
Hinata was hesitant.

"Father, this is our opportunity now. I don't want to let it go. The birth of a shadow-level powerhouse will change a family. I believe my father can't understand this. If other families become people's pillars, then The status of the Hinata clan in Konoha will also decline, which is not a good thing."

Hinata continued to persuade.

"Okay, but in the process, if there is any danger, it must be terminated immediately. Even if the Hyuga clan no longer produces a strong person, I want you to ensure the safety of Hinata."

Sun Xiang Rizu looked at Tian Yu and told him.

"Don't worry, I won't let Hinata have any accidents, and since you agreed, it's not too late to do it today, I'll go over and talk to Tsunade, and then start preparing."

Tian Yu looked at Sun Xiang Sun Foot Road.

"Today, so fast!"

Sunshine was stunned for a moment.

"Well, at the moment, the Xiao organization and they are all coveting the tailed beast. If the tailed beast has not found the man Zhuli, it is very likely that the Xiao organization will continue to send people to **** it. At that time, it will be a little troublesome, and the tailed beast can't be sealed often. In the scroll, otherwise the tailed beast will turn into Chakra and disappear, and if we want to wait for his resurrection again, we will have to wait a few years at least, and we cannot afford to consume this time."

Tian Yu explained.

"Well, if that's the case, then as soon as possible."

Hyuga Hizu nodded helplessly when she heard this.

"Don't worry, Hinata will be fine."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Then I'll say goodbye first, please prepare as soon as possible."

After saying that, Tian Yu got up, nodded at Hinata, and Hyuga Hizu, and left the Hyuga clan's clan.

Went to the Hokage office.

After Tian Yu left, Hyuga Hizu looked at Hinata meaningfully.

"It's probably because of Tian Yu that you want to become a human pillar."

Sunshine and Sunshine.

"Well, my father is right. It is because of Tianyu that I want to become a human pillar, but in the same way, I am also for the Hyuga family. Today, although we have received a lot of support, the family's Some powerhouses have long been killed by Sarutobi, and they are almost consumed."

Chapter 312 Preparations Before Sealing

"The rest are just some people who haven't grown up yet, or who are not strong enough. If these people appear on the battlefield, they can only die, so the Hyuga clan must come out with someone who can hold the scene, I actually As a member of the Hinata Clan, I naturally have to pay for the Hinata Clan, so I am willing to be this person."

Hinata looked at Hinata Hizu and said.

Hyuga Hizu looked at Hinata, and suddenly there was a bit of sadness in his heart.

"Hinata, then please."

Hinata Hizu finally looked at Hinata and said helplessly.


Naruto Office.

Tsunade looked at Tian Yu in front of him.

"How is it? Did you persuade Hyuga to be full?"

Tsunade looked at the document in front of him while talking to Tianyu very leisurely.

"Convinced, Hinata agreed, I decided to start fusing tailed beasts today!"

Tianyu looked at Tsunade.

"Is it too early today?"

Tsunade frowned, stunned for a moment.

It is essential to prepare for the fusion of tailed beasts.

After all, if the tailed beast does not cooperate in the middle, it is likely to cause casualties.

"No problem, don't forget now. Qianshou Tobirama, and Orochimaru are all in Konoha. It's a piece of cake to have the two of them fused with tailed beasts here."

Tian Yu smiled.

Hearing this, Tsunade immediately laughed.

"Also, how could I forget the two of them, then you can do it. If there is anything I need to prepare, just say it."

Tsunade nodded.

"Okay, don't worry."

After talking to Tsunade, Tian Yu came to Konoha's laboratory.

At this time, Senju Tobirama and Orochimaru are doing experiments here.

Although the samples of Samsara Eye have been used up, Orochimaru and Chishou Tobirama are using things to make the scroll of life.

Another part is used for production. An exploration scroll that can help Anbu's interrogation.

The exploration scroll can detect all the secrets and memories in his mind.

In this way, once they catch spies from other villages, they will have nothing to hide.

"Second Hokage, Orochimaru, I need the two of you now to help me seal the one-tailed Shouhe in a person's body, okay?"

Tian Yu looked at Orochimaru and Qianshou Tobirama and said.

"One-tailed Shouhe!"

Orochimaru glanced at Tian Yu in surprise.

"If I remember correctly, because Shouhe should be the tailed beast of Sand Ninja Village, and the person Zhuli of One-tailed Shouhe is still that kid from Gaara, why is it in your hands now?"

Orochimaru looked at Tian Yu with a half-smile.

What he thought was Tian Yu, and he should have taken Shouhe by some means.

"Ichiao Shouhe, I still remember that when the eldest brother was still there, he captured the nine-tailed beasts and distributed them equally to all Ninja villages in the five major countries. At that time, Nanao was originally going to be distributed to Sand Ninja Village. However, the first generation of Kazekage seemed very confident, and felt that without the tailed beast, his village could become very strong, so he only needed one tail."

"But I didn't expect this tailed beast to be in your hands now. I have to say, well done!"

Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, after hearing Tian Yu's words, he remembered the Five Shadows meeting that time.

Qianshou Hashirama originally kindly distributed the tailed beast to the five kingdoms.

But it was misunderstood by them that they wanted to show their strength. After all, there is no free lunch in the world. A powerful thing like a tailed beast can be obtained without any cost, which will naturally lead to suspicion.

So the first generation of Fengying also said some ugly things.

If it weren't for the Qianshou brothers, after the two of them founded the village, their temper and self-cultivation would have become much better.

It is estimated that it will be able to fight on the spot.

But even so, the second Hokage still remembered the first Kazekage.

It's just a pity that until the third ninja war started the second-generation Hokage, he was not able to fight the first-generation Kazekage.

So with such a foreshadowing, if the rest of the people want a tail beast, they have to buy it with money.

The tail beast was divided out like this.

"Second-generation Hokage is wrong, and now this Taishou Crane has completely surrendered to me, don't worry about what burden it will cause to Renzhuli, even if it is sealed in the body, it's just that the two of you are experts in this field. I will leave the tailed beast to you temporarily."

Saying that, Tian Yu handed the seal scroll with a Shuzu crane to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru took the scroll and felt the huge chakra of a guard crane coming from inside.

Look at Tian Yu.

For a while, Orochimaru didn't know what to say.

After sealing the tailed beast and bringing it back in the scroll, I have to say that Tianyu is the first person to treat the tailed beast like this.

"I said Tianyu, this scroll is sealed, but the tailed beast that everyone wants, you just gave it to me like this, aren't you afraid that I will disappear with the tailed beast?"

Orochimaru asked with a smile.

After all, as long as he becomes a tailed beast, he can possess shadow-level power.

For Tian Yu and the others, the shadow level is nothing, and there is more powerful power above the shadow level, waiting for them to arrive.

But for ordinary people, even the upper ninja is likely to be unattainable in a lifetime.

Not to mention a movie-level powerhouse.

If there is an opportunity to become a pillar force, they will all compete for it.

And Orochimaru was once a member of the Akatsuki organization.

The Xiao organization needs the tailed beast the most.

They need to gather all the tailed beasts together to complete the Moon Eye plan.

If Orochimaru now disappears with a scroll with a Morizuru in it.

Even if Tian Yu can find Orochimaru, it will take a certain amount of time.

By that time, I'm afraid Ichigo Shouhe will have already arrived, and it will be in the hands of the outsider golem.

"You don't need to be suspicious, and you don't need to be suspicious. What's more, I have cooperated with you many times. I know your temper. Besides, it's just a tailed beast. You won't be my enemy because of this."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Well, you're right, the power of the tailed beast is indeed powerful, but I am not interested in the tailed beast. What I want is the power of the writing wheel, and the writing wheel that transcends life and death is what I am most interested in. , if possible, I would prefer to get a pair of real writing wheels from the Uchiha clan for research."

Orochimaru's eyes burst with enthusiasm.

Obviously, after he knew the power of Sharinyan, his pursuit became Sharinyan.

"I have a chance. If I can get the writing wheel eyes stored by the Uchiha family, then I can give you a few for you to study."

Tian Yu said with a smile.

The eye bank of the Uchiha clan was taken away by the soil as early as the night when the Uchiha clan perished.

Now even Konoha, there is no complete Sangou jade writing wheel eye.

Chapter 313 Fusion-tailed beast, Hinata, the new one-tailed human pillar force

Moreover, Sasuke's eyes are only opened with Ergou Yu, and there is no way to use the full power of Sharinyan.

So even if Orochimaru got it, there was no way to develop something more powerful.

"Hurry up and find Itachi, you know, his eyes are what I want most."

Orochimaru smiled.

After all, after seeing Itachi's performance at the beginning, the fanaticism for Sharonyan appeared in his heart.

"The stop water has gone, I believe it will be found in a short time."

Tian Yu nodded.

"Okay, we'll make preparations here later. You can bring Ren Zhuli here."

Thousands of hands nodded.

Qianshou Tobirama also saw that Konoha today is different from what they were back then.

But under the governance of Tian Yu, it has long since recovered.

The future will definitely get better.

"it is good!"

Tian Yu nodded.

Then he turned around and left the laboratory.

Among the Hyuga clan, Hinata has long been prepared.

Hinata Hizu did not tell the clan that Hinata had become a human pillar.

After all, this kind of power is better hidden in the dark.

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