of one of the three major pupil techniques in the ninja world.

If this kind of power can really be exerted, the strength will become extremely powerful after all.

So Tsunade never considered Hinata.

Coupled with the Hinata clan, they may not be willing to let Hinata become a pillar force.

After all, no matter how perfect Ren Zhuli was, he would still be under the control of the tailed beast. If he did something irreparable, the whole village would reject him.

After all, tailed beasts are evil in people's hearts.

"No, Hinata's talent is excellent, but in the Hyuga clan, her power has not been completely controlled. The Hyuga clan needs to rely on external forces, so now this one has completely surrendered to me. , is just right.”

Tian Yu looked at Tsunade and smiled.

"Okay, since you've already made a decision, I won't say anything else, but this matter must finally be known to the Hyuga clan, we can't make a decision directly, otherwise, the Hyuga clan will feel that we are arbitrary and dictatorial. , Today's Konoha can't be the same as the previous Sarutobi Hibiki!"

Tsunade sighed.

Today's Konoha is in vain.

Although it seems that it has become extremely prosperous on the surface, in fact, it will take a long time to change everything that exists.

"Don't worry, leave it to me to convince the Hyuga clan!"

Tian Yu smiled.


Tsunade nodded.

After the two talked for a while, Tian Yu turned around and went home.

After returning home, I went to bed early every day. In the past few days, the characters have been constantly running between the border of the Land of Wind and Sand Ninja Village. Everyone is already tired.


Early the next morning.

Tian Yu came to the clan of the Hyuga clan.

The Hinata clan, since the Uchiha clan was wiped out, the Hinata clan has become the largest clan of Konoha.

The two clansmen, the branch and the clan, add up to more than a thousand people.

The Konoha belongs to the mainstay, the general presence.

Now it has been paid more attention, and the status of the Hyuga clan has also risen.

In their clan, there are people who come to visit inexplicably every day, which can be said to be extremely lively.

"Lord Tianyu, are you here to find Miss Hinata this time?"

The two guards of the Hyuga clan saw Tian Yu coming.

Looking at Tian Yu very respectfully, he said.

"No, this time I'm here to find your patriarch, go and inform me, and say that Tianyu has something important to do."

Tian Yu looked at them and said.

"Okay, let's go now, and ask Lord Tianyu to wait here for a while."

After the two guards heard Tian Yu's words, they immediately went back to spread the word.

After hearing that Tian Yu had arrived, Hyuga Sunzu came to greet him in person.

"Tianyu, if you have something to do, just ask the people from Anbu to call us to the Hokage office. Why do you even come here in person?"

Sun Xiang Rizu looked at Tian Yu and was very satisfied.

After all, if there are no accidents in the future, Tian Yu will be his son-in-law.

Although Tianyu's position in Konoha is not Hokage, it is not much worse than Hokage.

At that time, the status of the Hyuga clan will definitely be improved in Konoha.

This is also a good thing for them.

"It's better to come over and say this in person, is Hinata there?"

Tian Yu smiled.

"She, she went out to train early in the morning, saying that she must be worthy of you. Although that child looks weak, her character is very firm, and she believes that she will work hard at everything, so I didn't The only way is to let her go."

Hirohito said with a smile.

Obviously very satisfied with Hinata.

"Well, in fact, what I'm about to say has something to do with Hinata. I believe you have heard about the incident in Sand Ninja Village this time."

Tian Yu started talking about business.

"Well, indeed, the Xiao organization is indeed deceiving people too much. They even broke into the sand ninja village and took away Ren Zhuli. They are indeed a little arrogant."

Hyuga Hizu heard Tian Yu's tone becoming more formal, so she stopped smiling.

"Every member of Akatsuki's organization has shadow-level strength, which is why they dared to break into Sand Ninja Village. Although I successfully brought Gaara back this time, Ichiao Morizuru has been there. On their side, the small organization will continue to harass them, although we can always protect them, but after all, we are still some distance from them!"

"There will always be a day when I miss, so just in case, I made an exchange with them and brought back the one-tailed guardian crane. Now the one-tailed guardian crane has completely surrendered to me, I just want to Ichio Morizuru was looking for a person Zhuri in Konoha, and in the end, the person Zhuri I chose was the Hinata clan!"

This time, Tian Yu looked at the sun to the sun and said slowly.

Hearing this, Hyuga Hizu seemed to understand something.

Chapter 311 Convince Hyuga Hizu

"Do you mean that Ichiao's human pillar power will be... Hinata?"

After hearing this,

Hyuga Hizu asked in surprise.

Because it's kind of ridiculous.

The Hinata clan has the white eye, which is one of the three major pupil techniques in the Naruto world.

Everyone in their family is strong because of the ability of their own blood to follow the boundaries.

There are also soft boxing handed down from generation to generation in the family, as well as various secret techniques.

No one has ever become a superhuman pillar.

"Yes, that's exactly what I planned. Now, if Hinata's strength wants to be improved again, it will take two or three years, but if he becomes a human pillar, he can become a shadow player in a short period of time. Level powerhouse, improve your strength."

"This is also a good thing for Hinata, and the Hinata family. If you can have a shadow-level powerhouse, you will have more right to speak in Konoha."

Tian Yu smiled.

Hearing Tian Yu's words, Hyuga Hizu's heart was indeed moved.

A very important factor in whether a family can continue to prosper is whether the family has a powerful patriarch.

If a shadow-level powerhouse appears, it can definitely affect the status of a family in a village.

Today's Hyuga family is already the mainstay. If there are more shadow-level powerhouses, it is very likely that they will become Konoha's most famous family.

Even some families in the future can't compare.

In the long run, this will be of great benefit to the Hinata clan.

However, there was still some worry in the heart of Hyuga Hizu.

It is true that such races can get more benefits in the village.

But the person who wants to become a tailed beast is also a very dangerous thing.

Today's Hyuga clan is not at the point where they want to use their own children for strength.

So Hyuga Hizu is still hesitating.



"Miss, you are back. Today, Lord Tianyu also came to the clan, and it seems that he is discussing matters with the patriarch."

When the guard saw Hinata coming back, he said with a smile.

"Tianyu and father are discussing things?"

Hinata was stunned when she heard this, then turned around and walked into the room.

When Hinata came in, he just heard Tianyu persuading, Hyuga Hizu.

And Hyuga Hizu was still hesitating.

Hearing this, Hinata Hinata pushed open the door and walked in.

"Father, I'm willing, I'm willing to be a man."

Hinata looked at Hyuga, Hizu and Tian Yu and said firmly.

"Why are you back, Hinata?"

Hinata Hizu first looked at Hinata in surprise, as if wondering if Hinata would come back so early.

However, after hearing Hinata's words, Hinata's face suddenly fell.

"Naughty, do you know what it takes to become a human Zhuli, that is a tailed beast, if you can't control the tailed beast in your body, you will be attracted by his chakra, and you may even run wild in the end. , At that time, when the tailed beast was controlled, you were very likely to die because of the exhaustion of chakra, do you understand all this?"

Hyuga Hizu reprimanded Hinata.

"I understand it all, but after my father and I became a man, it would be good for Xiangrizu. I know that my talent is not as good as my sister's, and my strength is not very strong. I have been working hard, but my progress is very slow. , Now I can finally have such an opportunity, I don't want to miss it, and I also believe in Tian Yu, he will definitely make adequate preparations for me."

"I'll be fine."

Hinata said eagerly.

As Tianyu's status in Konoha continued to improve, Hinata felt that her strength was too weak.

Not only could he not be able to help Tian Yu, but he would also become a stumbling block for him during the mission.

drag him back.

So Hinata really wanted to make herself stronger, and she was naturally unwilling to let go of such a rare opportunity now.

She wants to be a woman who can stand beside Tian Yu, not just stand behind Tian Yu and be protected by him.

"Don't worry, Ichio Morizuru has surrendered to me now, he will not do anything that endangers Ren Zhuli, and if Hinata really becomes Ren Zhuli, I will naturally do everything to protect her safety. "

Tianyu looked at Hinata and smiled.

"I believe in Tianyu, father, just promise."

Hinata went to Hinata's side and asked.

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