If you were still alive, you would definitely smash your tongue at the current development of Konoha,

Your ideal will be inherited by someone, Naruto is very similar to you, and both want to be Hokage, and I will help him too.

In Naruto, Kakashi saw the light shining on his former best friend.

Tianyu saw the end of Kakashi and Matekai's test.

Just walked over.

"It looks like the results of the two of you have come out!"

Tian Yu smiled.

"Yes, I lost!"

Kakashi happily admitted.

The result just now is very obvious, and Kakashi is also convinced of the loss.

"Tianyu, if you can, I hope you can continue to improve the eight-door Dunjia. The power of the eight-door Dunjia is very strong, but the requirements for the ninja's physique are very strict. become a must for some people.”

"And the amount of daily training is much stronger than others. Although it can give ninjas who are not proficient in ninjutsu another way, not everyone can become Xiao Li."

Matekai looked at Tian Yu and said.

"This is no problem. Bamen Dunjia has a strong explosive power, which is very heavy on the body. If you want to popularize this part, you must change this part, but after the body's ability to withstand increases, the explosive power will definitely weaken. Time is like fish and bear's paw, you can't have both, but I will continue to improve."

"Strive to make Bamen Dunjia one of the compulsory physical arts in the future."

Tian Yu smiled.

As for the Eight Gates Dunjia Tianyu, I know it clearly.

If the final door of death can be opened, the strength will be enhanced tenfold.

As soon as that kind of power comes out, even the space can be blocked.

It can be said that if it wasn't for Madara Uchiha's body, it was the immortal body after merging the Chakra of Senju Hashirama, with a very powerful resurrection ability.

Then that kick from Matekai would almost be the end of the game.

Therefore, the practice of the Eight Gates of Dunjia is extremely important.

Think about it, if you have dozens of people who have practiced the Eight Doors of Dunjia.

Together they rush towards you with the dead door open.

At that time, no matter who you are, it is estimated that you can only give the **** to the crowd.

After all, your body might look better after you die.

People will also say that you resisted at the last minute.

rather than being killed directly.

If dozens of people have opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia, even the Otsutsugi clan will come.

Can also be dealt with.

"There's nothing wrong with this, just look at it. The eight-door Dunjia physique was invented, and it was for people to learn. If there is no successor in the future, then this physique, no matter how powerful it is, is only a Just a joke."

Matt Kay is very open-minded.

He wanted to let everyone know in his whole life that even if there are very few chakras, a ninja can learn taijutsu, which is no better than the opposite.

Just like him, he was able to defeat Kakashi, who is known as a genius, just by relying on taijutsu.


Tian Yu nodded.

"Brother Tianyu, let's go to the movies with us tonight, the latest film will be released today. Everyone said that the film is very good. I'm looking forward to it, but it's too boring to go alone. Big Brother Tianyu just Come with me."

Naruto ran over and looked at Tian Yu and smiled.


Tian Yu nodded.

He just happened to have not rested for a long time. There was an accident in Gaara in Sand Ninja Village. He was busy enough to fight one after another to deal with the Xiao organization.

Now I can finally rest for a while, of course I have to have a good time.

"That's great, after that night, can Big Brother Tianyu invite me to eat ramen, Yile Ramen has a new tomato flavor, it's super delicious,"

Naruto couldn't help but take a sip.


Tian Yu smiled helplessly.

He never had the heart to refuse Naruto.

After all, Naruto is indeed a very honest person.

If the future Konoha can be carried forward in the hands of Naruto, then.

This is also a good thing.

"Then Kakashi-sensei, goodbye Metkay-sensei."

Naruto said and pulled Tian Yu directly away.

The movie is good, it's the typical kind of movie.

The vengeful boy finally got the power, killed all his enemies, and got a new story.

It's cliche, but because the plot is not bad, so many people watch it.

But after watching it, Naruto's mood became a little bad.

"What's the matter? Wasn't it just fine just now? Why do you have such an expression now, like an eggplant hit by frost."

Tian Yu asked helplessly with the ice cream for Naruto in his hand.

"It's nothing, I just remembered Sasuke, the movie I watched today and Sasuke's story, it really seems like, it's a pity that the protagonist in the last movie had a good ending, but Sasuke did, and I remembered it. Sasuke seems to be He likes tomato the most, and if he is still in Konoha, I will definitely invite him to eat the new product of Ichile Ramen, but it is a pity."

Naruto was a little worried.

Chapter 318 The Selection of Anbu

"You, don't think about these things. Sasuke is living a good life now, and it will never be the same as in the movie. I heard from Orochimaru that Sasuke is training hard recently, thinking about how to be in the future. If you beat you in the chunin competition to become chunin, you have to work hard recently, otherwise, if you lose to Sasuke in the competition, Jirai will also trouble you at that time."

Tian Yu looked at Naruto and said with a smile.

"Okay, Se Xianren, what does this have to do with him?"

Naruto was confused.

He didn't understand why Jiraiya would trouble him if he lost to Sasuke.

Do you think he has lost his face?

To be honest, that guy from Jiraiya is often found and kicked out because he went to villages all over the world to collect materials.

The face must have been lost long ago.

Besides... well, Se Xianren, does he really have a so-called face?

"Naturally, I also made a bet with Orochimaru, saying that you will definitely win this time. The bet is to be a bull and a horse for the other party for a month, and within a month, no matter what the other party says, you must agree, and you must serve him like a master. , pour tea and water, squeeze your waist and beat your back, do everything!"

"So you can imagine what kind of expression Zilai will have if you lose."

Tian Yu smiled.


Hearing this, Naruto couldn't help but come to his mind that Jiraiya was dressed as a maid and servant, serving tea and pouring water, calling out to the master of Orochimaru.

There was an instant shiver.

"Ah, that's really a bad picture, go away quickly!"

Naruto shook his head, trying to throw the picture out.

"I will definitely try my best!"

Naruto cheered up.

My heart became more determined to defeat Sasuke.

After all, having Jiraiya also wear a maid, a maid outfit or something, is really a bit inconsiderate.

But Naruto didn't think about it.

If Jiraiya also wins, it means that Orochimaru is probably the one wearing the maid and servant costume.

Orochimaru's appearance, dressed as a maid and a servant.

It always feels more perverted than Jiraiya.

After sending Naruto home, Tian Yu also returned home.

Day two.

Naruto Office.

"Sir Tsunade. This is the person selected this time. Although these people are not the strongest, they cooperate with each other and can exert a strong force. In terms of cooperation, I believe that only after a period of running-in. , you will definitely be able to play the role of Anbu.”

Mute several ninja materials and put them in front of Tsunade, and then said with a smile.

"Well, judging from these materials, they are really good, have you checked their backgrounds? I received news that among the group of people we selected, spies from the roots were mixed in, and they wanted to help Shimura. To get revenge, Danzo must be checked carefully, otherwise there will be endless troubles.”

After Tsunade checked the information, he couldn't help but said to Mute.

The selected dark part.

They must be absolutely loyal to Hokage. If they have ghosts, the safety of Hokage is likely to be in trouble.

When Sarutobi Hizan was still Konoha's third Hokage, Danzo almost filled Anbu with spies.

Those so-called Anbu being by Hokage's side is not protecting people's safety at all, but rather like surveillance.

So this time, if Anbu's selection is carried out again, they must find out their background, and must not let the spies arranged by each family infiltrate.

"Well, I have basically screened these people, all of them were born in the commoners, and they have never been involved in various families. The only two of them, one was born in the Sun Xiang family, and the other spoke out from the Nara family. I have also investigated their backgrounds, and there is no problem, or they are too well hidden, and I have not been able to find them."

Silent voice.

"Well, that would be troublesome."

Tsunade heard what Mute said and nodded, Tsunade felt relieved when Mute did things, but even Mute was unable to find out the hidden spies in Anbu, one can imagine how well they concealed.


Tsunade was just about to make a decision when Tian Yu pushed open the door and walked in.

"Tianyu, you are finally here."

Tsunade saw Tian Yu coming.

Immediately laughed.

Looking at Tsunade's expression, Tian Yu suddenly felt a chill behind her.

"What's wrong?"

Tian Yu asked with a smile.

"Come and take a look, this is Anbu's selection list. You also know that after Danzo was killed that year, the people at the root left directly. Although the film was sent out to hunt down, they were all hidden, very It's hard to find, and now, among the Anbu we have selected, one or a few of them are hidden in this Anbu selection. They are people from the root. , will have some impact.”

"That's not a good thing for us."

Tsunade looked at Tian Yudao.

"Really, if that's the case, it's actually very simple. It only takes a simple test to find out their identities."

Tian Yu said with a smile.

"You mean, fake news!"

Tsunade is indeed one of the three ninjas.

He soon understood what Tian Yu meant.

"Yes, I believe that the root people who are hiding outside the village should not know yet. We have already learned their identities, so we can put a fake news out. Danzang's death was influenced by me, so I think The person they want to kill the most should also be me, as long as I take those people away from Konoha."

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