"Are you ready?"

Tian Yu looked at Hinata softly and asked.

"Well, get ready, Tian Yu, I will definitely become the woman standing by your side, I will definitely become more powerful and will not hold you back.

Hinata said firmly.

"What are you talking about, Hinata, I don't like you because of your strength, but because of you, even if you're not Ren Zhuli or a member of the Xiang family, I'll still like you, and I've never regarded you as a person. After all, you, Tian Tian, ​​Naruto, Tsunade, and even the entire Konoha are the objects I want to protect."

Tian Yu looked at Hinata and smiled.

"I know, but it would be great if it could be stronger."

Hinata nodded.

"Cough, let's go!"

Hyuga Hizu watched Tianyu and Hinata talking, and after a while, she couldn't help reminding.


Hinata's face turned red when she heard Hyuga Hizu's words.

"Well, let's go!"

Tian Yu smiled.

Then he brought Hinata and Hinata to the laboratory.

The underground space of the laboratory is a very large place.

All the excess here has been removed, and only the middle table is left.

"Go, lie down!"

Senju Tobirama nodded to Hinata.

This platform is the high platform that Senju Hashima used to control after capturing the tailed beast.

Can restrain the rampage of tailed beasts.


Hinata looked at Qianshou Tobirama with some fear in her heart.

After all, the rumors of Senju Tobirama are much more fierce in Konoha than Senju Hasuma.

Invented countless forbidden techniques, as well as various ninjutsu bosses.

Plus a stern look.

Enough to frighten countless children to tears.

When Senju Tobama was the second Hokage, there were many mothers in the village who used Senpa Tobama to scare their children.

What to say, if you don't eat well or don't train well, the second Hokage will teach you personally.

Every time I say this sentence, it is very effective.

Those kids don't dare to be naughty anymore.

It is conceivable how great the reputation of Chishou Tobirama is.

"Go on, don't worry, it will be over soon."

Tian Yu smiled and comforted Hinata.


Hinata nodded.

Tian Yu's words calmed her heart a bit.

Taking a deep breath, Hinata lay directly on the high platform.

Immediately after, Orochimaru stepped aside and tore open the scroll with the seal on the one-tailed Morizuru.

In an instant, a tens of meters tall Shouhe appeared in the underground space.

As soon as Shouhe appeared, it almost filled the entire underground space.

"What place is this, it's too dark, and it's so gloomy and damp. I said, could it be that what you said before lied to me, and the purpose was to keep me here?"

Ichio Morizuru turned to look at Tianyu.

Those small eyes that were extremely inconsistent with his body stared at Tian Yu.

"Of course not, if I'm going to lock you up, I'm definitely not using an underground space, but a wooden tunnel prison, look, this girl will be your pillar force in the future, you should get along well Ah, don't make any tricks for me, otherwise, I won't let you go."

Tian Yu smiled and spoke in the gentlest tone.

But the threat contained in it made Ichio Morizuru shudder.

Apparently, he recalled the two times that he was beaten by Tian Yu when he was released.

Although it is said that the tailed beast is an aggregate of chakra, but to be honest, it really hurts to be punched.

But because Shouhe can't fall into the prestige of the tailed beast.

"As long as everything you say can be fulfilled, I will naturally not do anything to Ren Zhuli, and you have promised that I will not seal me after I take the initiative to enter. In the future, when the world is at peace, I will be free, and I will not let If anyone catches me again, you must do this, otherwise, even if you kill me with all my strength and become Chakra again, I will drag the man Zhuli to death together."

One tail guards the crane mouth and insists.

"Don't worry, I will naturally do what I promise you."

Tian Yu nodded.

"It's almost there."

One-tailed Shoukaku nodded.

Then I looked at Hinata who was lying on the high platform.

"Blind eyes!"

One-tailed Shouhe, of course, saw it all at once. After Hinata's blood followed the limit, the chakra flow in front of her immediately became very clear in her eyes.

This guy is quite powerful.

It is stronger than the previous bloodline.

It's just that the strength is far less powerful than the previous one.

I hope this time he can live in harmony with him in this girl's body.

With the continuous injection of chakra into Qianshou Tobirama, a dazzling light also bloomed on the high platform.

The light completely wrapped Hinata.

When the light blooms to its greatest strength.

"Right now, let's go!"

Thousands of hands shouted loudly.

The next moment, Shouhe's body began to shrink rapidly.

Then it turned into a stream of light and slowly entered Hinata's body.


The fusion of tailed beasts is a very painful thing.

Hinata frowned in pain.

But still gritted his teeth.

She doesn't want to give up.

However, the huge chakra of the one-tailed crane still caused the meridians in her body to swell and ache.

"Take it easy, accept these chakras, and let the chakra of one tail merge with yours."

Tian Yu frowned at Hinata with a distressed look in his eyes.

But this is the only way that Ren Zhuli wants to integrate the tailed beast, and Tianyu can't do anything even if he is distressed.

Can only rely on Hinata to support himself.

I don't know how long it took, the yellow light finally disappeared, and the suppression of the power on the high platform was at its weakest stage.

Chapter 314 The Potential of White Eyes

"Now that the chakra of the tailed beast has been completely integrated, what I will do next is to completely eliminate the suppressing power of the high platform. When it is eliminated, there will be no external force to help you suppress the chakra of the tailed beast. If you can If you fuse yourself or suppress it, then you will become Ichio Morizuru's human pillar force, but if you can't control it, you will fail."

"If it fails, in general, Renzhuli will die, but now Shouhe entered your body voluntarily, not by seal, so even if Shouhe leaves your life, he will not die. ."

Qianshou Tobirama opened his mouth and reminded.

"I see, let's get started."

Hinata has made all the preparations.

No matter how much it hurts, she will persevere.

Qianshou Tobirama withdrew all the chakras on the high platform without hesitation.

At that moment, Hinata felt the impact of the powerful chakra.

But fortunately, the Chakra of One-tailed Shou Crane was not violent at all, just too majestic.

It's just unbearable for a while.

Just like this, another fifteen minutes passed, and Hinata had been working hard to absorb Shouzuru's chakra.

when the light disappeared.

Hinata opened her eyes.

There was sweat all over her forehead.

Shouhe's chakra has calmed down a lot, and Hinata can feel that he has a huge chakra reserve in his body.

This time, even if she keeps using soft fists and various secret techniques all the time, there will be no time when the chakra will be depleted.


Hinata can still feel that she can use Morizuru's skills.

The power has also become stronger than before.

"Great. Tian Yu, I succeeded!"

After Hinata stepped off the high platform, she threw herself directly into Tian Yu's arms.

"Well, I knew you would be successful."

Tian Yu smiled and patted Hinata's back with a smile.


Hinata nodded.

"I didn't expect your little girl to actually become the new leader. I thought you couldn't hold on."

Orochimaru came over, looked at Hinata and said.

"It really hurts, but in order to be able to stand by Tian Yu's side, of course I can persevere,"

Although Hinata looks very weak on the outside, but inside is extraordinarily firm.

Things that are decided will never change.

Hearing this, Orochimaru shrugged noncommittally.

"Your blood follower's limit should be the white eye, the white eye is really good, the observation eye is above the writing wheel eye, and you can also see the meridians of the human body go down and block the meridians with the soft fist, and you can even kill with one hit. , You can also use Chakra to create a defensive shield, which can be called an absolute defense. These are the secret techniques of the Hyuga clan, but Baiyan can also exert stronger power."

"It's just that none of you seem to have thought about the stronger power that your eyes can exert. If you can, you may be able to hand over your eyes to me. After I do some research, you may be able to make the power of your eyes stronger. more powerful."

Orochimaru looked at Hinata's white eyes with interest.

White eyes, writing round eyes, reincarnation eyes!

These are the three major pupil techniques in this ninja world.

Among them, the eyes of reincarnation are the eyes of the Six Path Immortals, and now they appear on Nagato.

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