If you want to get the complete eye of reincarnation, you must defeat Nagato.

And defeating Nagato is also quite difficult for Tian Yu.

Although he was able to bring back the sample of Samsara Eye, it was only under the premise of using Xiao Nan as a threat.

If Nagato could ignore Konan's life and insist on fighting him, the outcome between them would be hard to say.

And write round eyes.

Sasuke's Sharingan has already made Orochimaru almost researched.

Because of this, a writing wheel eye that can be used to cast Izanagi was developed.

But this is still far from enough.

After all, Sasuke's writing wheel is just a double hook jade.

If you give him a kaleidoscope or an eternal kaleidoscope.

Orochimaru believes that he will be able to make the power of Sharinyan stronger.

Of course, the same is true of white eyes.

"This, this I can't decide, I need to discuss it with my father after I go back, but I don't think my father will agree. The eyes of the Hyuga clan are very important to us, even if we die on the battlefield, the first What time has to do is to destroy his own eyes and prevent others from getting them, as for research or something, it is even more impossible."

Hinata looked at Orochimaru and said.

In her heart, she really wanted to let Orochimaru study it.

But there are too many rules in the Hyuga clan.

If Hinata agrees without authorization, even if she is the future heir to the patriarch, she will be severely punished.

And now there are many people in the clan who are against the abolition of the technique of caged birds.

After all, if there are no restrictions on separation.

It is very likely that he will take over the position of the clan in the future.

At that time, the elders of these clans will lose their rights.

This is something that the elders of the Hyuga clan do not want to see.

But this is something that is unavoidable in a family.

After all, the family is too large, and the conflict of these powers will naturally be born.

"Well, let's discuss it then."

Orochimaru also knew what Hinata said, but it was just an excuse.

After nodding his head, he didn't take it to heart.

After all, his current focus is still on the matter of studying the wheel eye.

Although he couldn't get Uchiha Itachi's writing wheel, but fortunately Sasuke was by his side.

It is still possible to continue research.

And with the help of the second-generation Hokage during this time, he also has some eyes on the way to make the Sangou Jade Eyes further.

After you go back, you have to do a good test.

If it can be successful, it means that Konoha can mass-produce kaleidoscope writing wheels.

In this way, no one among the five major countries will be Konoha's opponent.

Tian Yu listened to the conversation between Orochimaru and Hinata, and had some thoughts in his heart.

The power of white eyes is very strong.

This is beyond doubt, after all, Kaguya Otsutsuki's eyes are also white eyes.

However, Kaguya Otsutsuki's ability to roll eyes is something that the current Hyuga clan can't keep up with.

The Hinata clan on Earth inherited eyes and some secret techniques, and on the moon, there are also descendants of Otsutsuki Hamura.

They have inherited other abilities of White Eyes and control people's hearts.

If the Hinata clan can learn these abilities of the white eyes, then their power is not weaker than that of the Uchiha clan.

Not weaker than the writing wheel eye.

Just want to study the white eye, but also need the approval of the sun.

Even Tian Yu cannot forcefully call the shots.

Otherwise, it would be no different from Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Everything needs to be considered in the long run.

Chapter 315 The Special Elder of Sand Ninja Village

"I have seen in the records that the Hinata clan seemed to have lost some unique secret techniques during the migration of the clan, and the former Hinata clan was enough to compete with the Qianshou and Uchiha clan for hegemony, but later they did not After those secret techniques, it gradually weakened, if you can retrieve those secret techniques now, then you can restore the glory of the past."

Senju Tobirama did not forget to assist.

After some words, Hinata made up his mind immediately. After returning, he must persuade his father to agree with Orochimaru and Qianshou Tobirama to study the white eyes.

After all, this is also a good thing for their Hyuga clan.

As for the inhuman elders in the family.

They should also take a back seat.

After all, the current Konoha is dominated by young people.

The older ones have experience, but they just rest on their laurels.

Over time, a family will also be weakened by them.

"I'll take you back."

Tian Yu looked at Hinata Road.


Hinata nodded.

Tian Yu looked at Hinata, and for some reason, he suddenly felt that some changes had taken place in Hinata's body.

But if you look closely, you will find that Hinata is still as weak as before.

So Tian Yu shook his head.

Maybe he felt wrong.

After sending Hinata back to the Hinata clan, Tianyu returned to the Hokage office.

Tell Tsunade about the situation.

Tian Yu went to Konoha Hospital again.

After so many days of careful cultivation of Temari, her injury has already healed.

It's time to go back to Sand Ninja Village tomorrow.

"Lord Tianyu, this time, I would like to thank you for saving Gaara and Sand Ninja Village. Otherwise, I really don't know what the village will look like."

Temari saw Tianyu coming and hurriedly got up and saluted.

"It's nothing, this is what I should do Konoha. Now, with the Sand Ninja Village, it is an alliance with each other. Naturally, we should watch and help each other. Tomorrow, you will leave for Sand Ninja Village, just in time to send Konoha to Sand. Ninja Village and the other group of people will go back together, they are all I promised to train ninjas for Sand Ninja Village."

"There are also some materials provided by Konoha, and the ninja tools that I specially forged. You can also bring them back together. It's my heart."

Tian Yu looked at Temari and smiled.

"Being able to get these things is of great benefit to the construction of the village. I am here to thank Lord Tianyu for Gaara, but Lord Tianyu, I have another request. I wonder if you can agree to me?"

Temari looked at Tian Yu, his face a little red.

After all, Tian Yu is handsome.

Although he is only thirteen years old, his height of 1.8 meters makes him look very reliable.

Plus great strength.

It can be said that Tianyu is now almost all the ninja prince charming of Konoha Ninja Village.

"Ah, this... you talk about it!"

Tianyu looked at Temari's appearance, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Although this matter is difficult to explain, I still want to say that I would like to invite Lord Tianyu to be the special elder of Sand Ninja Village."

Temari opened his mouth.

"Ah, what?"

Tian Yu was already prepared.

But when he heard Temari's words, Tian Yu was stunned for a moment.

Then suddenly I wanted to rant.

If you just say something like this, then why are you blushing, so that he will misunderstand.

"Special elder, this seems a little inappropriate. I am a ninja of Konoha, and Konoha will not interfere with the affairs of Sand Ninja Village. If I become your special elder, the ninjas in your village and the village name are probably I won't agree, and in this way, I will know what secrets your village has."

"Although we are already in an alliance relationship now, it's better for everyone to keep these confidential information secret, so as not to be unclear about what happened at that time."

Tian Yu declined.

After all, a special elder or something.

That is to say, the name sounds better, but in fact, he has no rights in Sand Ninja Village.

Temari said so, it is estimated that he still wants to find a shelter for Sand Ninja Village.

After all, the current Sand Ninja Village has lost one Mozuru, and Gaara has not fully grown up.

If you are targeted, it is very likely that something big will happen.

And once Tian Yu became the special elder of Sand Ninja Village, he would naturally not see Sand Ninja Village being destroyed by other villages.

It is also equivalent to giving Sand Ninja Village a guarantee.

It's just that this is not good for Tian Yu.

Not to mention a special elder, even if Feng Ying gave it to him, he would not do it.

Mainly because I'm too lazy to read those piles of files.

"No. Lord Tianyu, this is not my own opinion, but the request of mother-in-law Chiyo and Gaara, and this special elder was not announced directly, but acted in secret, mother-in-law Chiyo said that you promised her before. You are responsible for Sand Ninja Village, so we really hope you can become this special elder, of course, if there is no major event in Sand Ninja Village, we will never send you a message."

Temari said hurriedly.

She knew that this was indeed a bit difficult for heaven to control.

It's just that this is the task that Chiyo's mother-in-law has arranged for her.

She has to do it.

Hearing Temari's words, Tian Yu shook his head.

Sure enough, Shouhe is not easy to take.

Since you take something from someone else, you always have to pay something.

"Yes, I promise you, but I also have a word in advance, I will never become a ninja in Sand Ninja Village, and some tasks in your village don't have to be assigned to me to do, I will only appear in Sand Ninja Village who can't deal with enemies. It will only take action at the right time, please pay attention to this.”

Tian Yu looked at them and said.

"no problem!"

Hand nods.

"Well, then I'll go first, you take good care of yourself!"

After Tian Yu said this, he turned and left Konoha Hospital.

back home.


At the same time, the rain ninja village.

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