The Red Sand Scorpion received the message from his spies in Sand Ninja Village.

"Ichio Morizuru was brought to Konoha, and Gaara was resurrected."

It was such a short line of words that the Scorpion of Red Sand was a little surprised.

After all, Gaara was already dead when they left, when Mizuho was released.

But what I didn't expect was that Tian Yu brought Gaara back and was able to resurrect him.

And the most important thing is that the one-tailed guard crane has already been brought to Konoha.

For the two of them, the difficulty of the task increased by more than 11 stars.

"Everyone is in a meeting, why didn't you come in?"

Deidara came out of the room and said helplessly while looking at the red sand scorpion.

Since the red sand scorpion's human puppet amber was smashed, the red sand scorpion began to walk with its body.

Chapter 316: The Akatsuki Organization Hidden In The Dark

Not using his puppet.

So this also made Deidara a little uncomfortable.

After all, his companion was an ugly-looking puppet, and his voice was very low, like an uncle in his 30s or 40s, but now he has become a boy with a baby face.

This gap is really big.

"Coming soon!"

The Scorpion of Red Sand walked into the room with an expressionless face, and then handed over the information he got to Hei Jue.

Black and white absolutely looked at the contents of the letter.

He frowned immediately, and then handed the letter to Obito.

"Ichio Morizuru was brought back to Konoha!" Obito's pupils shrank after seeing the news above.

Today's Konoha is like a dragon pool and a tiger's den for them.

Not so easy to break in.

Danzo's previous Konoha collapse plan.

It was very well prepared, but in the end it was still used by Tian Yu.

Not only Danzo died tragically, but Sarutobi Hizen also committed suicide.

At that time, if it wasn't for the ninjutsu power he possessed in time and space, maybe everyone in Akatsuki's organization would be left behind by the Tianyu group.

So this time, after knowing that Ichio Morizuru was brought to Konoha, there was nothing he could do.

Wanting to forcibly break into Konoha and take away the one-tailed guard crane, that is simply a nonsense.

If they sneaked in, they didn't know where Ichio Morizuru was placed.

If Konoha's guards are disturbed, then it will be more than worth the loss.

"Old soil, what should I do?"

Black and white looked at Obito and asked.

"Since it has been brought to Konoha, we have no way to bring back one tail, so let's give up one tail temporarily, go to catch other tailed beasts, and wait until the other tailed beasts are collected. The power will naturally be able to compete with Konoha, and when the Fourth Ninja World War begins, the tailed beasts will naturally be able to be gathered by us."

"Nagato, where is the two tails this time around?"

Obito gave up the tail without hesitation.

At the same time he also began to capture other tailed beasts.

After all, if one tail is gone, the other tailed beasts can't go wrong.

Otherwise, the Eye of the Moon plan cannot be implemented.

"You wooden man has left the village to carry out the mission. Now is a good opportunity for us to start. The mission to capture Erwei should have been carried out by Angle and Feiduan, but Angle and Feiduan have already died in Konoha. , so this time..."

"It's up to the two of us this time. Last time we failed to bring Yiwei back. It was our mistake. Let us prove our strength with our actions this time."

Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion both spoke together.

This time, I had planned to go to arrest Futao Nagato by himself.

But Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion spoke together, and Nagato didn't say much, just looked at Obito.

"No, I'll go in person this time, you two can rest for a while."

Obito shook his head and refused their request.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, he left with divine might.

"Everyone, let's go first."

Black and white also smiled, and then left Yuren Village with Obito.


training camp.


The shadow of the sword flashed, and the fist peak was sharp.

But in a short while, Kakashi has played against Matt Kai several times.

The nunchaku and the dagger kept colliding and making a sound of gold and iron.

The battle between the two has attracted a lot of attention.

"That's Kakashi and Matekai. How did the two of them fight?"

Hong Yuhi and her students were supposed to go to training.

However, when he discovered the battle between Kakashi and Matekai, he suddenly asked curiously.

"It's a competition, but then again, their competition really made my blood boil. Kakashi is practicing swordsmanship, and Matekai's eight armors are becoming more and more proficient. The battle between the two It's more that you come and go, and it's extremely enjoyable to play."

It was someone from the former Anbu who judged Kakashi and Matekai.

Later, after Tsunade became Hokage, he retired from Anbu, and now he has also become a school teacher with a class.

Familiar with Kakashi and Matekai.

"So that's the case, okay, Ya, Shino, you should also watch the battle between the two of them. This will also be of great benefit to your future cultivation."

Kurenai Yuhi turned to face her teeth, and Shino, the oil girl, smiled.

As for Hinata.

Before the Ichizuru within her body was completely stabilized, she had to stay in the Hinata clan and train on time every day.

She was not able to appear in front of people until she was able to completely integrate with Ichiao's Chakra.


Toga and Shino nodded.

The two looked very seriously.

"It would be great if the two of us had the same strength as Kakashi-sensei and Metkay-sensei."

Tooth looked at the two of them with yearning.

"If your goal is Kakashi and Matekai-sensei, then my goal is Lord Tenyu, and I want to become a ninja like Lord Tenyu."

Oil girl Shino looked at the teeth.

"Lord Tianyu!"

Hearing this, Ya looked at Tian Yu.

That was standing on the bed, holding his arms leisurely, watching Kakashi and Matekai fighting Tianyu.

It is indeed what they yearn for.

Obviously they are the same age as them, they are thirteen years old, but they have the strength beyond the shadow level.

Such a person can no longer be described as a genius.

It's like a god-like existence.


The duel between Hatake Kakashi and Matekai finally came to an end.

Kakashi's dagger rests on Matekai's neck.

And Matekai's nunchaku had stopped at an inch of Kakashi's head.

It may seem that the two are on a par, but in reality the Matekai is faster.

If it was in actual combat, Kakashi would have died before Kakashi cut off Matekai's neck.

"I lost!"

After Kakashi lost, he calmly admitted that he lost.

"Haha, Kakashi, plus this time, this is our 102nd duel. You've won the first 50 times. After I win this time, I'm finally winning. more times than you."

Matt Kay put away his nunchucks and said happily.

After all, Matekai regards Kakashi as his lifelong opponent.

It was not easy to win against Kakashi, of course he was happy.

"That's right, you won, but to be honest, your strength is getting stronger and stronger. This time I'm really not your opponent. It's a step slower. I'll try to keep up next time."

Kakashi looked at Matekai and smiled.

Although Kakashi has practiced the Hatake sword since he was a child, he has not touched a short sword for more than ten years.

It was only half a year ago that he started to practice again.

Chapter 317 The Unspeakable Bet

To be able to have such a level in half a year is enough to see Kakashi's talent.

"Haha, that's right, but it's not my credit this time. I've been training with Tianyu for the past few days. He pointed out some of the shortcomings of the Eight Gates of Dunjia to me, and made my speed. And the strength has more than doubled compared to before, and speaking of which I can win today, it's all thanks to my disciple."

Matekai's eyes were full of pride when he talked about Tianyu.

After all, as a teacher, what you like most is to see your students surpass yourself.

And Tian Yu's strength has clearly surpassed his teacher.

This made Metkay very happy.

"It turns out to be like this, so it seems that I also need to go to Tianyu to open a small stove."

Kakashi also said with a smile.

"Okay, Tian Yu is here now, you can go find him. When your strength becomes stronger, we can continue to compete. Don't forget that you are my opponent for life."

Matekai gave Kakashibi a thumbs up as he spoke.

"no problem!"

Kakashi smiled.

Just don't know why.

Matekai's remarks reminded him of Uchiha Obito.

Kakashi still remembers when Uchiha Obito was still alive.

Seems to say the same to him.

A lifetime rival or something.

It's just a pity that Obito didn't grow up in the end.

Always stay at the age of thirteen.

Obito, now I'm looking at Konoha with your eyes,

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